What would you tell your teen self?
Also how to take advantage of puberty
What would you tell your teen self?
Whore myself out for $$$
>how to take advantage of puberty
Lift. Lots. Also, sports. Coordination and dexterity are imperative to develop early on.
What I'd tell myself... Find a hobby that you do enjoy. Maybe that isn't guitar, or getting super into health and fitness, but find something that you enjoy doing, and get good at it.
Also, clean your fucking backpack out. You literally need one thing every fucking day, and that shit weighs like 100lbs. When your friends can't lift your pack, you've got too much shit in it.
Try more drugs, dont turn down all those women.
Invest in Bitcoin
Wouldn't tell my teen self anything. I'd just let myself experience everything
Those girls you were so afraid of are actually easy as fuck. You could have been getting teen pussy your entire high school career if you'd just have not been an absolute retard.
>maybe that isnt guitar why not
So you would just waste the opportunity?
Who in their right mind chooses to be a normal again when you're have the option to be something greater?
Fours years later, pal, it doesn't end. You're still the same as you are now.
don't bother with college, shit is expensive and a bachelors alone is nearly useless
It was something a few people in my family were pushing me to do, but not something I ever had a direct passion for. I just ended up learning the songs I wanted, and never really touched it again.
Creativity has never really been a strong suite of mine. Probably something I should work on, but honestly that's not even really the point. I could've tried to find something that I enjoyed more, and been productive with it instead of trying to bash my head against the wall to force myself through learning guitar. Just as a more optimal route.
Holy shit this. Also get a drivers license back then, start working and lift. I know video games are the best thing you have right now, but limit that to 3 hours per day tops.
>lay off the adderall and caffeine it fucks you up later
>start community college at 18 instead of waiting until your 21
>start getting into art and graphic design quicker you're better than majority of these kids dont wait years later
>switch to a vegan diet and lay off the fast food
>quit porn
>those girls that you thought were innocent was fucking everybody else on okcupid/highschool stop caring about the they are nothing but time wasters
>read more books
>get into fashion
>watch more standup comedy
>sex isn't that great if you dont care about the person
>your mom is a psycho and makes horrible decisions
>get a job
>just know that you don't control anything not even your body. make peace with it
Talk to the GP about your mental health and get referred to a specialist for your identity issues, there's no shame in getting help and it will be so much easier to address it now and before everything goes to hell.
Take care of your body and find new hobbies and interests. Try to hold on to the old ones and not let them fade away.
Take a lot more risks instead of hiding away. Stop worrying about what might happen and live a little. Might even get to date someone, who knows.
Don't listen to assholes, do what you want instead and don't let them stop you.
Get a job as soon as possible, you'll need all the cash you can get for what lies ahead and they'll hire anyone young.
My teenage years really sucked.
You have ADHD go get a checkup.
get job, get better friends, drop out early for a headstart in a trade, dont bother with uni, get guwop, buy that designer steeze, dont be a pussy, experiment, nows the time to get fucked up rather than later, and start going to gigs, your taste in everything is shit
>What would you tell your teen self?
Stop listening to all that socialist garbage. Quit smoking dope. Pay attention so you pass algebra because you're going to be an engineer someday. Yeah, I know that seems impossible. Just take my word for it.
Fuck your old man. Quit listening to him. You'll be going in the Air Force in a few years. When you get out stay in Colorado because Florida sucks ass.
Marry that crazy Thai girl you'll meet in college. She's good people and besides, once you travel over there and see her parents place you'll realize she's rich
Work harder. Take more chances with girls and in generally be more risky cos there's less consequences at this point. Try more things/go to clubs etc. And put more thought into what path you're taking in life (don't study Physics)
Go out for the football team. You're literally made for that shit you dumbass.
hey dumbass better start studying hard now and pick a faster course on college, your gay ass engineer dream is gonna be fucking useless in your third world country in the future.
Start taking care of yourself and working out, stop doing embarrassing and stupid shit, stop wasting money and time on video games, save up.
Because the girl you'll meet in highschool that transferred for only one year? You'll end up meeting her again in 10 years, you'll get close with her, and you'll fucking fall in love so give her a great first impression and make it easier for me. Also start practicing on gardening and poetry, the bitch loves that shit.
Work a lot harder in school, get better grades. Go straight into CS instead of art school. Be more consistent with meds and therapy. Monitor weight more carefully.
Stop watching porn.
Castrate yourself before puberty hits in full swing
You're better off without it
Your parents love you and mean well, but seriously, listen to your heart, not them. They're boomers, they don't understand life is different these days. The first opportunity you see to get out of this hellhole, you take it, and never look back.
First I would tell myself you have to be more confident I know it's hard but your worth it in the end, asshole you think you know everything but your not going to be the same guy in 10 years and a lot different in 20. Stop putting that girl you have a crush on on such a pedestal because your acting way to shy with her and she already gave you all the signs dumbass. Stop over idolizing your father and seeking his approval he's proud of you and he just doesn't show it well he loves you more than you know and he will show it openly one day, also value the time you have him because he's not going to be around anymore before you know it. Keep working hard your gonna do great kid girls are gonna love you when you get in your 20's/30's ( just kinda watch out for that one you'll know who I mean in time and stay clear of the ones with weaponized psychopathy).
Stop caring about what other people (even your parents) think and do what's best for you.
Immerse yourself in culture. Never stop reading, watching films and finding new music.
It's ok if you're not extremely talented in anything. Most people aren't.
Get out there and socialize, but don't pretend to be someone you're not.
Take care of your body. Exercise and eat healthy.
Be nice to people even when they're assholes (that doesn't mean being a cuck tho, be assertive when the situation calls for it).
Avoid extremes and hedonism.
Always be humble. Knowing more about a certain subject than other people doesn't make you better than them.
kill yourself now before its too late.
I know what happened to you is terrible but you're only making your situation worse by holding a grudge against the rest of the world.
Go and talk to someone, it can be that therapist your mom's been trying to set you up with, the cute redhair with a big ass you've been staring at, or those "low powerlevel" kids in your class that talks about anime and videogames. Be honest with them and I promise they're not so different from you.
Start reading or at least watch something in English. It's embarrassing to hear about what I used to sound like from highschool friends.
Don't push your family away, they're a real treasure. They're still on my side even after you've treated them like shit for years, they deserve better.
Don't...fucking go into engineering. You know why, and yes, it ends exactly like you thought it would. There's other studies that you'd be really interested in, and you have the talent to get far in it.
Stop masturbating everyday, resist the temptation. You really need to learn some self control, because there's a loooot of things that's going to tempt you once you're in college.
Oh, and eat your goddamn food. You're actually anorexic and the reason you're so easily irritated is probably because of that.
Please, please don't give up on life. The worst has passed and you're free to live now, you just have to open your eyes to see that.
take school more seriously
take better care of yourself
>dont turn down all those women
LOL implying there's even women to turn down
That's bullshit. It's literally impossible to get a girl in highschool unless you're Chad
t. 18 year old highschool senior.
My man, can you not see how ironic it is to be a teenager in high school right now when people are saying what they should've said to themselves when they were in your situation?
Throw in that fifty dollars when you first get into college. Cash out when the value skyrockets to 25k. Invest in properties and legitimate stocks afterwards.
Tell your friend to get checked up on so he doesn't die from a seizure in his sleep.
At least these two wouldn't drastically change the people I met and became friends with, but I'd still be at a better place in life and still have a great friend.
Take care your goddamn acne. Underneath that pizza face, you're actually a handsome fucking dude. Also, stop looking at porn.
Start with the acne thing though, that's why you're a recluse.
Thanks but I'm far from being based, there's still so much work to be done.
I just wish I hadn't given up back then. I was idolizing the Jow Forums lifestyle of "All things in life are terrible. Girls, jobs, responsibility, people who doesn't agree with our elitist opinions. You're better than all those normies if you don't participate in these things."
I must've thought I found a walkthrough or a cheat code to life as if I'm living in a videogame, feeling superior for avoiding all these traps and challenges of life instead of struggling like those dumb "normies".
I don't blame Jow Forums though, I just happened to be going through events that made me question whether life was worth living and my immature brain would've reached this conclusion one way or another.
You can't run away from life. There will always be consequences and you will regret things.
That's another thing I'd tell my teenage self, but I doubt that he would listen.
You should go out a bit more. I know you're a bit fucked since all your friends kinda forgot about you, but do some shit. Learn some math, you'll see it's pretty awesome. Do some sports.
Don't fuck that stupid bitch who's flirting with you. Wait a bit, you'll find someone way better. She'll make you feel like the best person on Earth, she'll love you more than anything. Love her more, show your feelings more, she deserve it.
She'll leave you in the end, but it'll be worth it.
Also you're way cuter than you think you are. Take some fucking shower and leave the computer.
"Kill yourself. The pain isn't worth it and it will only get worse.
lose that fucking weight you fat fuck. Also be waaaay more daring. There are seriously barely ANY fucking repurcussions for anything when you're a teenager. Go ask someone out on a date, break into someone's house, do something but play fucking video games you fat lazy piece of flab.
>Don't bother with post secondary and do what you originally planned to do; because you're gonna waste a lot of time and money and end up doing it anyways
>Stop being in relationships all the time and learn to be happy by yourself
>Don't drink, ever, just don't.
>Don't waste your time with shitty people, save your money and start off with something rather than nothing.
You can't really take advantage of puberty, just wait until it's over. Nothing that happens in your teen years is really going to matter after high school.
Unless you get addicted to meth or something.
It's weird how my problems were exactly the same as yours, I went through a traumatic experience and coped by shutting myself out. I pretty much kept to myself and watched anime, not associating with anyone and holding this grudge against normies. Really glad I realized how stupid it was though and changed my life for the better :)