Pussy covering tsttoo

Totally would solve my pjssy shape issues.

Attached: Screenshot_20180512-075558.png (720x1280, 357K)

cool, so?

Don't think I could do jt

It would ruin my chances of ever being respected by my male partner would never have a family and do on

So on**

Whatever your cunt looks like i assure you your insecurities are your own, your man likes it how it is

>It would ruin my chances of ever being respected by my male partner

you're literally getting a tattoo to hide something about your vagina. and you're surprised guys won't trust you? lmao.

giving off that "i'm a trashy slut AND have something to hide right on my genitals" is pretty much STD red alert

Show your pussy.

I don't think a lot of men give a shit about your pussy shape
I mean unless it is unpleasurable to stick a dick inside, men wouldn't even care how a pussy looks!

did the "roasty" talk get to you or why are you insecure about it?

Op is a faggot

First of all I am not a slut and even if I chose to sleep with a random guy that's my business. Anyways I would like to get the tattoo because it would one hide my insecurity and 2 it would look pretty but knowing how the male mind works I'm a bit concern with how my partner would look at me from this point on. For example I got a tight tattoo a while back and I have gotten a negative response for people even family male family members to be exact. However my point is this tat would be bidding for my eyes only but in the long run if I want a serious relationship I don't think in would be respect and I do.

white pussy is white pussy, don't give a fuck if a clown face was down there, my face ain't getting near your pussy

Idk cuz it's chubby and fluffy I wish it was slim and I wish I had those beef curtains lol

No you are actually a slut. It may be your business that you're a slut, but you're a slut none the less. Additionally you just made your business our business by telling us, so take that for what you will.

What do u mean
I don't think I'm that fat but I'm not skinny.


If your pussy is chubby then you're fat. You should work on your self esteem instead of putting your energy into sex.

Exactly the tattoo equals higher self-esteem cuz I'll feel better about my pussy

I don't eat pussy but I don't turn down white pussy. You fat, I'll still hit it and don't worry I won't stay around. Most of you white bitches bend over and back it up anyway.

Why u steriotyping me.What makes u think I'm white

He's just racist. Everyone non white is racist lately

Im hispanic in caze ur wondering

And you were offended enough when he called you white to feel the need to defend yourself and say you aren't. You're probably anti white racist. Most non whites are.

Whatever jerks

I was not offended but he did stereotype me. I dated a white by once actually I think I'm still in love with him so I that i think makes me non racist. I just don't like or feel sexually attracted to black guys

Nothing personal just that's the way it is for me

your pic is white and all those hearts and shit on the tattoo is shit white girls do

I used it as an example u dummy it's not me and no I don't expect it to look like that not do I expected to be white it was just a dam idea

fuck, if you are a brown girl then all your hispanic boys will laugh their ass off at that intricate, lacy ink. if you are lite and fat you act like white bitches

I think the judgment even if unfair is understandable. If someone dating you sees a pussy tattoo they can come to the conclusion you let a complete stranger see and touch your pussy and you went so far as to have a needle all over it. It can be easy to label someone a freak or a slut if they do that.

whats funny is if the girl is from the islands she's got black in her already.

Now I give her most mexicans don't want their home boys to know they fuck me


>I'm still in love with him
then go ask your white boy what he thinks of pussy ink