Hey Jow Forumsisers, im wondering if its a good idea to OD on alcohol as a means of killing myself. I dont wanna hang myself like my relative did since im scared of conscious suffocation. I want to make it look like an accident. I havent drank since i became legal so I have low tolerance and I'll OD easily. I just wanna know if itll hurt as much as hanging myself. And if its a better idea to inject alcohol than to drink it.
Hey Jow Forumsisers, im wondering if its a good idea to OD on alcohol as a means of killing myself...
Gonna be honest, it's probably not gonna work. You'll probably black out or throw up before you get to dangerous levels of alcohol poisoning. Dunno about injecting alcohol but you'd probably code instantly and not in a fun way.
Call a suicide hotline.
>so I have low tolerance and I'll OD easily
You would throw up. Unless you take some medication for it. It would have to be really strong though.
>And if its a better idea to inject alcohol than to drink it.
I'd imagine injecting alcohol to be painful as all hell. Plugging it might be more effective, but it would still hurt. Good old drinking method is good enough.
I don't know how reliable this method is, though. I think you'd pass out long before you even reach the toxic level.
Although some guy did die after chugging a whole bottle of some hard liquour, but he is the exception to the rule.
user, this sounds gay and all but
You’re worth it.
Don’t give up like the rest.
> Moralfag time
user I am going to advise that you do not kill yourself. Life can be a lot of things, but you can overcome the hard times that have befallen you. There are a lot of people in your life that love, and want you around, even if you don't know it.
There is help that you can get.
Good luck, user
no suicide hotline in my shit ass 3rd world country sorry. well there IS one but the ppl there will either talk shit or hang up on you so... also if i OD on anti emetics first before taking up dangerous levels of alcohol it should technically work right?
hope you got a crapload of money and alcohol...
The United States Suicide hotline accepts all who call.
Alcohol is KINDA cheap here i think. A 30% vodka about a wine bottle size will cost just around $10. And anti emetic will cost roughly $1 for 10 pcs more or less. So yea it wont cost me much user.
i have a true story for you
>>guy decides to kill himself
>>gets: rope, pills, alcohol and bridge.
>>ties rope to bridge, takes pills and booze. then jumps...
the rope snaps, then he hit the water. he vomitted up the the pills and alcohol. and he is still alive.
moral of the story is this: when its your time to go dont try and push the fast forward button.
I can only use public payphone that dont accept international calls anons. I'm not even well off enough to pay
Shouldnt he had drowned first since he was intoxicated enough?
Has the hotline ever actually helped anyone
Sad to hear that you are in such desperate situation, user. Would you mind watching documentary "The work" before you push the button?
I was literally thinking same shit as you, but that movie gave me some home.
Then how are you online right now if you're so poor?
I've become enamored with the idea of using a Katana on stream to decapitate myself
This would serve 3 functions:
>Be genuinely gruesime and metal as fuck
>Rwmove any doubts about my commitment to the act
>Prove I never had a chance; I unironically own a katana you know
1. Katana for 50$ doesn't count as real one.
2. This would be extremely painful.
3. This would sort nothing, and prove that you are a simple looser (taking quick route in life).
First don't second if your really committed heroin is a viable option you'll just go to sleep n won't wake up
Mobile internet is pretty cheap here but very slow (its less than $10 for 15 days). Im running on .2-.3 Mbps rn so it takes abt 5-8 captcha tries (since it wont load properly) before I could post a reply.
>pretty much the internet is making me want to kill myself
>thats a joke i wanna kill myself because im a useless toxic poorfag who cant even afford medications for my illnesses
Drugs is out of the question. I'm trying to kill myself not get myself jailed. Death is more preferable than jail in this shitass 3rd world country. Keeping this legal user. Alcohol is legal here so pretty much my only OD option.
Like I said id prefer to be unconscious and make it look like an accident and a katana/sword is pretty hard to source in the city anyways and I aint a die hard weeb so I dont own one. Also if u fuck up ur seppuku ull end up paralyzed from the waist down in which again death is more preferable.
Seriously dude your more worried about breaking the fucking law than offing yourself ? Is suicide not a crime in your country or something ? Don't do it, I say this because even if you don't realize it your gonna fuck someone elses life up because of it
Do some research on the helium tank method, I've heard that it's painless. You could also purchase cryptocurrency and then order some potent heroin or fentanyl and inject a shit ton to overdose.
I would not recommend killing yourself if you haven't tried everything under the sun or if it's a temporary issue. Also depression can very well just be temporary, even if it may not seem that way. Why do you care about how others perceive you when you're dead? I would think that deliberately killing yourself would look better than being such a drunk that you die from alcohol poisoning anyways.
Suicide is not a crime in my country. The jails are way overcrowded already due to drug abusers. Imagine 30-50 ppl in one jail cell. Concept of rehab dont exist in my country so they jail users instead thats how poor my country is. So why the fuck would I risk getting caught just because i want to kill myself?
>Like I said drugs are out of question. >Helium is mixed with oxygen here sadly.
>I dont want them to think i copied my relative in committing suicide or something.
>things are just getting worse and worse im planning on doing it if i dont pass CC entrance test since a hs diploma dont mean shit here. Wage of a hs grad is $5 a day so fuck that id rather be dead than slave myself the whole day for five bucks.
It's possible you'll miscalculate the dose and wind up just having a good time.
Nobody wants that.
OR miscalculate and end up in a coma instead of dying. Good point. I think chugging down a bottle might kill me tho since my bmi is only 18 and im not very tall nor heavy.