Military or college please help
I don't know what to pick
Military or college please help
College and ROTC, then you do military as an officer.
Do you want to serve your country or think you're good enough to have a decent career one day besides serving the armed forces? Depends what you're into.
Why not do both? You can do the military and take college courses to your degree at the same time.
If you post on Jow Forums, you probably have a high amount of openness and introversion and might be slightly prone to depression.
You will absolutely detest the military.
just go to college.
Since he's considering the choice like this he's probably a pleb. The military can be thought of as the pleb exploitation and rehousing service. While neither option is right for him, the military is the path of least resistance.
>If you post on Jow Forums, you probably have a high amount of openness and introversion and might be slightly prone to depression.
>You will absolutely detest the military.
>just go to college.
College is a waste of time unless you are going to major in some real subject - engineering, computer science, accounting, etc.
If you don't know what job you're going to get when you graduate and about how much money you can expect to be making then college is a waste of your time and money.
The military is about responsibility, following instructions, and learning to take care of yourself in the real world. That's the stuff you're going to need in life.
If you're high in openness and introversion you need to get a little less open and a little less introverted to survive in the world. You can read stories all day long on Jow Forums from losers who went off to college and proceeded to exactly the opposite of that. They don't know what they're doing, where they're going , and they typically have worthless degrees that serve no purpose at all.
If you have any smarts at all, the military is going to love you. There are LOTS of jobs in the military that require smart people, and not so many smart people signing up as enlisted guys.
If you're pretty smart you could end up going to translator school and learn a language. Or be put into cryptography, or loads of other technical areas. If you're not as smart you could just learn any trade you'd care to name. The military uses them all. Plus, and this is a big plus, if you stay in for 20 years you get a pension and medical benefits when you retire.
People like to put the military down. It is not easy, especially at first, but it is a secure job with good opportunities that can give you good training.
Now I'm done with my little speech. I'll let others talk about how it's immoral, or you might get your ass shot off, or how it's rigid or whatever. Keep in mind that these are mostly people who were never in the military
In all honesty, if you have no hesitation about the military, I would go. You'll get paid, veteran benefits, and the GI Bill.
Just don't do multiple terms, and pray you don't end up in some shithole running around playing guns with a bunch of muslim teenagers.
Only go to college if it is free.
college. choose your major with common sense and hopefully some foresight into what you’ll want to do as an adult.
alternatively you could learn a trade. then you wouldn’t be in $100,000 debt or owe your wellbeing to the federal government.
Military while you think about what you want to do with your life. Nothing worse then accumulating debt for a couple of years before you realize that you want to change your path.
Why americans love military so much? Going to military would be literally the last thing I would ever contemplate doing in my life.
Americans are impatient and live in a highly capitalistic/relatively warlike culture. The ones in the North also really like thier overly powerful federal government.
Ignoring the fact that America has pretty much worshiped the military since the beginning, the military historically has been seen as the thing you do when you can't find work or can't go to college. That's changed recently but most young men keep the option in the back of their heads. Plus after 9/11 veterans have been promised some pretty sweet benefits, even though historically the federal government has been pretty good at fucking veterans out of their benefits in the past.
It's better then cleaning or elderly care, or fucking call centres
ppl sure love their false dichotomies and lack of creativity
or maybe theyre like me and grew up in some depressing place that does nothing for young people, in which case they should move.
The military is not shit. Join the ai force. And you'll be glad you did. You won't be flying planes. You'll be sitting on your ass somewhere or maybe even cooking depends what job they give you. Do it and never look back. I tried to join but they wouldn't let me because medical history. Fuck college . Go to college for free after the military.
America is the descendant of the Roman Empire. It loves to send people to fight wars in other countries, and when you have served your time you get your benefits, whether that be a plot of land or federal money.
I never said that there's nothing better then the military, I just pointed out that
>Going to military would be literally the last thing I would ever contemplate doing in my life.
is pretty extreme
>they should move
I'm assuming you're European. Moving in the US isn't nearly as simple. The first roadblock is that distances in the US are much larger because the US is gigantic. The 2nd is that the US doesn't have as many social safety nets as European countries tend to have. You can make it by up and moving if you have a partner to share the burden of rent with, live in the shittiest of neighborhoods, or land a job, but most of the time that just isn't practical.
>get in debt
>live on campus, and at "home"
>minimal work experience, or none at all
>minimal paychecks at best, but still earning $$
>able to pay off more debt you invested in and buy shit you don't need
>get slightly above menial pay
>live "at home" cause rent is free or cheap
>very little or no work experience at all
>become more of a badass earlier on making everything easier
do which will help you more in the long run.
Do military. If you are driven to learn they'll help you do it. I'm gonna compare my situation to my friend's just to give an example.
>We finish at the same highschool, similar grades
>I go to prestigious school, he joins marines
>Finish flat broke and in debt
>He finishes his tours with something like 60 grand usd
>he buys a car, puts down payment on a house
>I can barely pay rent/bills
>He was trained to repair planes while in service
>He continues going to school for it after getting home.
>Two years later he's being offered jobs that pay nearly six figures
>Two years later for me, i'm still not working in my degree field and I make 15 dollars an hour which is barely enough for bills.
Go to the military. People shit on it, but it's a pretty great way to get yourself started on good financial footing. Just try to go for something higher up than Army infantry.
If you like doing what you're told, and have no qualms about killing people for money, then definitely the military.
Not OP but i'm from Canada and i want to join the military here. I'm 18 and not graduating HS and my parents are shocked (i have no idea why they are shocked, its cause of them im behind in credits)
Should i get a job then move out or should i go to the military? I just hate them a lot and i just want to move out asap.
This. My father chose this path. 25 years service. Retired colonel. He set our family on a solid life path. I will always love and respect that kind of strength and dedication
If you don’t know which to pick then I can already tell the military isn’t for you
college > military, become officer
military > college, pursue dream job
there are stories of success and failure both ways.
you can also do military > college while in military > green-to-gold
>alternatively you could learn a trade. then you wouldn’t be in $100,000 debt or owe your wellbeing to the federal government.
Yeah, you could be learning a trade in the military, getting paid for it, and gaining all important status as a military veteran.
This is not something to be glossed over. As a veteran you'll have 5 - 10 pt preference for all the cushy jobs in state, local, and federal government. Those would be the jobs that have pensions, maybe the last jobs in the US that have pensions.
military is not bad but wait on the job you want dont get dicked by a recruiter.