How do you find record of suicidal attempts about someone online?
My gf (online relationship, no judgement please I know i'm pretty gay) disappeared like 2 weeks ago only to come back a week later telling me she flipped out and was at the hospital.
She's not been connected for 2 days, and i'm afraid she did the same shit again. What could I do to find out if she actually tried again or if she just broke her phone or some bullshit like that
There's no online records about recent suicide attempts so I don't know what to do. And obituaries website take a really long time to update.
How do you find record of suicidal attempts about someone online?
Oh, I have her full name, age, state and city so I'm not completely in the dark.
I doubt that there is a website that releases information about patients mental health to the public. Your best bet would be to either move in with the person to monitor them or, establish a sure way that you can contact them.
There is the possibility that this is just a cry for attention. I don't know what the medical history of this person is, but I can say that her not telling you much is suggestive of a liar (based on own personal experience)
Also from the sound of it, is this a LDR?
>How do you find record of suicidal attempts about someone online?
lol you think hospitals keep confidential medical records available online for anyone to look up?
There's no public record of this. If she actually died, then you might be able to find out about it.
No, she went through very rough shit (she was raped as a child) and she never got over it, i'm trying to slowly help her get better.
She's not lying about this shit, she has court ordered and mandatory therapy practically everyday
I'm just scared for her and i'd like to move in with her, but this is ldr, and both of us are nowhere near finished with our studies, we're planning to see each others during vacations in about a year or so.
She's just fucking perfect and i'm nowhere near delusional. She's an amazing person, and honestly, she's the only reason I'm still alive.
I know this sounds like i'm incredibly delusional, but I swear to god i'm not. Not with anxiety problems.
I don't know man i'm just scared as fuck.
She doesn't use facebook either so it's not like I can check her family's posts
Well, shit. Any website that has all the recent deaths? Because the only one i found was obituaries website, and these are not the fastest
I'm honestly not sure. I get the feeling that it could be as simple as contacting the county health department in the jurisdiction where your gf lives and asking what the process for death certificates would be. But that's all I can figure. I know you can't exactly get info out of hospitals anymore.
Well shit, that is utter suck.
Guess I'll have to spend an entire week in the dark, fucking hell
OK, I know that you are scared right now, and I am sure that "scared" is an understatement. But the best thing for you to do right now is to remain calm.
Contact any of her friends or family that might be able to try and get a hold of her. If you don't know any of her friends and family then you can try and contact the police in the city that she lives in and explain the situation to them, granted they will ask for her address and phone number, things like that.
Before you do any of this though you really need to take a step back from the situation so that you can think as logically as you can. Take a cool shower, or take a short nap
> She's just fucking perfect and i'm nowhere near delusional. She's an amazing person, and honestly, she's the only reason I'm still alive.
Statements like these lead me to believe that you are a little emotionally compromised.
Good luck, user
Thanks a lot user, I'll do that.
Kinda having an anxiety attack right now so it's why.
I will say that there should be SOME county health authority or coroner or state agency where at least a preliminary death cert, if she has died (and was found and identified), would have to be filed within a certain period after the death. For instance, in Georgia, the time limit is 10 days. I wouldn't be surprised if most states were like that. So... yeah. Unless she died in a hospital, probably not a useful option for the short-term.
Sorry man, wish I could be more helpful.
Is fine, thanks a lot for the help.
>ran off for 2 weeks
>comes back saying "I was hospitalized"
lel beta! She was fucking other dudes and tricked you into sympathizing with her slutty self. If anything she's lying to you so you won't commit suicde.
she was away for an entire week, which matches actual hospitalization times, as she came back on phone as soon as she was out.
We didn't have any argument, and she's too shy and socially awkward (like I am) to find someone else, plus she really can't bear sex.
She's also prone to be very suicidal when she flips out and has nervous breakdowns, and she actually has therapy practically every day. court ordered.
seriously, she sucks at interacting with other people. When we found out we were both in love with eachother, the conversation was such a spaghetti fest, probably around the output of italia's spaghetti production was created on that day.
And, as I said, she was raped, and still hasn't recovered. So, she can't bear sex, not without knowing the person for years and longer,as it would automatically make her have a nervous breakdown.
So fuck off back to Jow Forums with your bullshit. This is Jow Forums, i don't give two shits about your mysoginistic views of women that they're all sluts and will fuck you up at the first chance. You're just feeling like shit because you never actually had the chance to be in love with someone and for it to be reciprocate.
Enjoy Jow Forums, you'll probably meet her when she shitposts about sandniggers and mexican people.
What the fuck OP.
You need to break up with this "online gf" and be with someone who doesn't play this insane games with you.
What the fuck.
Thanks for your concern, but if you remove these suicidal attempts stuff, i'm the happiest i've ever been when i'm with her.
and now you realize that it's not your gf, just some random person who can disappear.
I highly disagree but I can see the points you're trying to make