What's your honest opinion on PewDiePie?

What's your honest opinion on PewDiePie?
Is one of "us"?

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You can be underage for this website and still too old to have an opinion on YouTube streamers.

I love the thumbnails to his videos. they are so cooky and they make me wanna click on them.

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Where are you (((unknown)))?

This is an anonymous website.

Where is that image from

Post the "death to all jews" clip

According to a guy I randomly stumbled upon in Discord these posters are "all over the town".

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1970s Iran before it went to shit. Osama 2nd from the right

mesagen imporartant au giler jaune de france et dailleur

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Never cared about him, don't care now. I heard he said lulzy things about the Jews though.

I don't like the guy and don't think much about him. Has the lowest view/subscriber ratio and people want it to be even lower.

I won't lie, that's pretty sad.
Imagine having nothing better to do in life than to make sure some number connected to "le funny man" is larger than some number number connected to "india le poopoo music".
These people genuinely think it's the world will be shook if TSeries surpasses PewDiePie.

One of us

Weren't they Sri Lankan? Bit fucking racist if you ask me.

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It's fucking nuts man, but what's new in Clown World 2018.

lurk more

So is YouTube basically the battlegrounds of an Indo-Israeli cyber war?

I think hes a fun guy that seems genuine, definitely the kind of dude i'd chill with. Not even memeing

Swedes only seem to be redpilled when they get lots of money

>Jow Forums hates globalist and big industries that consume every aspect of life and destroys western civilization as we know it.
>Enormous company from a literal shit-hole country that promotes Islam, Hinduism and non-Christian/Enlightenment values surges across YouTube
>literlal blonde blue eyed Nordic man and his followers fighting to secure his position as the king of one of the biggest media platforms in the world
>somehow this is not part of the culture war
>"why is Western culture being destroyed"

How is this not prime hypocrisy

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>Jow Forums is one person

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I guess (((South Park))) did the most to Keep the Aryan race on top then.

Jesus Christ...Gaga land

>Jow Forums is one person
>le ""aryan"" meme man is anti jews and dank memes xD (@everyone join my discord we have an anime trap channel but its ironic :kek: (dude i just said kek am i an elite hacker now))
>some gaymer being edgy for 12 year old attention is culture war
>here is what u said even though you didnt but it helps my argument

>implying Jow Forums is not against globalism and consumerist hedonism in 99%9 of the time
>"one person might disagree so that means everthing you said is wrong haha checkmate there pal"

are you 12?

lol no. it’s Falun, Sweden. lol at the idea of the bin Ladens going to Shia Iran

also sweden yes

>pewdipie is gonna save the huwhite race by redpilling kids

>implying Jow Forums is not against globalism and consumerist hedonism in 99%9 of the time
>"one person might disagree so that means everthing you said is wrong haha checkmate there pal"
No true Scotsman.

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please enlighten me on what you perceive to be of such immense value then and how this is not a relevant issue related to the general trend of big businesses destroying creative platforms?


Austrian manlet. It all makes sense now.

no. it is just that the Jew provoked him too far

So don't whine when all creative content on the internet become manufacturated by (((big corporations))).

>what you perceive to be of such immense value
NOT that literally everything in control of the Internet is preaching black trans nigger muslims nor the idea of a meme man and his zoomer army ever doing anything against it.
>creative content

I thought you had to be over 18 to post here?

fucking space niggers