Look at these animals

Look at these animals.

>can't make fire
>can't count higher than 2
>don't know the function of a boat, even staring it in the face
>Incredibly violent

Keep in mind that there is nothing "unique" about the Sentenilese. They're just typical niggers. And this would be the state that all niggers would still be living in if it weren't for outside interference. And yet, they have the audacity to walk around, take advantage of the system they had no part in building, destroy everything they touch, and then act like the rest of us owe them something.

Attached: stone age nigs.jpg (300x168, 13K)

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>Look at these animals.
Wakanda IRL

>never meet the people
>know their name

They probably don't even have names or a concept of names, they're fucking stone age ooga boogas.

can niggers be convinced that north sentinel island is wakanda so everyone tries to get there? lol

Imagine the dirt and lack of comfort and disgusting food they encounter dsily. Imagine being stuck on an island with 50 other inbred black midgets. What do they even talk about? What is there to do besides fucki fucki ravaged pygmee punani? Wonder if they have neets.

And yet they don't cuck on the immigration question. They're more based then most people in developed nations.

yet every male in their patriarchal society, which probably was established through pure physical strength of the males over the females, is entitled to pussy, while you beta's need to jerk off to your crush.

>tfw uncivilized but yet getting the pussy.

Sounds quite like Romania

There's only like 15 of them