Do your best, Jow Forums

Show me your diplomatic skills

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>Being co-dependant on Oil

What are you some neocon voting conservative soccer mom who approves of bulldozing down rainforests to make sandwich toothpicks because if so I am masturbating at the thought of you exclusively

Whichever country can kick the shit out of the other country and their allies gets the oil.

Yeah, mutt we understand that the oil is a basic component of your genetic...
Since you are not white it is only normal to want more black things.

Problem fixed if these both become country "USA"


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Israel must've remodeled your assholes to be sucking you dry like it does then

come on get creative

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>Be me
>Born in Ireland
>Travel all around Europe
>Be 25
>Visit 2nd cousins in America
>They have horses and guns and Caterpillar machines and an oil field
>Immigrate legally
>5 years later
Best decision ever.

The solution is to cave a man's skull in with a bowling pin