Delay, delay, delay? Macron didn't offer to halt the tax but simply delay it for 6 months. What good is that?
Delay, delay, delay? Macron didn't offer to halt the tax but simply delay it for 6 months. What good is that?
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hahaha intensification begins
No, that's what I call as doubling down with extra steps.
Fuck this kike. Hang him for our fallen one.
wow are you serious
>ohohoho no we will still fuck you, but maybe we'll give you a reach around, either way we can just do it in 6 months so you have time to prepare and get your peanuts together, right?
wrong, just continue to burn shit down then
You know what to do frogs
>simply delay it for 6 months. What good is that?
See this:
TRANSLATION: (they're saying this to president Macron)
From 0:04 to 0:12 they're all screaming:
"Démission!!! = resignation!!!
0:13 "Batard!" = Bastard !
0:15 "Sale fils de pute! Il est venu en plus !!"
= The Nasty son of a whore had the galls to show up!!"
0:20 " Tous pourris !" = "All rotten!"
0:21 "Connard va! Crève sur la route ! Connard!"
"Ya cunt! Croak on the road! cunt!"
It's not fixing the situation everywhere he goes...he gets insulted.
He's hoping to open up negociations to reach a compromise while the protests lose momentum.
But the only thing protesters can 100% agree on at this point except no gas tax is for him to step down, so he's probably fucked regardless.
Typical tactic, you know how they delay court hearings as much as possible
They just need to calm people down right now, then arrest all the leaders and do everything to make sure this never happens again.
They're so certain we'll take it to save muh environment, they think they can talk us out of chimping out.
That guy was supposed to lower my taxes when I didn't vote for him.
He should commit Sudoku this instant.
"Look, i heard you and i will halt tax for 6 months, you can stop being angry now you won !
Never mind the fact that the tax will take effect 1 month after the european elections and that you will be going in holiday :)"
is he retarded or do he really want to see the country burn to the ground?
That faggot didn't even bother speaking and just sent his soldier Fantasio to the front line.
Next step is changing government.
>is he retarded or do he really want to see the country burn to the ground?
He's just buying time. and our elites probably think people will eventually calm down and accept it just like "gay marriage" (marriage pour tous).
Maybe they're doesn't look like it so far though.
>But the only thing protesters can 100% agree on at this point except no gas tax is for him to step down, so he's probably fucked regardless.
It's either the people's way or the high way. Don't let these globalists jewish errand boys destroy your country without a fight.
The worst thing that could have happened for Macron was winning the World Cup.
Actual French people realized then that they weren't being represented at all when they saw stupid niggers muh dicking in Paris for the entire country's viewing pleasure.
Are they still out in the streets protesting? Or did they go home after this "win".
Pretty much this.
>Okay I raped you for decades now, and I said I was going to rape you even more, but I will only rape harder in half a year. Happy?
Now they're getting smart and paralyzing the infrastructure network for most of the population.
the Yellow Vests are basically ANTIFA or BLM with yellow vests - they overturn trashcans, burn cars, set buildings ablaze and smash windows, they loot and use urban furniture as a weapon.
if riots like those were to break out in America today you all be screaming bloody murder , threatening to go to civil war and saying that George Soros is paying those protesters and that they work for (((The Globalists))) the only reason you're not saying those things now is that Macron is supposedly a "Liberal" while Trump is a "Nationalist".
ask yourselves: would i support those people if marie le pen was the president of France?
Should have doubled taxes instead and applied them faster.
Those #BouletsJaunes looks the most idiotic. The trash of society realises they are disposable, after decades of disastrous life choices they go violent when they are told they need to stop being walking garbage and be productive for once.
Never been so disgusted by my own people, this basket of crabs.
>would i support those people if marie le pen was the president of France?
The only way to extract concession from a globalist is to threaten to bring them down to the commoners level.
fucking Macron police
Macron has relieved himself to an anti nationalist full blown globalist and like all globalist he can not reverse course but only push forward and double down. Macron WILL push forward on these taxes and likely do more.
Look at your meme flag Avi, your shits all retarded. Nobody takes your opinion seriously, nor do they care.
Note the positions of the memeflag shills.
It is most interesting that the people didn't fall for the delay trick. The Elites must be stuttering mad about it.
Macron needs to cancel the green taxes and resign.
I assume he is hoping people will forget about it.
I'm FR working in the UK (before it goes to shit, already well started), so EU flag would imo fit better.
Also pro-EU, and shoo shoo burger goblin, not your business here.
Renaming the TPP deal the paris accords is just him pushing his agenda.
Glad Trump did not sign TPP or the paris accords.
Germany and Canada will get stuck with the bill for TPP.
Hes going to import heroin to pacify and kill the people hes oppressing just like they did in the states.
That way his killing and replacing the population can go on uninterupted
>What good is that?
buys off some of the protestors, causes splits, causes apathy, to those who don't read the fine print makes French govt. look like the reasonable ones
I had the same reaction at first, i didn't get memed into doing decent studies to get decent degree to get decent job to watch temp workers and retired boomers complain about having no marketable skills. But then again what can you do, these dudes are getting pegged and are right to complain about it. This might be an opportunity to fix our government's legitimacy crisis and also brings the entire country together in its hate of shill politicians.
You EU niggers only know how to make enemies with your own people. Macron like most of those in the EU globalist ghetto will continue to push highly unpopular policies and only generate more discontent amongst his own population. Globalist can't help but to fuck their own shit up for the sake of globalist policies.
It’s weekend protesting, it’s going to be the “new thing” in the corrupt Western World where the people take to the streets every weekend protesting instead of going to sportsball.
Am I the only one cheering for a declaration of the 6th French Republic ???? It is long overdue.....
My thoughts exactly. Yellow vests best step up their shit. If they don't, they as stupid as this cheeky fuck thinks they are.
Of course he is, this is a stalling tactic in hopes people get bored and go home.
The absolute audacity of these fuckers to talk about moral values after they've reduced almost everything to GDP figures.
Keep rioting till he steps down or you hang him.
>are basically ANTIFA or BLM with yellow vests
And Wehrmacht was pretty much the Red Army.
I mean, they both used weapons and similar tactics.
Take off your memeflag.
Gotta fund those pet niggers somehow.
>we'll delay it so you will eventually forget about it and not do anything meaningful with your lives like start a revolution
man i hope they burn the place down or this will just be disappointing and ultimately blackpill billions of people who think they can control their destiny
Fuck off!
>What good is that?
It isn't
>6th French Repub......
>if marie le pen was the president of France?
That's a big if user
and the answer is no, there wouldn't be any protests then. Macron is a fucking despot and he needs to fucking BTFO France.
So it's over, isn't it?
Kind of amazing that they didn't go for it actually. I guess not having a cucked leadership to follow helps
How much does gas cost per litre anyways?
Macron IS a fucking globalist
In France? 1 Euro 46 cents?
It’s about the same here in England, a little bit more expensive here actually.
Holy fuck, and I thought we had it bad.
How is this possible?
I should hope not, given that a six-month delay is basically telling them to eat cake. Used to be the French didn't stand for that sort of thing.
Cheapest shit (95 octane trash) is €1.68 here in the land of oil.
>Macron: Nationalism gets in the way of globalist interest
He better hope his anti nationalist attitude wins him enough brownie points with globalist interest to pull him out of this hole.
Remarkable. In equivalent terms I'd pay about 0.71 euros in downtown Toronto right now, and downtown is more expensive than the outlying areas.
He's hoping that the rioters will be tired out by then.
He's telling them that he is going to wait them out, while they throw a temper tantrum and then he is going to spank them.
>make phone post on wifi
>turn off wifi
>make phone post on 4g
My guess, anyway.
>I’m French
>I’m pro Eu
I think this faggette needs to go back into the oven.
>in baguetteland, the students protest taxes on the middle class, even go so far as to riot for them
>here in burgerland, the students resent the middle class and protest there not being enough taxes on them