WTF is this guys problem?

WTF is this guys problem?
He's suddenly offended by UKIP calling out islamic degenerates, rape gangs, etc?

Was Nigel always a cuck? WTF happened?

Attached: Capture.png (968x736, 998K)

Maybe Sargon and Tommy Robinson should learn by now that nobody likes them. Everyone knows that they're Israeli shills trying to subvert every movement they get orders for and they don't stop. Can't wait to see those two in prison.

Friendly reminder that Robbinson is a pro kike shill

Nigga what? Tommy Robinson is less of a cuck than Nigel Farage, did you even read OP’s pic?

What a fucking nob

Why the FUCK do you fucking kikes still come onto Jow Forums and pretend like people don't know who the fuck Tommy really is. Why did Stephen change his name? Why is he shilled so hard here? Why is he always causing trouble? He's a Mossad agent that deserves life in prison.

Attached: 1518964661414.jpg (4402x5727, 3.99M)

I don't know but I'm done with him. I have followed Nigel and enjoyed hearing him lambast MEPs for many years but if he's going to force me to choose between him and Tommy, I choose Tommy.

Sooner or later you have to show your real face. He's been looking for an excuse to quit politics ever since the Brexit vote, and it seems like now is finally the time. At the end of the day he's just another opportunist.

how do the bongs go from the BNP and nick griffin being super popular when the situation was still somewhat salvageable ten years ago to ukip and nigel farage being popular when it was already game over?

he cucked out immediately after brexit, though without ceremony

this is now an excuse for the ceremony