Chemical attacks in France

So when is enough enough and people revolt against the largest chemical attack on any western city in history?
>80 year old women killed by gas canister
Remember that tear gas is banned for use in war.

Attached: tear gas.jpg (1200x800, 89K)

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This is a great point...
why is pic related a horrible crime against humanity according to the media but dousing an entire city with a banned weapon of war is ok?

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This isn't war. That's why it's "okay"
The woman didn't die from chemical attacks, but from the canister itself smacking her in the face

who cares its just tear gas its not like they were blown up

Note that the old woman was killed in Marseille, where there were few protesters. The CRS still went all out right from the beginning.
In Paris, the saturday before the last, they used 5000 CS gas grenades, that was a record, so much that they started running out and had to ask supplies from the gendarmerie. Last saturday, they used 10 000. They are pretty much running out at this point, if we could block the two factories making those grenades, they would be helpless.

That's the hypocrisy of the eternal left. Anything is ok as long as they are the ones doing it.

>Who cares it's just tear gas
Go ahead and take a deep breath.

Nah this has huge potential to cause a shit storm on social media.

they are gassing women and children

Not tear gas grande, sting grenade. Like a rubber ball frag. She received one of the balls right in the face.

Sure it has. I even hope it does, but my points still stands

ooo fuck they shot an old lady right in the face!
#LethalCrowdControl #NoChemicalWeaponsInFrance

A baton is non lethal too, but you can still murder someone with it. Bad argument.


French people have said they are throwing grenades that actually gib people.
If true. How is that ok? You should be kicking their asses.

Some police units didn't have gas masks and were out there, the level of competence.

Because 1 target is a minority and the other won't submit to globalist policies.

this is a great fucking point. Europe was in a stink about us using tear gas on the people rushing our border. Then france uses them against thousands and not a fucking peak

god I hate them

I'd love to see leftists defend the government doing this as they shit themselves over trump using it against invaders who aren't even US citizens.


Oy vey! Remember the six Million gassed French babies at the arc de Triumphe! Me and my Uncle Morty were gassed twenty times and France!

They're using stingballs? Seems a little excessive.


It's Anudda Shoah!
How long before Jews in France are rounded up and tickled to death?

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I will never understand retired people who stay in big cramped hazardous and polluted cities like Paris. Not to mention walking around violent riots, she is literally asking for it.

One of their "own" nontheless. Someone who was born there, and for the love of her own country protested got killed.

At least you guys did it to intruders.

Or occupy the facility and start using them?

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Based and redpilled.
Anyone with a brain retires in the country.

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>Its over goyim
>Give up your vest
>Submit to me your presidente
>lord Marcaroni

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>That's the hypocrisy of the eternal left. Anything is ok as long as they are the ones doing it.

Unironically just like concentration camps But then again: if they had principles they would not be on the left

Where is that? That's beautiful.

>Oy vey! Remember the six Million gassed French babies at the arc de Triumphe! Me and my Uncle Morty were gassed twenty times and France!
#1 Kike lobbyist in France actually said something like this. He actually made a tweet saying "yellow jackets are saying they're getting gassed? Do you know what getting gassed means?" The disgusting arrogance and out-of-touchness of the tribe in moments like these is making even the most tolerant people wake up. This is also a kike who has supported every single color revolution in the Middle East and bragged on TV that "it was good for Israel", he's been involved in the destabilization of so many foreign countries, but he's shitting his pants now that revolution is happening here. He needs the guillotine more than Macron.

Oy gevalt! Is that antisemitsm I hear?

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She was in her apartment (fourth floor), closing her windows when the grenade hit her. She was also Algerian so no big loss. They're saying she didn't die from the trauma but something happened in the ER like she couldn't handle the anesthetics.

why the fuck do you care so much a out the middleeast? still cocksucking the arabs instead of defending French people.
Are you an arab?

they did for sure in paris last saturday to protect themselves when overwhelmed

source: (only in french, sorry)

They also used one in Bordeaux last saturday, cost a guy his hand when he tried to pick it up. (they threw both those and tear gas at the same time, real dick move)

As for the woman, a justice offical talking about the enquiry said: "On a retrouvé chez elle des plots de grenades" ("we found rubber stings inside her apartment"). She was closing her windows at the time...

The rolling green hills of South Gippsland.

Attached: Green hills.jpg (1150x863, 107K)

Because they're white.

Happy Hanukkah buddy

are you that potato farmer

For the last fucking time we are not making Happy Hanukkah an alt right saying so that Kikes and Yidflies can claim it is antisemitic if anyone else says it.

Thanks my man.

I would like to sit on that hill as an old man and smoke a pipe. South Gippsland. I'll remember it.

Attached: about 4000 tonnes of taters.jpg (1093x615, 73K)

You just want to build a nice and comfy hobbit hole in that landscape.

Wew so that was intentional

I don't know my dude, the fire rises. I can't be upset about tear gas killing someone because it's not that dangerous, it is banned more over political slippery slope than danger, we use it on the southern side of our border, and to me I mean God damn if I am in a massive protest I will certainly be down to be targeted with tear gas or else explain my gas mask

as far as I am aware we are, but more so on social media to be able to force red pills down the throats of our rivals

No, we are not.
Yidflies (Orthodox Jews) and Kikes (Israel) are fighting, you need to stop playing their games.

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probably not. But they shouldn't be using those to repel protesters, even violent, unless their lives are in danger. Well, actually i think that's what the law says about it, but you know how sketchy things can be depending on whether the government benefits from it or no

yikes won't things try to kill me?

Did they, during time, diluted the gas more and more so is very ineffective now?

Here the police used some gas on "resistance" chimping on the streets, a bunch of faggot-loving, secret services-infested, EU dick-sucking globalist fucktards on Soros payroll. Which larp as right wing but are 10x more leftists than the corrupt leftists in power.

They did not like it one bit, so I assume our stuff is more potent.

We only have the most dangerous Cobras on the planet in South Gippsland, She'll be right.

Oh i forgot the picture.

Attached: Tiger snake.jpg (600x365, 58K)

libya was the valve that prevented the flood

The funny Thing is: the most harmless are the ultra-Jewish Looking ones who just wanna read their Talmud and how the goyim have no Souls and feel chosen all day.

The real bad motherfuckers are the Ashkenazi elite, who have almost nothing Jewish left in their attire, but a very, very, very dangerous mind and ideology.

dictator gassing his own people TO THE DEATH

i'll stay in my frozen shithole thank you

No, I don't give a shit if it burns but we're tired of the overwhelming presence, manipulations and hypocrisy of the Jewish lobby here in France. BHL and his ZOG clique are constantly on TV preaching against French nationalism while being a zionist, using their influence to get French army involved over there while likening working-class revolt over here to literally Hitler, etc. One of the most influential forces behind Macron. I'm telling you they keep provoking the people instead of making themselves discreet, and in turn more and more are starting to wake up. This is starting to smell like 30's Germany. They've been trying for weeks to spin this as a far-right movement, which it wasn't originally, but it is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy due to backlash against MSM treatment.
>we have dug into the facebook profiles of the movement spokepersons
>this one liked a pro-Fn article once, that one once shared an anti migrant video, and basically they're all HITLER
This is some late-USSR-about-to-explode-oh-shit-what-are-we-doing-level attempts at damage control, so-called independent journalists overtly acting like state police. They're desperate and they're alienating everyone, no one is buying their shit.

Nah imagine living in an area where a Cobra that is more venomous than a King Cobra is not considered dangerous because you can get to a hospital and get antivenom within 3 hours if it bites you.
Pretty snakes though.

Attached: pseudechis-porphyriacus.jpg (537x414, 58K)

no step on snek

Seriously the Red bellied black snake is the 10th most venomous snake on earth, it is more venomous than a Black Mamba and this is not considered a dangerous snake in Australia.
(The other 9 are also Australian)

Attached: venomous_red_bellied_black-1030x672.jpg (1030x672, 40K)

I also think this will end in war, although I do not want it. Because (((they)) and the left in General also know one method: to double down. And the elite simply don't give a rats ass about us plebs dieing. That's the two sides of the poisonous shekel that is capitalism and international socialism


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I can't even archive this to look at it.

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How has the reaction been in Germany, if any? How is the general sentiment regarding the Merkel government?

what a coincidence. The other nine cocks up your mother's ass are Australian too.

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Holy fucking kek

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>tear gas
>chemical attack

Oh shut the fuck up.


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Why did somebody shop out the green writing on the canister in the original pic?

That's retarded, should have just changed it to yellow.

Seeing aussies show their banting power about France everyday...
It's a good enough motivation to keep freezing my ass every evening at my blocking point.


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Are you the frog that was thinking about giving up because of the sniffles?
Stay strong you fucking poofta.
She'll be right mate.

Lots of people angry. Still voting left of Merkel in the West. Fuck em.

Tiger Snakes are bad-ass. But they are not cobras.

should NATO bomb france?

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If Australians went around considering everything that could kill them to be dangerous, they'd never get anything done.

You seem upset.

I am, a few drinks later though.

The Rothschilds made sure it is known as "The State of Israel", you'll notice it's never referred to as 'country'. The Jew testament forbids them from forming their own state until the next Messiah comes.

Angela Merkel wird mit den anderen jüdischen Marionetten brennen.
Sein Geist hat sich vor Jahren aus dem Grab erhoben und diejenigen, die die Welt verderben, werden im Höllenfeuer brennen.

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That woman was algerian. 2 birds with one stone...well, one canister.

Me too i have had at least 6 beers since then and it is not even mid day.
Fuck i love a month off work.

Did you not see what you fucked up?
You are a poofta.

>rejecting Jesus, because muh Torah
>literally break their own precepts, because Israel

Doesn't stop Orthodox Jews like the Kushners from being hardcore Zionists though. Only the ultra-orthodox seem to be serious about their actual religion anymore. The rest have replaced it with a mix of holocaust and ethnocentric supremacism

Oh shit so she wasn't even at a protest. Fuck....

saved thx bro

Looks like where I live. Nice bro

The good joke is when Orthodox Jews try to tell people they are the good guys and want to help the Goyim defeat the evil satan worshipers.

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You lucky bastard. I'm working tomorrow, then I'll block the highway. It's fucking tiresome, hope Macron will surrender before next week.

Tear gas is literally a chemical weapon.

"Chemical weapon" is really the term that should be used, as normies have been trained to associate them with utter evil due to the MSM propaganda against Assad.

>We need Baguette Patrol to corral the protesters

T. Milfman Macron

I am not joking fellow Aryan bro.
My Grandfather and all of his brothers died trying to protect the ideals you were robbed of, shit that we both were....
History has a funny way of repeating itself and the opinion of jews has an uncanny resemblance to 1928, Funny how Jews a freaking out no?

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>Remember that tear gas is banned for use in war

So youd prefer guns, tanks and bombs then, retard?

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I see the Jewish shills are sliding your thread, sorry i have been distracted with this thread i am not lurking newest uploads atm. will bump her up.

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