If we have learned anything from the Gilet Juane protests is that action is VERY effective
If those of us in America are willing to organize we can have something on a the same scale if not larger. I'm sick and tired of sitting behind this fucking keyboard when every day our lives become worse and we suffer. I'm ready to get out there and take true action. Are you?
I mean, are you just proposing a call for wanton violence and property destruction? Or is there some specific thing you're wanting to publicly protest?
I wouldn't think it was wrong of you to propose the former, but you won't get very high participation from people because they won't want to be associated with any sort of movement whose entire philosophical core is burn shit beat cops.
Easton Campbell
>he thinks im flying to DC to get sprayed by a hose I would be willing to do it if i didnt have to travel more than 30 miles
Nathan Hernandez
>"What do we want?" >"WHATEVER WE WANT!" >"When do we want it!" >"NOW!!"
Jonathan Roberts
Furthermore, All these idiots do is find a very specific case of people doing stupid things or being degenerate and try to sell it as a microcosm for an entire group or race of people. This board stopped trying to solve problems along time ago.
Juan Johnson
The crypto-Nazi shit won’t work, ever.
Carter Rivera
says the lgbt meme flag. You are killing our country.
Brody Bailey
It's ok, his supervisor's got him covered.
Benjamin Powell
>starting/organizing protest >in the winter months
About fucking time you all got off your asses and actually did something while your enemy is growing all around you using all the tactics they possible can to beat you. Get the fuck up and get shit done already! Bunch of god damn slack jawed faggots
Brandon Clark
> Gilet Juane > DE NADA
also nice try fbi
Oliver Gray
Could someone photoshop a yellow vest on pic related? Please
Or are you talking about protesting imaginary "Nazis" that aren't even there?
Elijah Johnson
But the Soviet Union collapsed regardless?
David Williams
nothing lasts forever
Blake Stewart
>If those of us in America are willing to organize we can have something on a the same scale if not larger. You don't have Murican embassies on your soil.
Andrew Diaz
Ha ha nice try FBI you wont see me out actually doing anything that poses the threat to the elite!
The number of people in my generation (I'm 30, so I guess I'm technically a millennial) who unironically believe this is stupefying. Even coworkers whom I normally respect for their intelligence (not all, but most) just shrug their shoulders and say "Who cares? It doesn't affect my life." When the tax cut went into effect in January, the payroll office was INUNDATED with people who were panicking because their check was TOO HIGH (I assume they were worried they'd have to pay it back). They all unironically believed the media bullshit that the tax cuts were going to raise their fucking taxes. So they simultaneously believe nothing affects them and believe that they are going to be fucked, even when presented evidence to the contrary.
Brandon Ward
They go along blindly not realizing the American Dream was a thing once. The early generations were able to improve their quality of life thru hard work and dedication to things like family, God and country. Now, the amount of money you make determines the amount they take and they take enough to keep your standard of living about the same as someone in the lower class who isn't as dedicated as you may be.
Leo Morgan
Lucas Gutierrez
What is manufactured outrage?
Asher Richardson
>American white men >Action
Choose one. The only thing white american men care about are their video games, pointless hobbies, and frivolous entertainment, like sportsball. The most angry I've ever seen american white men get is when someone culturally enriches Star Wars or Battlefield, or some basketball american kneels at a handegg game.
We won't do anything. We are already Brazil light and getting browner by the day. Guns are pointless. We'll never use them.
tldr: white men don't want to be lead; that would require them following orders and not pretending each and every one of them is the next Napolean. What american white men want is for someone to fix all their problems so they can continue on with their degeneracy.
if we have a similar protest here in USA, the shills will just call it a soros-funded color revolution. thus, the only logical option is to parade in the streets NAKED as a show of force. don't bring any weapons. just do NoFap, build muscle and strut our nude fascist bodies as a start. for the fire to rise, it must first be lit and Jow Forums.
daily reminder your skin color is already your uniform.
Dominic Cruz
>race with a future >they base their aesthetics and economy on white euro example
Benjamin Brooks
everybody posting here is on a list, friendo.
Dominic Carter
Yeah, because you're under the false assumption majority likes Nazis.
Communist or Nazi, you'll all end up dead if you try something.
Daniel Bell
the main thing chinks/gooks have over whites is that they lack white guilt, whereas whites are constantly brow-beaten by their kike media/finance masters to feel guilty about MUH SLAVERY and MUH WHITE GUILT.
so i partially agree that chink/gook/east euro slavs will survive the coming collapse as they are more racist and are allowed to be racist. for ever 1000 weak azn male you good goys mock, there's at least 1 extremely violent vietcong-tier gook ready to go the distance.
Jayden Watson
we're on the cnn list of incels, and the cia list of badgoys
Evan Roberts
*for every
Matthew Hughes
pfft nice work but the tits will dissuade normies from posting it.
We are being presented with 2 options. Soft tyranny and hard tyranny. Any action taken outside of that mandate for white men would only lead to jail time or death.
Hate to break it to you user, over half of us here are nat soc or fash. We see no unionson with any who are not and so does our opposition. The only reason yellow jackets riots are so successful is because all the population of France is in agreement that the elites are fucking them over and the fuel hikes are bullshit, so they set aside their differences and revolt.
Americans, we have two problems.
Fucking niggers who will only chimp out over muh police brutality.
Commies who hate everyone who isn’t them and hate border and don’t care for economy or health.
The only thing we have over Europe in chaos is a potential race war.
Just for the record, race traitors bite the bullet first.
More posters, we need something just as big as IOKTBW. We have had more than a year to learn from Charlottesville. Let's stop being a bunch of cowards and get out there and protest.
Everyone on here would have a different reason to be protesting in the US. No one would be unified under any one cause. It would fail fast. Plus trump is in charge. So the idea you would destroy American streets to voice your support for the wall just makes no sense. Its not like Trump is holding up its funding. The reason it works in France is everyone on both sides can unify on a cause. The gas tax. Also Macron is just an overall giant faggot.
Jason Barnes
We can unite against Wall Street and the 1%. It's clear that Trump is just another neocon kike puppet.
Ethan Hughes
>implying anyone on Jow Forums would actually put down their Dorito bags and go outside.
We have gone ape crazy for 4bilions in taxes. Your gov send 40billion to israel for free.Nobody gives a shit. Kek
Adam Kelly
You have no idea what you don't know. A similar protest in America would suffer an immediate crack down that no one would ever hear about it because the MSM would demonize the protesters and the "Alternative Media" Would only reach the organizers and the protesters themselves. Also, this
Andrew Turner
america is too big and divided to protest like this, it would take a rightwing soros to fund it same problem in mexico, we're too divided, Balcanization is inevitalbe
Ryder Gray
>Projecting this hard Sad
Nolan Jackson
Yeah and then all of us and our hippie friends can hold up in parks across the country and do drugs in tents like the last 1% wall street protests
Nathan Nguyen
California, or at least in LA and the gay area, is more French than France so no we will happily bend over for more taxes. Tax our straws and toilet paper please
Joseph Ramirez
Yes, go out and destroy what you see, it will surely make your life better.
Juan Flores
Yeah, the american public likes to see their own getting killed. At home, abroad, wherever. As long as you kill americans you are popular in the us.
Adam Ward
Just put on a yellow vest and go walk around the nearest city this weekend (that's not a crime). If you see other people walking around with yellow vests, just join them. Try to concentrate in open tourist areas, like circles or squares
Gavin Kelly
You don't deserve those digits. Let them go smoke weed in their tents, its better than them humiliating us on camera. We need the initial numbers to make a scene, we need them. You know the media is going to choose angles that make it look like nobody has come to our protest, we need numbers.