Are there any guys who are actually open to dating trans girls...

Are there any guys who are actually open to dating trans girls? I attract plenty of guys but when I'm honest about being a tranny they usually either ghost me or are outwardly disgusted. My standards are pretty low. I don't know what else to do.

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No hate but in all honesty only the lowliest betas would be with a trans girl. In male culture doing "gay" stuff is looked down upon while showing off is very positive. You want other guys to know you are fucking top tier girls but if you have a trans girl you can never tell your friends about it.

Right now, in my opinion the hierarchy of women (from the perspective of men) is
1) Hot women
2) Normal women
3) Fat women
4) Trans women

All guys go for 1), guys with about average looks go for 2), betas and poor men go for 3) and only the top tier beta virgin for life kinds go for 4). I'm sorry.

No. Why would any normal dude ever do that?

Prepare for a life of loneliness or with some homo.

Not trying to sound offensive, but I’ll only date girls who can have kids. I want a family, this is my goal. I wouldn’t want a relationship with a girl who rules out having a baby too.

P.S. life isn’t fair, by the way, I have been single for 2 years. We aren’t guaranteed mates/sexual companions. I have concentrated on my own life and career rather finding a suitable mate. If I meet someone effentually, fine, but if not, I won’t bang myself up because of it.

It would really depend on the person, really.

It's kind of like asking, "Would you be open to dating girl?" I mean, I guess technically if we got along? Trans confuses my brain, because it's kind of a broad term used for a lot of things it probably shouldn't be used for.

I also want a family. I know it would be more expensive and difficult to do in vitro with a surrogate but I still want kids.

I know this is a long shot but I am really interested in dating a trans girl, but every time I try to approach one who is open about being trans, I get called a chaser.

As long as you pass and are reasonably attractive I would like a chance to get to know someone like you. Do you mind if I ask where you live?

there are dudes called 'tranny chasers'....

>Are there any guys who are actually open to dating trans girls? I attract plenty of guys but when I'm honest about being a tranny they usually either ghost me or are outwardly disgusted. My standards are pretty low. I don't know what else to do.

Respectfully, I don't care what you learned in college or from some activist organization. You are not a "girl".

You are a guy in a dress maybe with some injected tits.

Again, respectfully, what kind of man wants to have a "relationship" with someone like that?

The nation may be going through mass mental illness on this just now, propagated by the media and endorsed by the elites, but that doesn't change reality. You are a guy in a dress.

Sorry. No normal guy is interested in that.

New Hampshire

You were born too early. So no, only the weirdest dudes might maybe date you but otherwise trans people are only a weird sex kink thing. No offense, just saying what it is, I don't like it either but life is not fair for some people.

>there are dudes called 'tranny chasers'....

This is the way you would expect it to work. Normal guys wouldn't want anything to do with this, but a certain type of guy would be VERY interested in it, to the EXCLUSION of real girls.

I'll leave it to you to decide what that says about these guys.

If and only if you’re penis is intact. Not because I’m a receiver, but because trans beef looks weird.

Consider online dating.

You'll have to settle with either the lowliest omega or a fetishist tranny chaser.
No normal guy would ever want to be seen within 5 clicks of a tranny.

>Again, respectfully, what kind of man wants to have a "relationship" with someone like that?
literally millions. Not me but millions of other s
And saying “respectfully” doesn’t make anything you say after that okay, you sound like an asshole.

well, I don't know any; PC onionboys aren't what most constitute as a "man".
Stay deluded, freak.

Date other trans people
Try to find someone online
Lower your standards
It's not like nobody told you it was going to be like this before you went through with it

I was diagnosed at a relatively young age with gender dysphoria by multiple doctors and mental health professionals. But hey, I guess you must be smarter than doctors with PHDs and decades of experience.

no matter what you were diagnosed with, fact remains that you are a mentally ill crossdresser.

Because it’s gay

This is incorrect. Are you even male becauz you just sound like a bitter roastie

I'm male and he's correct.
Nobody in their right mind would date a transistor.

It isnt
>only the physical world exists

That is some pitiful lying. No, very very few men would want to date a crossdressing gay man.

I don't think you should be raising kids
And don't take it the wrong way, I don't think I should be raising kids either
Kids need normalcy and stability and a real mom and a real dad, pretty much the nuclear family
If you want to have this weird life where you turn yourself into a woman and date other men and such go ahead do anything that makes you happy but don't drag children into it because that's pretty much the opposite of what they need and you are being selfish, those kids will be alive a long fucking time do you want to be responsible for a lifetime of suffering? How where your parents like?

Not the trans thing but the heirachy shit they were on about. It's a narrow way of thinking about male sexuality.

>it's not gay to date a man who has silicone tits and wears dresses

>fucking another man isn't gay
>my innerspace exists in reality because the media says so

There are some, but within this group the percentage of normal and wholesome guys who don't fetishize transpeople and aren't fucked up in the head or seriously deranged is small. Some guys who can't find a normal gf eventually settle for a trans girl, I saw this happen to my mate. When his partner is not around, he calls them a hole to fuck with tits he paid for. So just a piece of advice, don't settle for incels or desperate men who can't get a cis girl, they are the worst and won't respect you as a human being.
All in all I think most guys wouldn't date a trans girl. I know I wouldn't. Not because I want kids but because deep down inside I feel like trans girls are just not real girls. I know it sounds stupid and cruel but they just don't feel like genuine women. But there must be people out there who don't feel this way, you have to be patient and maybe you will find a guy. Good luck.

The only thing they have in common with their biological sex is their physical bodies. Their brains share similar ways of thinking as their gender which is the reason they are that way in the first place. Boy and girl brains are a real thing. Idgaf what the media says, I'm just using common sense because the physical world is just a small part of reality. It is objectively not gay as the idea of "gayness" is a human concept and doesn't exist outside of it meaning it's nothing but another label to be mocked.

Too far away from me, but I wish you the best of luck.

keep rationalizing, you're a crossdressing faggot and nothing more.

>he can't refute my argument without projection
It's hilarious how your thinking is so narrow that you think that you'd have to be a tranny to understand it. Im a man thats straight as fuck and I would never wear woman clothes but believe what you want if it makes you feel better. I understand not becauz I'm one of them but becauz I'm much more smarter than you.

so, you're gay?

Gay doesn't exist so no

You're a guy in a dress that's mentally ill.

I'm sure that rationalizing your desire to fuck men in dresses makes it pretty gay, bro

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Just because one fish prefers anal doesn't mean he's any better than the rest.

This and

Not millions, not even tens of thousands. This is what OPs thread is about, reality.

If you're born a male you have a male brain. Trying to pretend that these guys have any idea what its like to be female or think like one is insulting. To say that appearance is all a women is and nothing more is exactly what I expect from a guy, a guy that's garbage.

>I know what a fish thinks.

It's just as hard as trans women to find men as it for men to find you. You shouldn't try looking randomly in bars and clubs, you should do it from networking and growing your circle.

As I said, gayness doesn't exist as it is just a label that only exists on a human's understanding as people have a tendency to categorize things. There's a difference between what is and what is how humans understand it to be. Everything is just energy which makes arguing about such things pointless and a waste of time. Gayness only exists becauz people believe it does.

no, "gayness" exists very much so, it is the desire for and the action of penetrating another man, or at least rationalizing the thought.

It's just as hard as trans women to find men as it for men to find you, there's even another thred of a guy looking for advice on finding a tranny to date. You shouldn't try looking randomly in bars and clubs, you should do it from networking and growing your circle.


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He is definately a kid.

I put smart thoughtful woman above all compared to looks and I am a stone cold 9

They shouldn't have encouraged your delusions and mental illness

>If you're born a male you have a male brain.
Males have innate behaviors that are natural to them and trannies have these innate behaviours. To deny this would say that you believe men and women act the same.

>I was diagnosed at a relatively young age with gender dysphoria by multiple doctors and mental health professionals. But hey, I guess you must be smarter than doctors with PHDs and decades of experience.

Yeah. I am smarter. You have degree worship. Up until the 1970s homosexuality was defined as a mental disorder in the US by the American Psychiatric Association. Then they took a vote, because the faggots in the organization didn't like that, and changed it.

There's your fucking medical professionals for you. They're voting to determine what to call mental illness. You can listen to them if you like. Who knows what they'll vote for next?

>who knows what they'll vote for next?
Abolish IQ, it's privilege

Because all humans male or female want a partner they can brag about.

I am sure woman as virtue signaling whores as they are would be into a woman transitioning into a male.

Men however just cannot justify sleeping with what is essentially a man in drag, I dont care what your brain says your gender is, I care that your body and bone structure is 100% female, emotions from a period, being harassed by boys in your teens.

Its all a package of feminity, and the social liberal media is pushing something on people that I have to assume a majority of men are disgusted by.

Personally I could be bi for a trans woman that is preop, its more honest I feel, I mean you said it yourself you can pass as a female, many many men would love to have sex, and maybe one of them is mature or revolutionary enough to see you for the human you are.

Have a great life we get one.

that was really wholesome to read

Thinking patterns that disagree with the norm is not an illness. An illness would suggest your body is unhealthy. There is no such things as right or wrong ways to think, only what types of thinking is appropiate to your situation and environment to be beneficial.

Arguing about this is pointless. What makes gayness real? If you have had sex with women all your life but then started having sex with robots that look male would that be gay or straight? It doesn't apply because robots are not male or female.

jesus christ dude

No, never... i would wish you well and neger talk to you again.

I need that genuine stinky fishy pussy, and that mean sharp nagging mind to be happy.

Why not date other transgender people? Seems like most of you are really lonely, why nit date each other?

Why would a guy date another guy with a mutilated dick and fake tits?

I respect you OP for being honest about being a tranny. A LOT of trannies who lied to their partners are being killed especially the prostitute ones. So be careful.
Accept the facts first, >YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN AND YOU WILL NEVER BE. >YOU ARE BORN A MAN BUT U DONT FEEL LIKE A MAN. >You are neither straight nor completely gay so you are a trans.
Once youve made peace with these facts only then you can find a suitable partner.
Now to the ACTUAL ADVICE... Mostly borderline gay, transmen (sometimes even transwomen) and bisexual people are the ones wiling to date a tranny. So these are the ppl u should look out for when dating. Ive heard a whole lot of british men are into transwomen that they purposely go to thailand to get themselves a ladyboy partner. So yea also try grindr for fuck sakes. Since there is actually a percentage of gay men who are actually into trannies mostly they are tops tho.

Be upfront about being a man and the chasers will come

Who gives a shit about the nuclear family, honestly, that shit was only popular in the 30's, family was a lot more complex before that

If you're extremely attractive, aren't bipolar, were a strict bottom, AND a good personality i would date the shit out of you as a normal person(and I'm an attractive "straight" male). But all those things are extremely unlikely, so you're fucked and not in the good way.

kill yourself, defect

I think that if "she" is passable as a woman and is only a man in terms of genetic makeup then I'd consider maybe dating or seeing from time to time but in all likeliness Id probably never settle down with such a person but I still don't think its impossible to truly fall in love with said person :/

lol faggot

I'd try it if you looked really convincingly like a girl, I could maybe get over the dick. I'd be top you'd be bottom

This. The nuclear family was just a short lived recent phenomenon. Parents are really important but the raising of a child shouldn't be solely be just from them. It takes a village to raise a child.

you'd also have to have a banging personality though because I hate most women and they don't get me aroused just off their personalities

I'd bang you if you look good. Post a pic.

Serious question OP.

As a straight male, why would I want to date a boy turned into a girl over dating a real biological girl?

Not really. You're a man. People aren't comfortable with that. Look pal, forget what tumblr told you, and yeah fine you did what you wanted... But this came with the territory. This is the real world.

You'll find people who would be in for it but they are incredible uncommon and you would have to be very much up front with what you are in the first place. You'd have better luck on online dating sites or with bisexuals.

I'm centered politically and philosophically so let me tell you what i like and don't like about this far left of liberal thinking.

I think it's cool you were comfortable and brave enough to just act how you feel in the face of judgement. It's an incredible quality. I don't agree with your specific decision but good on ya nayway.

Con: this damn perfect world thinking that's divorced from reality. Guess what? Test hueg majority of people want a member of the opposite sex and the homosexual minority want a member of the same sex. Not someone in the middle.

This is the world you live in. You should have been prepared to take dating off the table entirely the day you made the decision to do what you've done. Dating will be a bonus for you if you achieve it. That should have been clear in the first place.

Yeah my ex boyfriend would love you. He’s a secret fag who likes tranny’s

If they were passing or had a good poersonality, I would. (Some homo) I'm not physically attracted to masculine features, but don't mind penises I geuss.

op, don't let the assholes itt get you down. most people in real life don't care enough to hate on trannies like the people on here. have a good personality and pass. if you dont pass, seek black guys, they seem ok with it.

btw at least you're not a transman, no one likes them.

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My buds irl don't hate trannies as much as your average Jow Forums poster but they still say they wouldn't date a tranny and I think most normies feels this way
Luckily for op there are feminist sjw homo guys out there who like trannies enough to date them

Generally not. Most trannies substitute it for personality, interest and hobbies; ones who aren't desperate enough to make it so focal to them are usually less concerned with gender and understand dating is 100% a numbers game

I'm not OP, but if I had to choose between Bailey Jay and Amy Schumer, I could overlook the dick.

I'd have no problem dating a super passable transgendered girl if she was gorgeous. As a novelty, I'd do it once with someone attractive but not passable, but it sounds like OP wants a relationship with all of the bells and whistles, like knowing each others' secrets, telling family and friends, outwardly supporting everyone else trans... and that's hard. Something I don't know if I could do.

I also weirdly would be super uncomfortable having sex with someone with a converted vagina, like I was gonna break it. Surgery makes me hugely uncomfortable.

I'd fuck the shit out of you, even go on dates if you wanted.

But I'm a bit, poly slut that mostly fucks insecure chubby girls and guys from websites like this that have realized alphamales don't exists and they aren't that interesting unless they CD lmao, so I don't know I'm the type of dude you want.

I think instead of manipulating someone, be upfront about whatever parts you have and try to find someone into that.
I'm a girl and if I met a cool guy and then found out he had turned his penis into a vagina, or that he was really a lesbian in men's clothes, I would be sad.

I'm not that insecure but how do I find someone like you

I think in only absolute theory I would date a trans woman.
I would only date a trans woman if they 100% passed, and let's be honest that filters out a lot of people. Then there's the whole genitalia situation that I'm not really sure about. On paper, I don't care about the penis as long as I'm not getting fucked by or sucking it, but in practice that would probably gross me out. Same with the neo-vagina.
Then there's the whole social ordeal of explaining dating a trans woman to my parents, my family, and my friends. Sure some people I know would probably get green with envy with how ~liberal~ I would be in that situation but it's mostly a giant roadblock. Then the person I'm dating probably has to put up with almost everyone I know saying shit like "Oh you know you're still a smelly dude huh I hate that user picked you" and that's gotta suck.
Then there's the matter of kids. I guess a surrogate could get involved, but every dude wants their kid to be theirs and their wife's.
So would I date a trans woman? In passing I might think "Yeah why not" but I probably wouldn't.
Sorry. Please know that I'm sure you're a wonderful person.