

Attached: D0B3C007-D4CC-4491-A3A3-0E64FB80AF0F.jpg (750x842, 52K)

you are free to leave anytime you want

>sips malt liquor

When did i let you out of the cuckshed Sven?

Shitty workers

The deodorant selection is pretty based as well. I have like ten different kinds

In china they have toothpaste flavored potato chips

At least we’re alive

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That would mean taking some form of personal responsibility.

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How do you "leave" capitalism without capital?

Not an argument.

I mean all of those images are depressing

What's shitty about any of those things though? Western world is objectively superior to the rest of the world in every single one of those categories.

Start walking

The spics manage just fine. With some motivation hey can figure it out.

If you have shitty shit under capitalism then you are living your life wrong.

>shitty infastructure
I wonder if they've ever been to best korea? Granted their roads are drivable but thats because nobody actually drives on them

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>shitty food
Let's all go communist so we can have no food instead!

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I will gladly pay to fly any retard out to some African tutu hut village so they can see how terrible life without capitalism is.

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Attached: food-food-aw-i-cant-fit-communism-into-my-country-25360783.png (500x566, 127K)

Shitty compared to what? What magical time period was so superior to our current choices?

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>marketplaces full of food are depressing.
I get you on the other stuff, it can be depressing.
>work a decent job to live in a decent house, to eat decent food, to get taxed to pay for lazy people to get shity stuff, complain about the system, take money from roads, infrastructure, education, and whine about how the system fails because they cant get off their asses and work, and point to the direct results of them fucking over the system as to why the system has failed.

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None of this applies to me.

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So be a leach on society?
So take a holiday paid by a richer man?


That one's just depressing because I work in one

How can someone look at this thing and then say that God didn't make it?
Look at the funny moustaches it has and the fluffy ears, the weird shaped skull and all the fluff on its belly.

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but i have good food, own a nice house, have good healthcare, my roads are well repaired and utilities just fine, my school gave me a good education and I have a good paying job with a hot boss who jokes around with me

No. They must first sign a contract agreeing to the trip and must renounce their citizenship upon arrival. Afterwards they must relinquish all materials and goods on their person that have been created by a capitalistic society.

Look motherfucker, its not capitalism. Its the fucking bugkikes and all the heinous negative karma spilling out over the sides from no one saving our only true friend we ever had. K9's

Ah socialism

>work hard
>pay taxes
>moral high ground
>pay more taxes
>invite foreign legion
>pay more taxes
>no more money to pay for natives
>tax increase
>tax increase
>orwellian state
>more taxes
>double speak
>more taxes
>working class unhappy
>working class has no more food
>autharian state.exe
What a plan.

But the solution isn't filing a form for you state issued toothbrush that you can pick up at the local bureau of the ministry of dental health after your mandatory waiting time of 26 months to manage supply shortages, Erich.

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>It's another Amerimutt thinks I'm a communist because I don't suck capitalisms arsehole episode

>shitty housing
>shitty infrastructure
>shitty schools
>shitty pay
>shitty jobs

pic related clearly doesn't know what any of those things are.

That's exactly what I mean, you can't just "leave" a modern society

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What is this cute fucker?

>shitty food
Only if you choose to buy/each shit
>shitty housing
compared to what, soviet block pads?
>shitty schools
Well those are socialised, so


Would you rather every family have a home, or have a bunch of commie block run down apartments, because that's communism. Them saying this is shitty housing is ridiculous. Everything he mentioned is worse under communism because all the money drains from the system and everything is managed by incompetent bureaucrats.

ah. I worked retail before, it can suck. good luck out there Aussie.


I agree.

>has the energy to complain
>doesnt have the energy to make a business

Socialism would work but you would have to have all whites, (real whites not merchants or el goblino) and they would need strong nationalist feelings, socialism doesn't work with multiculturalism or non white


I agree. But we are no longer living in a world like that.

Capitalism is self-defeating as the largest holders of capital in the "Free Market" will always demand authoritarian intervention to reduce their risk and create barriers to entry for their competition.

((((capitalism)))) is just a code word for "let me take over your society goy, dont make rules to defend your interests against me!"

Attached: (((invisible rubbing hands goy))).png (2210x1103, 114K)


>shitty food
you can get every fucking spice, herb, vegetable, fruit, meat etc. in almost every grocery store. you don't even have to cook and can get dozens of different meals premade in the fridge so you only have to cook them up for 2 minutes.

Not a counter argument

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even is those niggers had capitalism they would still be fucked

How is that not an argument you deity commie shit. People are ready to risk their life to leave commie shitholes to come to America and you tell us that's not an argument. You deserve a free helicopter ride.

I suppose I'm libertarian, but I don't really care to label my politics

They aren't the only options

>fascist warning that capitalism leads to authoritarianism

> Shitty food etc

What country is this, sweety?

> bongistan Muhammad that wants his daughter to fuck a nigger
