Hey guys so I noticed that after I posted my character here to /advice/, my character is suddenly getting kind of popular on /b/ and Jow Forums... I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing cuz they are turning it into a meme. I wanted to make my character a big franchise like Hello Kitty but it's turning into a meme on Jow Forums. It's not all that popular yet and idk if it will even actually get popular but I seen quite a few people making memes with my character. Should I be worried?
Jow Forums is taking my character?
Other urls found in this thread:
For example, some guy made this meme
You're welcome
Here's another one I found
You brought your shit drawing here and now you grew a shit meme. Its fucking terrible.
Never show your pussy to strangers for free.
Your meme is shit so fuck off fag. Fucking hypocrite
Hope you don’t mind, I formed a llc. and just had 100k t-shirts printed, already sold half of them and the container hasn’t arrived from China yet.
Just thought I would say thanks.
Wait are you fucking serious right now faggot?
Indeed. You made me some nice bank.
Not sure if joking or actually serious....
It’s not like you’re going to sue me, lol.
Have a good one!
Can you send me the link to your thing so I can at least see if this shit you did is real or if you are just joking???
You posted your own, original, non-copyrighted content to a public message board. That implies consent to use the image.
You're boned.
ITT: trolls trolling trolls
Can I at least see proof that the character is being sold now??? I need to see if this guy is joking or if he's being serious
u fool this is what he wants. this is just a made up story to spread his pussy
I'm not a normie fag
holy shit. my girlfriend buzzed my ears over this "cute cat shirt" two days ago. we got two. nice and minimalistic. lmao never thought it came from Jow Forums.
kill yourself
Link??? I need to see for myself if this is real
That's cool. I have ordered one of these for my little sister's bday. Now I'll order some more because I'm glad to make a fellow user an extra buck.
hope you didn't order the black one, I heard that printing gets shitty on those.
Link or I don't believe you
Here. It's a russian website, but It's easy to find it
Yeah, I'm not clicking that link.
He said he had 100k shirts en route from China. If that's so, then there must be an American distributor.
I'm calling "shenanigans!" on this thread.
Yeah I think this guy is trolling. I can't even find the shirt in the website
Nice try to get me banned for posting SPAM!
What do you mean???
Yeah idk if this guy is just trolling me or if he's serious
Wtf dude I think I saw someone wearing that exact cat on a shirt online the other day, seems like you're a celebrity now
It is I, Cornelio Warner. I have just bought the rights to make a movie based on the life of this exquisite cat. From now on I own all of your moneys and your meme is my intellectual property. -Sincerely Australian