Is this a bad profile description? I want to be as honest as possible...

Is this a bad profile description? I want to be as honest as possible, but I don't want to come off as moody or desperate.

Attached: Screenshot_20180512-224229.png (1080x1920, 253K)

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You need to take a more professional tone, if this is meant for a job interview of any kind.

Choice of language is also something you may want to consider. For example: "I like computer stuff" this is a very general statement. If this is for Facebook or something, then it is cool.

I should of mentioned, this is OkCupid

Drop all the political shit.

Is it that bad? I really don't like those swipe left for Trump bitches.

The political stuff makes you sound like a prick.

Because it sounds prickish. You’re trying to meet a girl and enjoy yourself getting to know her, not dive into politics. If the girl starts on politics, of course, just unmatch/ghost. No need to make a big show of it on your end.

Eat shit

lol noted, it does look pretty temperament.
And what is your stance?

Hey, if you can recognize it and take it on board, you’re a far better man than most guys around here. And I’m being serious.

Your profile description is so bad I'd toss my phone in a river. You sound Un. Bear. Able.

Depends on the test. Politicalcompass is a meme that puts virtually everyone in the bottom left--I got there too on account of my environmentalism. This was a differently weighted test.

Attached: download.png (1233x777, 123K)

You should write positive things about yourself.
You are giving so many reasons not to date you in that wall of text.
The Dreamcast joke is not funny.

It's actually pretty lame, start over and do not post anything related to education, work or politics. If you have nothing else to talk about get more hobbies first.

Attached: 1521769854437.jpg (500x375, 57K)

At minimum, Remove everything after sega Dreamcast

You're already whining about inconsequential shit in your OKCupid profile.
>*Please* don't expect me to lead conversations
>I hate close minded people!!!
You sound like simultaneously the most boring and frustrating person to spend time around

I want to address that I have bad social anxiety indirectly. Should I just pretend I don't? The political stuff is gone now tho.

Is it okay to mention that I just bought one though? I'm really excited about it.

Depends. Do you want a girlfriend?

>going on about social anxiety in a dating profile
HOW ABOUT NO. Treat it like a cover letter. Don’t undercut yourself or make yourself sound obsessed with mental health shit.
>Is it okay to mention that I just bought one though? I'm really excited about it.
Talk about something more generalized in your dating profile.

I think that you need to do a little revision. I agree with other Anons, leave the politics out of it. You may just want to stick to description about you. Where you are from, what it is you do, what kind of relationship you are looking for.


Then try not being so terrible. If not that at least trick girls into thinking you're not terrible and then roll it out slowly later on.

That screams hipster

What's the typical example of something that would be more generalized? Again I really see playing burnt pirsted ISO Dreamcast games and drinking beer as the perfect date, but I'm so out of the loop idk.

Honestly, the things you expressed were fundamentally unattractive. It wasn't the way you expressed them. I think your problem runs a little deeper than just how to make yourself seem attractive. I think you may need to actually become attractive.

Ionly have 5 good friends and just got out of college with some emotional issues. When I go on dating sites I feel as if I'm putting on a show. So what can u do to improve my personality?

Continued, I'm really starving for attention I only had one relationship my freshman year with a girl with BPD and haven't had anything serious since.

I was 20 then, now I'm 23 and an erratic mess.

I'd recommend getting some therapy. Your profile comes across as extremely aggressive. I've never met you and just from reading your profile I got a strong whiff of desperation/anger issues. I think until you fix those things people are always going to be able to pick up on them.

Attached: numale.webm (1280x720, 241K)

Is there anything aggressive outside of the political content?

Dude, you sound pissed as fuck. Are you also 5'5" and totally obese. After the programming stuff talk about how you like it when girls are this or girls are that so girls have a clue as to how to approach you if they want you to know they like you.
Opinions matter but this is dating not the date.
Also try to add in there that while video games are great and cool, the only thing you really care about is that you land a date and not someone to compliment you on your collection. Video gamers are cuck central and you want to keep the one you pick, not try and try again on the hottest pick you could find.
Pun naturally intended.

>I didn't vote for Trump
>I'm a slight left lib-

Why would you ever put that on a dating profile, or any profile for that matter?

Alright here's an update. I want to mention that I'm only attracted to fat chicks, but idk how to do that.

Attached: Screenshot_20180513-022457.png (1080x1920, 207K)

>expecting a girl to cook for your approval
check out this fucking shitlord

I don't recall saying I expect it, just that it's a plus.

For the love of Christ stfu about your Dreamcast literally nobody (especially female fags) gives a damn about your fucking Dreamcast

Alright, Dreamcast gone.

Still happy I bought a dreamcast with my graduation money today

Just a shitpost, pay it no heed.

In all seriousness, though, this is definitely better.
If it were up to me, I would phrase the "don't mind deep conversations" in a way that also gets across your relative dislike of small talk--maybe put something like "I don't talk too much, but when something really matters to me or gets my attention, I can delve right into it". It's fine as is, I'm just making a suggestion.
Take this with a grain of salt, though. As people will tell you, I've never dated.

Also, it should be "you've pretty much won," not just "you"

Bro, real shit, and I genuinely want you succeeded.

Its pure hot steamy shit.

Firstly, toss out everything that is negative. No complaints.

Secondly these aren’t really about you, just weird shit that you’re into.

Talk about shit like your goals and ambitions and where you want to be in five years and what kind of parter you feel would best suit you at this point in your life.

Even if you suck at leading any aspect of a relationship with a lady, never fucking admit it, ever, under any circumstance.

Post update.

Attached: Screenshot_20180513-024047.png (1080x1920, 191K)

Much better. Take some advice from the others too because I'm not all-knowing

Lets revamp a bit more. Never use the word stuff in a situation like this.

“I’m looking for a lady that is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, true love is when you fall in love with the mind.”

“Im really into spicy food, dont be surprised if we end up downtown at a tacostand in our first date.”

Dont admit that tou dont have a job right off the bat. The equivalent would be a woman mentioning she doesnt have sex.

Girls don't care what you do when you're alone, they want to know what you could do together.

Don't describe how you can't relate to people, focus on the ways you can.

Put something interesting you like, some movies you like, some music artists you like. Give the visitor a chance to sample your taste on Spotify/whatever.

Also it's nice to describe your relationship with drugs/alcohol since that's important to a lot of people.

Attached: 1514664406576-1.jpg (750x732, 75K)

That part above the dreamcast 'joke' is ok-ish if you're really looking for another nerdy person, maybe try to include something else you enjoy outside of compsci/gaming if you have any other hobbies or interests, music/singing is a good start.

It's ok to have social anxiety, a lot of people on dating apps do.
Don't mention it in your about me section, it reads like "I'm not going to make the effort to start or keep conversations going so it is all on you to do the hard work"
If you have social anxiety it is your chance to work on overcoming it, if you feel like you're having trouble and they have noticed or said something about it then you bring it up.

Never put politics or religion in a dating profile, it's just never a good idea to engage that conversation like that.

you dont come off as desperate
>>you come off as someone who hasnt left their bedroom since they were 13.

be a good idea if you changed it.
>>leave out your political beliefs/religeon if you like having sex. save it for down the road when you know each other a little better.

leave off being a vid game nerd too. most girls hate that. you are giving them too much infomation to reject you with geddit?

The funny thing is I don't even like video games anymore. I just put it in because that's all I ever see the girls I like talk about

Aye up OP, Britbong here

I recently decided to try out dating apps after reading this:

My degree is economics, but after reading it, I tried to make myself sound hilarious in order to garner attention

The lasses in the UK are a bit more relaxed than the American's. God, I love European apathetic nature.

In regards to your bio, it's not about you prefer sé, it's about making yourself sound interesting to other potential dates.

Dating profiles have other sections to put stuff like education/height/weight/age/interests. Your profile seems messy although it's great because of its honesty.

You mention your introverted, did you consider if that was something worth mentioning? It can already be learnt from your interest and degree specialisation.

Plus, nearly every female profile writes something of 'I am ______, but once you know me I can talk forever' which just sound like their best friend gave them the nod when they wrote that.

Here's my bio: ' I'm a local champion at competitive urinal pissing and I always try to compete with other locals on nights out at the local boozer.

My favourite book is The Hungry Caterpillar because it shows that despite the added weight from comfort eating, we can still become something beautiful'

It's silly, immature but somewhat humorous. I wasn't intending to set a serious tone for potential dates (all the UK girls are trash, the European girls are way better since they actually finish college) so I try to set the initial conversation from there.

And drop the political stance. It doesn't need to be mentioned and it reeks of virtue signalling.

that pervasive reddit spacing though. fuck off.

> Please do not expect me to lead conversations
So why would I want to date someone who can't even do basic daily human stuff?
And then they complain about having no gf...

>Drop carriage is illegal on Jow Forums
Neck yourself lad

>I have a Dreamcast
Nice meme! I think I have that meme saved on my computer from a /b/ thread many years back. Surely this meme will resonate with a new partner (:^

Unfortunately, I think we're one of the few ppl that know that joke. Only a true love would understand, and I don't think the others make the cut :'(

Bad news is better delivered in person. This whole profile will prevent you from talking in person, as it's all bad news. Delete everything and go with something simple.

it's good, but try to make some parts emotionally lighter. let them know you're someone who's fun.

also, your writing sounds a bit like "*record scratch* you're probably wondering how I got here."

but all in all I like it

>delete everything
you're pretty sure of the quality of your advice