As a counter thread to the other retarded thread, post pictures of Pakistani women.
Most of our women are sweet, nice, and loyal. Literally the best women in the world.
As a counter thread to the other retarded thread, post pictures of Pakistani women.
Most of our women are sweet, nice, and loyal. Literally the best women in the world.
>the smell
I'd fight all these women
is it true that the women who are lighter skinned i.e. those of afghan origin, are considered more beautiful in pakistani society ?
she was iranian iirc
also i believe she was killed for exposing the truth of bin laden
strange how a former PM of pakistan on national television makes a claim that Bin laden actually died of kidney failure in 2002-2004 and then later she was assassinated
How often did she shit her pants?
i have heard that PM musharraf killed her as she was going to win the election or that even her husband killed her so he could take over the party
her husband used his wifes assassination as an election platform and became PM. he was called mr ten per cent as he took 10 per cent off all public money and placed it in his pockets
Is this the one that says blasphemers should be hanged immediately?
I mean if they’re from Pakistan then they’re Pakistani. I don’t know what’s the point in pointing out if they’re from Iranian or Afghan origins originally. Most Pakistanis are, would just be considered Pakistani now regardless of where their ancestors are from.
she is indian
Was her name Bhuto?
That’s a poo.
yeah benazir bhutto, she was exiled for a long time but i forget why
i believe her dad was assassinated by a former general turned PM who blew him up in an airplane bomb
based, Maryam Nawaz is hot af ngl
Gotcha. Brown girls like these always have really dark buttholes
> smell
Lol fuck off. Pakistani people have to wash themselves five times a day and don’t dry their asses off with toilet paper like you. You’re the unhygienic one.
Pakistanis use water. Based.
The Paki Amber Heard
top tier facial genetics
Boooo kill yourself
quality heeramandi materiel ITT, i will try some of them
ok burger you first
How has this board united Pakis and Pajeets lmao
lmao poor women
Paki women stink like shit
Ok burger