Been stuck in this endless cycle of telling myself to ask this girl i have a huge crush on out / get to know her better...

Been stuck in this endless cycle of telling myself to ask this girl i have a huge crush on out / get to know her better for months now. I've only got a few weeks left of class with her and I know I will regret not giving it a shot but no amount of people telling me to just do it has worked. Wondering if any of you have been in a similar situation and if so how you overcame your mental barriers. Thanks

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It sounds like a bunch of people have been already (correctly) telling you to just do it. Why haven't you just done it yet?

A mix of things, but I guess not wanting to come across as creepy being one of them and also this is kinda my first time doing this

So what exactly have people told you?
And I mean exactly, this way we can sort out what hasnt worked so far.

"you're likely to regret the things you DON'T do" has proven true in my life. Go for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Who cares how you come across with only weeks left in the class?? Go for it and let the confidence of doing it lead you forward into the future.

Eventually you'll convince yourself that she would have just rejected you anyway. You'll convince yourself that your inaction simply protected your pride, resulting in not a loss of opportunity but instead the preservation of superiority. You'll convince yourself that by accepting this truth you've shown your maturity, or that you remain undefeated in the game of love, or some bullshit like that.

Is this a valid line of thinking? Perhaps.
Is this a productive line of thinking? No.
Don't romanticize being a rock, don't rationalize your apprehensions, because eventually that's all you'll be able to do.

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Say "you come across pretty cool in class, Are you going to be around over the summer? Let me take you to lunch/go hiking/show you this awesome river bank where we can get high and fall in love... " Seriously, doesn't matter what you suggest, if you say it with right attitude. Get it. Life is short and you have nothing to lose.

like the line from the movie goes
do you want to go on with your life wishing you should have asked her? out or are you gonna grow 2 testecles and fucken ask her?


Dude just go fucking do it ! If she rejects you, there's always another girl. And if the feels mutual it was totally worth it.

Asking someone out for the first time can be scary and nerve wracking. I get it.

But here's the deal. If you don't do it, the fear only gets worse with time. Do it, and even if it goes to shit, it'll be way less worse than you imagine it will be in your head, and you'll know, not just think, but KNOW you can do it, which will help you in the future.

You will only come across as creepy if you act creepy. If this is someone who you've had some level of interaction with in the past, honestly just keep it simple. Don't imagine perfect circumstances, the right time, the smoothest line, whatever. Listen to Tell her you think she's cool, and ask if she wants to go out some time. Be direct about your intentions. You can do it.

Just do it. Better to ask and meet your fate than not do it and wonder what could have been.

this is fucked up cuz im in a similar situation and you reminded me of it.

i've heard all the shit that you guys said in this thread before and it still didn't make me do shit. does that mean i'm retarded or that the advice is cliche and doesn't actually help anything?

>Wondering if any of you have been in a similar situation and if so how you overcame your mental barriers. Thanks

Grind it out.
Put yourself out there.
Fail hard.
Repeat ad naseum.

Eventually realize that your freaking out over nothing and the whole thing is no big deal because at the end of it all, failure doesn’t actually hurt that much, what hurts waaaaaay fucking more and is 100 times more toxic is when you hesitate, don’t do anything, and then retroactively start to beat yourself up and play the “what if” game.

Sure, at first that shit seems like it’s less painful than taking a shot and making a fool of yourself, but over time, that shit stacks and becomes like tar building up in your lungs, slowly suffocating you til you’re struggling to breath and making you feel like you’re walking around with a 10,000 pound weight in the pit of your stomach.

From first hand experience, heartbreak might hurt like a broken bone, but broken bones mend and eventually you get better—hopefully having learned a lesson and found a way to improve.

Regret however is cancerous and will slowly eat away at your soul til you feel like a shell of who you are.

The one time I’ve made the biggest ass of myself and done the most fucking cringeworthy stuff i ever—and probably will ever—have done, is also the experience I’ll never regret because I went in full on knowing I was making an ass of myself, but decided to say fuck it, take a risk, and see where it went. It ended up in heartbreak, but it was liberating beyond words. Forever more after that I never had the same hesitation or fears.

It's been a mix of things usually revolving around texting her , the most common advice I've got from friends is just to text her with a "hey" and see how it goes from there - but I couldn't help but feel like that would come across as too upfront.

Thank you all so much for the advice , I really appreciate it. I've got class with her today, so I'm going to give it a shot. I'll update later on today.


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damn I'm in the exact same situation and it sucks. I have no chance of seeing this girl outside of the class we have so I've just accepted that I won't do anything. I'll just wait til I'm independent and have money before I get a gf.

I feel this way too about someone. How do i ask her out guys? Just say"hey this might be a little random but do you want to go out to lunch with me sometime?"

Yeah, just talk a bit then ask.

Update#1: So I had class today and whilst I didn't get around to asking her out , I did have a really down to earth and genuinely amicable conversation with her. I know it's all just small talk, but I felt like we got on really well and as it's been a while since we talked it was a huge confidence boost to know that she actually wanted to talk to me. Baby steps, but I feel like this is something I can do

What did you say to open the conversation?

To be honest I didn't really open the conversation, she said hey and smiled as soon as I sat down opposite her and it just kinda went from there. We spoke about a mixture of stuff, but there seemed to be a genuine connection (not necessarily romantic)

I walked pretty much side by side with the girl I liked but I couldnt bring myself to talk

I've been in the same position so many times, and the best thing to do is find some common ground, even if it's just small talk , and work up from there. You will be surprised how easily it flows after youve started, and that's coming from a guy who spent 3 months trying to muster enough courage to even start thinking about asking a girl out