Attorney Generals subpoena IRS and Trump Org for records.

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Not a single response. Why am I not surprised that Jow Forums refuses to discuss this case or the case in NY?

Doesn't fit their narrative.
They'll come along and scream shariablue anytime now.

These cases are huge and have the potential to damage Trump more than the Mueller investigation. Most people here seem to not even know about them.

Almost everyone in politics is corrupt on some level. Disgusting that we're forced to vote for the lesser of two evils every election.

sharblue - KEKS... SAGE

>its over
>everyday for 2 years straight

We're really not. We just refuse to do our job correctly in the primaries.

maybe OP shouldn't have posted a fake news source, try again next time shills

This is being done to overshadow the fact rhat the FBI raided the house of the whistleblower on the Clinton Foundation and the fact that the trial for such has been suspended.

No one gives a fuck what you are talking about when the federal agencies that are supposed to protect freedom are purposely trying to hide information.

Your shit won't stick cumwad.

>two state attorney generals are no big deal
Ok, Eric.

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>in emoluments lawsuit against Trump
you are a faggot

all fake believe in the plan

Q predicted this

Because the MSMS has been telling us every day for the last two years that Trump is milliseconds from being impeached, so it's frankly way to much effort to investigate every claim of that nature when so many of the claims that have come before have proved to be demonstrably false.

Announcing a sage is a violation of Global Rule 7. Hope you don't get b&, newfriend.

There are tons of sources on this. Just because you don't like the content or source doesn't make it fake news.

It's literally on every network.
The only bigger news today is Trump tanking the stock market.

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It's really not. These cases have been news for months now. It takes a few seconds with that device you shitpost from to get to the truth of the matter.

>obama's stock market

Dont care. Trump has been a cuck. We'll meme randlet into office and he'll go full natsoc. Punished rand gives zero fucks.

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You guys really need to stop waiting for Jow Forums or some faggy YouTuber to spoon-feed you everything and try researching things for yourselves once in a while.

You want the truth nigger? I don't care if he evaded taxes, fucked a porn star, or colluded with Russia.

>I don't care if he evaded taxes
This. Only retards pay taxes to our nigger goverment if there's a way out. Evading taxes is a sign of intelligence.

Why would you? You proudly admit to being a brainwashed useful idiot. You are as bad as the faggots who spend all day crying about Trump. You are so compromised that you can no longer view the topic objectively.

State Attorney Generals are meaningless just like Hawaii and California's AGs.

>"we got a deal with China!"
>" we don't"

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And yet they keep winning cases and blocking this administration's agenda at multiple turns. So unimportant that the GOP was pouring cash into those midterm races like crazy.

>winning cases and blocking this administration's agenda at multiple turns
State level or fed?

>8 posts by this ID

Puntin & Drumph have been working on this conspiracy since the 80’s. There always 2 steps ahead of investigators.

Imagine watching all your buddies about to go down for looking the other way on bribes. You kissed their ass and now your politically connected lawyer buddies will never get you a job at the DOJ.

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This wouldn’t be a case if it weren’t for the mueller case. Some people here also understand how corrupt the court system is in this country. Democrats will never face consequences for their corruption. It’s been that way for at least 100 years

Happy Hanukkah

Starting at the state level is how they work up to higher courts.

Congrats, you can read. Perhaps you'd be more at home in a 1 post by this ID shill thread.

All government corruption should face consequences, but we have been successfully divided and conquered into the partisan cuckoldry we are today.

>Starting at the state level is how they work up to higher courts.
Want to know how I know you're an idiot?

States pass policies that get challenged at increasingly higher level courts, How is that confusing to you?