Turn em in.
Trump bans bumpstocks
Caleb Cook
Mason Jenkins
>90 days to turn them in
Nicholas Cox
why would i own a literal meme?
Lincoln Fisher
hope you stocked up pol
someone needs to take this to supreme court
should we crowdfund this?
Owen Bennett
The superior BLACK MAN won't turn in anything.
Kys wh*toids
Jeremiah Moore
Kayden Ortiz
>NYC "republican" bans a scary 'salt weapon accessory
Wow, I'm so shocked. Anyone who thinks he favors personal liberty is a fucking idiot
Adam Stewart
Trump owns the Supreme Court. They will side with him, and open the flood gates to future politicians intrepreting the NFA however they want. They dont need a law banning AR15s now, they just need to label them machine guns.
Aiden Scott
We're still win-
Wait what?
Carson Wright