British Teeth Worse Than Third World

Chief executive Andrew Evans said: “We recognised there was a need within the UK with people struggling to access NHS care.

“I have heard dentists saying it is worse than at one of our projects in Malawi. The state of oral health [in the UK] has been a big surprise."

"Dental hygiene in the UK is at a critical level, with over 1 in 5 reporting multiple missing teeth due to decay"

“They are struggling to eat because they are in so much pain. Their teeth are falling out in their twenties and thirties"

“Not only is rotten teeth the number one medical reason for any child being admitted to hospital, but Third World-based dental charities are looking to come here as our inadequate dental systems are now an international disgrace.”

Our teeth are fucked. You have no idea how fucking bad it is here. It is almost impossible to get dental treatment for many people and our love of tea is destroying the colour of our teeth.
Many people do not brush and getting a dentist appointment is nigh on impossible. I've already lost several teeth due to them cracking and falling apart. My mouth is disgusting and I cannot afford or find an NHS dentist

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This is a coordinated effort to divide white nations.
Please hide and ignore this thread, remember to sage (put 'sage' in the option fields, with no apostraphes) and to report.

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Makes me feel better about my own teeth, thanks brits.

>not being self-deprecating
only americans write posts like that, are you behind a VPN?

Many people do not brush and getting a dentist appointment is nigh on impossible. I've already lost several teeth due to them cracking and falling apart
3rd-wrolder and my teeth are completely white straight
you know what you guys really need? meat
grew up eating mostly meat so did everyone in my family and they all have perfect teeth

Lmao an NHS dentist is only £18 for a check up.

They’re fucking terrible though, as you would expect.

>I have heard dentists saying it is worse than at one of our projects in Malawi.
So it's just hearsay then? Because the world health organization lists the UK has one of the best countries for oral health in the world.

fact > opinion

>haven't been to the dentist since 1993
>half of my teeth are missing or broken
>dentist appointment on Thursday
Got DS9 downloaded for when I'm going to be fucked up on narcotics.

Every single shitskin that swings across enough vines to make it to Britain has a head full of fucked up teeth. That socialized health care must be doing great right about now

im pretty sure youre a fun person IRL, with how much of an overdramatic autistic you are

>white divide and conquer threads
are you serious? fucking hell lmao. im going to have an unquenched hatred for other whites after leaving this thread, thats for sure

Better than Mountain Dew and tendies.

i think you need to quit drinking chinese tea

Gay brits who cant take any critism incoming

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To be fair my teeth are pretty bad.

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>Updated 22:45, 2 JAN 2018

noice concurrent thread

Lots of kikes mad today due to Cunt May receiving the contempt vote having to force her to disclose full details over Brexit and the shit-tier deal with the EU. The retaliation will come with absolute violence.

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cant you wash and scrape them yourself?

get a swiss army knife and scrape off whatever the tooth brush is too weak to remove

o wait, you cant get a knife, my bad

Spastics not brushing their teeth isn't politics Ahmed

Why the lack of dental care? It’s costing me about $20 bucks a month and that includes 2 cleanings and a decent deductible

> accept millions of immigrants
> can't afford dentists
wew lad. Just brush your teeth, fucking bongs.

>Doesn't brush and floss daily
>Eat shitloads of sugar and only costume fizzy drinks
>Thinks it's more important to drink Coke than it is to go for a £21.60 check-up
>Acts surprised when teeth are beyond repair

>The mirror

reminds me of an episode of pic related.
Yvon is back in ye old France.
He shares a room with a brit.
Brit is a total prick
Brit makes fun of Yvon "Silly French man, Us Brits brush our hair, not our teeth"

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stop fear-mongering you fucking faggot

You're mistaking us for Americans user

>Import the third world
>Why is there a sharp drop in dental hygiene

I've had Brits on this very board tell me that people in the UK had better teeth than those in the US because they get free dental care

The absolute delusion. We are obsessed with the appearance of our teeth here, Brits don't even bother with braces

That show was fuckin great bud

Why do you make things up user

As soon as no deal is taken off the menu we need to blockade London, stop traffic on the M25 and all inbound and outbound motorways.

How fucking hard is it to brush!!!

I skipped the dentist for 20 years. When I finally went back, no cavities. I was fine. And I only brush once a day.

It's not hard people.

can i ask what it is that is causing this decay? is it lack of brushing or foods or lack of a nutrient or something?
i've been bad all my life at taking care of my mouth, and have gone years where i will brush maybe 4x a week (sometimes less)
was a heroin addict for four years and barely brushed then..
anyway, 32 now, perfect smile maybe a little browning, had 3 cavities my whole life, no pain and no new cavities
what gives. pic related

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Same. I brush once a day with water and sometimes even less.

Would recommend xylitol to everyone though. It tastes good and it kills the cavity causing bacteria. There's rarely any buildup on my teeth by the end of the day because I take xylitol after every meal. It's like a little dessert that leaves the mouth fresh.


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This kills the Brit.

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ur teeth are fine mate, maybe a bit of browning like mine. if you want, give those crest whitening strips a try, they do work quite fast (but they cause sensitivity which can be a bitch)
fuck now i know what it feels like to take selfies like a girl trying to get the lighting and angle right
pic relate right now

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I grew up in Yellowknife so its references were cozy as fuck

Surprise surprise your diet consists of low tier carby food with no nutrients.

do bongs not brush their teeth?

Its caused by a variety of factors. Dysgenics caused by industrialisation during the 1800s caused a massive deterioration in the health of the general population, which was rooted in a Darwinstic philosophy among the ruling class of "spare the rod, spoil the child" . Throughout the 19th century and 20th century the pendulum swung massively in the opposite direction with the 1848 Reform Act which granted universal male suffrage, that in turn led to the social reform movement and the eventual collapse of the aristocracy in 1911 with the Parliament Bill which effectively rendered the landed aristocracy obsolete. This swing to the left, whilst ostensibly helping the 'exploited' working classes by provisioning social services (e.g. the introduction of the Poor Law, unemployment benefits, and the NHS, and female suffrage etc), it also had a massively dysgenic effect on the population, by enabling the lower classes to breed without restraint or any attempt at eugenics. After WW2, the ascendant jewish power structure effectively dismantled the last remnants of the previous white power structure. This involved a concerted effort to dismantle the Church and sense of British culture by advocating cultural Marxism in the media, further deracinating the population and destroying all sense of community and ethnic cohesion. This dovetailed with flooding the country with non-white immigrants. Unlike the middle and upper classes who can shield themselves from the destructive effects of forced multiculturalism the working classes have no such facility. Nor do they have the necessary intelligence or educational ability to accurately identify or articulate these problems , so just get stuck in an endless cycle of poverty with no escape.

Yes lack of nutrients and eating high levels of sugar/carby processed foods. Human are predominantly carnivores all tribes who are mainly meat have perfectly clean white straight teeth, there are photos of Aboriginals in early days and they all have straight pearly weights with wide jaws.

Many other such cases

you look more mexican than I do

Yes but why do you guys have shit oral hygiene. Your mouths are fucking atrocious. Like a Trainwreck on your face. Like a daycare massacre.

He's saying that they're too stupid to brush their teeth.

and what? miss jeremy kyle before work?
ich don't think so

Sounds like a bunch of shitty excuses

Ayy senpai poor kids here can save $500 and get 2 years of checkups and braces.

Why is your dental health so shit?

No, really.

Dysgenics, poor diets, lack of exercise, drugs, alcohol, and ethnic hatred towards white people by a sociopathic ruling class who formulate social policy based on these precepts. A healthy, ethnically cohesive population threatens (((their))) power structure. It wouldn't surprise me if they were putting poison in the water supply.

Alright lads, show your soiboy smile and rate others teeth!

looks alright from the outside (7.5/10).

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Tl;dr. Blame it on poverty, government etc. Right faggot?
No, bunch of peasants trapped on a dirty island forced to inbreed and now have no use for a toothbrush because muh teatime. Go fist yourself.

look at the indifference in his eyes
it doesn't even matter here

America is worse than the UK for oral hygiene.
This is just a meme by a typical self-loathing
UK is 5th USA is 9th


You could fly to Molar city Mexico.

Even Mexico ranks higher than America for
oral hygiene


Its not a lack of brushing teeth. Our ancestors never brushed their teeth and had much better teeth than the lower class British of today. Our problems are caused by poor genetics, which are caused by poor diets. Its a vicious circle.

Holy shit, that's some next level bullshit.

Genetics have little to do with it, but diet most certainly does.

Sounds like California, friend - I'm going through the same shit.

The only option I seem to have is letting some gook first year dental students fuck around in my mouth.

Are you serious? How else do you explain why some people brush their teeth every day and still end up with cavities but others never brush their teeth and never get cavities?

Genetics are the most important variable

only suvvern pooftas brush t'fookin teeth

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You have fluoride in the water we don't.

>rarely brush teeth as child
>no problems
>have one filling
>it falls out immediately
>don't want to go back
>ignore it
>no problems
>don't go to dentist for several years
>start brushing teeth regularly at some point
>go back after 18
>don't have to pay until 20 because of university
>no problems
>shortly after 20
>oy vey you suddenly need all this shit
>n-no goy you won't be able to come back
>ten years later
>no problems
Dentistry is a scam.

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Yes we do.

British people--why don't you brush your teeth? It would solve many of your problems!

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sage flavoured toothpaste.

>Yes we do.
We don't have fluorinated water here.

Most people use to get dental care for free. You could pay for better if you wanted, but it was always free if you needed it.

The government decided dental care wasn't important and cut funding to it massively. Now dentists work on some kind of retarded system where they pay for everything, and then bill the government at the end of the year. Only problem is the government only pay a flat amount for each treatment so it's often not that profitable (if profitable at all) to work like this.

This lead to two things happening. First is a lot of dentists went private. Basically they stopped relying on the government and started charging for treatment.
Dentists who remained free basically have to do everything they can to cut costs. Which usually means very subpar treatment and a lot of corner cutting.

The thing is, health insurance in the UK isn't common due to the NHS and most work places don't offer it. So if you want dental care now and are working, you need to pay for it. And it's expensive.
A checkup will usually cost about $60, and something like a simple cleaning is about $80.

>UK #4

This is clickbait by a notoriously unreliable tabloid.

We use to, like 10 years ago.

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Is pic related your weakness Britbongs?

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outdated, george

>was a heroin addict for four years
You belong in a garbage can.


Only if we all stopped brushing our teeth in the past year, hank

Higher sugar content in diet
Higher meal frequency
Previous dental restorations
Lower salivary output
Worse oral hygiene to name a few.

Just because you brush twice a day doesn't mean it gets clean, you have to do it properly with the correct technique. When was the last time you had a dental professional instruct you in oral hygiene?

no suprise when the thrid world lives in Britain now.

Friendly reminder that crooked messed up teeth are caused by improper facial posture and misuse of jaw muscles.

>Their teeth are falling out in their twenties and thirties"
When I was 16, I had a 2-year tooth infection that wouldn't go away and pulled my own tooth out. Pretty self conscious about it now.

There was a time, long ago when most people didn't brush their teeth and didn't have a head full of rotten teeth either. They just ate better food back then.

Just stop eating fucking sugar. This is the single best thing you can do for your teeth.

>Poland has the worst teeth in the world
>Millions of Polish move to the UK
>UK has shit teeth now

All adds up.

Thats what happens if you put sugar in your tea every day.
Coffee is the redpilled choice.

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Brush your teeth you disgusting Brit

Check out Weston A. Price's research on dental health among different populations. Ever wonder why African tribes have perfect white teeth in spite of the fact that they never go to the dentist?

TLDR: Brits have shit tier dental genetics and their industrialized diet and Europoor "healthcare" aren't doing them any favors.

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that theory is mostly bullshit
Messed up teeth is the result of leaving the mouth open and not using the jaw muscles.
Associated with a diet of softer foods found in more developed countries.

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Never said diet wasn't a factor but there's absolutely a genetic element to the poor state of British teeth.
How else do you explain the fact that the average American has white, straight, non-rotting teeth and the average Brit has sub-third world teeth? It's not like the American diet is any better.

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>African tribes have perfect white teeth in spite of the fact that they never go to the dentist
That’s actually pretty interesting

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No, genetics really isn't a factor, ancient and medieval skulls excavated in Britain have perfectly fine oral development.
The rates of poor dental condition are similar in both the US and Britain.
It's not that the food is nutritionally worse, but rather, the food is softer (improper muscles use) and has a higher sugar content (tooth decay).

Yeah, nothing to do with cosmetic dentistry.

>Many people do not brush

Why not? If your government promoted good dental hygiene as much as it promoted rapefugee propaganda then the problem would solve itself.

>rates of poor dental condition are similar in both the US and Britain.

That's all well and good but if you've spent any amount of time in the US and the UK or even if you've just watched British reality TV, you'd know that the average Brit has much worse looking teeth than the average American in spite of the fact that our diets are similar.