Making a poll.
Will the French accept this bullshit 6 month suspension on their tax? Or will they keep revolting against the new order?
Making a poll.
Will the French accept this bullshit 6 month suspension on their tax? Or will they keep revolting against the new order?
if they stop, macron will just reintroduce the fuel tax without much publicity 6 months later
Keep revolting until WW3 with our Iranians friends
They'll also add a few extra costs to make up for the losses, too.
Based and baguette-pilled.
Well, looks like optimism has taken the lead.
the idea that they are rioting over gas prices is just a cope from the media, the french are rioting because they are ruled over by anti-white bureaucrats and it reached a tipping point
Can't get called racist if you say it's over gas prices.
How long till Reign of Terror 2.0?
Everyone will go home
It won’t let me vote. Trying to say yea they are silly
I bet the police start getting extra heavy handed to spur everyone on. They want this to spread
It seems that French people just decide to riot every five or ten years over issues that nobody else can comprehend, and except for that one time in 1789, nothing actually changes.
Is the poll for frenchies or can do you want anybody's opinion?
They're on their 5th republic in the same amount of time that we've gone through, let me count, one
>democratically elected
>people knew full well his environmental plans
>minor tax increase on gas
>people chimping out worse than niggers
The whole world has gone fucking retarded. Both the french protesters and the mentally deficient retards on this board who support this behavior are signs of the end of western civilization.
>memeflag gommunist playing the "democratically elected" card
the thing about being retarded is that when you are you're completely incapable of recognizing it in others
They rejected it
It will become quiet for a while, then start again.
Vive la revolution
According to polls on twitter 93% of the population is against this suspension and want to continue fighting to get Macron's resignation