Why do high iq people tend to be left wing? has this always been the case?

why do high iq people tend to be left wing? has this always been the case?

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Leave mummy out of your shite drivel

only uneducated city dwellers voted for hillary

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Because they're not smart enough to understand that people do stupid shit. Also the majority of high iq folks I've met have no pratical interpersonal and pratical skills. If you dropped them into the center of Detroit most wouldn't survive.

ah it's another "contrary to reality" shill post

They can afford to be. It’s not about IQ but applicable intelligence when it comes to making money.

Most lefties aren’t high or low Iq. They are middling to slightly above average. Smart enough to be productive and willing sheep.

personal unresearched and probably completely wrong theory:

IQ and intelligence/capability is related to good nutrition, health, environment, development, etc. When these things are provided for you its easy to be a leftie because you never understand the 'value' you give up with more lefty policies.

Its easy to say you want diversity, gentrification, 'free' healthcare, 'free' education, immigration when you have never suffered any ill effects from it.

You wish fag

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you're confusing high iq with educated
an "educated" person doesn't equal a high iq person
>4 years community college in art studies doesn't make your iq go up

Seems like all the blue states are the ones with higher IQ there chieftain

>why do high iq people tend to be left wing?

Lies. The fact that an individual is a Leftist is proof they are stupid. It is literally impossible to be both Leftist and smart.

look at the demographics of universities, they are overwhelmingly left/democratic

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mummy would never say such a thing.

a lot of states there are blue, and the ones that are not have a majority of non whites. if you compare a left wing white man to a right wing white man, the left wing man tends to have higher intelligence

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>muh universities
That meant something back when they were exclusive. Not so much now, with the federal government handing out subsidized loans to anyone with a pulse.

It's all so tiring.

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>why do high iq people tend to be left wing?

you are conflating IQ with a petulance. A better way to frame the question would be:

>why do children think they know more than their parents?

But if leftists refute white privilege and thus validity of IQ, your implied argument of mental and intelligence superiority in the left wing is self-invalidating

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IQ is about pattern recognition. Artsy fartsy people are just better at pattern recognition. It's not like IQ has any real value. Why do you think chinks have such high IQs despite being literal bug retards? Their whole language is based off recognizing patterns to be able to even communicate with each other. 53 to be exact. It isn't something to brag about.

Why are you lying? Libertarians have the highest IQ anyways.

detroit isnt even that bad anymore.... ive been there twice.

l*bertarians are not people

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The difference has never been shown to be even one standard deviation, and is thus meaningless.

Hey user, thought it was all bots and faggots in here until I saw your post. Godspeed.

Never change lefty faggots

Besides, there are multiple IQ's, "singular high IQ" is a twentieth century idea.
So much for your education.

Right here

>pattern recognition is nothing to brag about

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when your voting base comprises of cucks, niggers, and spics.

No, it used to be, centuries ago, back when 'the right' was zealous Christians and 'the left' were the reasonable, pro-science atheists. Now 'progressives' are the biggest bunch of retards the world has probably ever seen. The modern 'right' is where the intellectuals align themselves to fight for free speech, science, and truth.

If IQ were a prerequisite for university acceptance, they wouldn't be filled with nigger and spics.
They'd be 60% asian, 30% white, 5% jew, and 5% statistical outliers.

oh wow you're like a Detroit expert now user

Im getting real sick of your lies.

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Most of the highly educated get there through Jewish nepotism. We all know this. Want to go to Harvard. Be a jew, filthy rich, or a decent minority. None of those make someone intelligent.

Don't even want to get into the difference between intelligent and smart. I know a lot of intelligent people that are dumb as fuck at about 90% of life.

High IQ rightwings are deemed schizos and dangerous to society

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just because some poor dude is forced to make appearance on the company's tolerance picture doesn't mean he's left wing, it means he wants to keep his job
high IQ left-wingers are just a very vocal minority

parts of the brain are meant to work hand in hand, and for that reason if anyone's brain has a very dominant part, can be considered dysfunctional
because of this, the far right, far left and left are composed of lunatics

the left+ is like a body without an immune system and decay
the far right are like ants, robots

"I went to North East Detroit and it isn't even that bad. The black people aren't even criminals there, it probably is police racism"
>Don't go down that street user, you'll get shot.

>has this always been the case?
No, for example: Highly educated people were over-represented in Nazi-voters. (Source: "Who voted for the Nazis?
(electoral history of the National Socialist German Workers Party)" - Dick Geary, History Today, 1998)

High IQ = high empathy.

>I can recognize butterfrys more e-zery, dat means I can predict unpredictable variables like human behavior, me smart

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The only moral path in life is that of a mercenary.

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debt slaves that leave college to find work that no longer exists whilst owing 120k in loans?


I think you are confusing intelligence with (((education)))

thats EQ dumbfuck

why do high iq people tend to be left wing?
Because they understand how the liberal scam works and they choose to perpetuate it, meaning that they scam minorities into thinking that they actually see them as equals and act really nice to their faces so that they can use them for cheap slave labor. Strong leaning leftists tend to be the sneakiest people in my experience.

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Engineering, the only relevant college degree, is overwhelmingly right wing, faggot nigger. Yeah, all the fags throwing their money into liberal arts degrees are left wing, wew lad you really showed me. How many times have you failed to kill yourself in the past year, you faggot fuck?
>look at all the gender studies degrees hahaha i guess liberals are edumacated

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THAT'S your evidence? LOL. Universities exist for the sole purpose of leftist brainwashing/political indoctrination. Anybody with a pulse can go to college now, so it's a bunch of indoctrinated niggers and spics. JFC this site is going to shit with threads like this.

Meanwhile, the real men that manufacture cars, airplanes, etc are "dumb" while fucking useless faggots that study about nigger and queer history are "educated." The absolute state of burger America, everyone. PATHETIC

Bootlickers aren't people.

Capitalism is the reflection of natural behavioural processes regardless of someone’s ability to understand and articulate them. Socialism posits a central and ‘totalising’ understanding of sociopolitical life, and post hoc rationalisation, that makes people feel smart and gives them things to talk about.


Big difference between being 'educated' and being intelligent

because we are tolerant.

It's funny when you see California has on average the lowest IQ of any state.

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>why do high iq people tend to be left wing?
>Because they're not smart enough to understand that people do stupid shit
Do you realize why this is the dumbest answer to any question on pol right now?

I wanna give her 10 oral cummies per day while I stay locked up in chastity and have to beg for my once a month unlock as long as I dress fully in women's clothes, mostly a maid's uniform, and have cleaned her home and office every single day


Because the ones that are the smartest tend to also be the most evil


>why do high iq people tend to be left wing?

Because the leftist MSM says so.

you're conflating intelligence with level of education

Angela Merkel has a PhD ins science. Very high IQ person. That didn't really stop her from wrecking her country with immigration.

Not true, as of 2014 reps had a 5 point higher iq average. Lefties are more likely to be college educated/indoctrinated, an important difference. In all fairness thats probably largely due to subhuman darkies

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Because you get to sound pretentious even though you're a barista with a BA in women's studies.

>Lived in a negroid neighbourhood
>Had to move cause apes acted like apes
>Hate niggers now
>Most rightwing family in the new mostly white neighbourhood now

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>why do high iq people tend to be left wing?

Most Higher IQ people also have more empathy and therefore higher morals and see the benefit of peaceful coexistence. When they are young those traits can be exploited by the leftist propagandists who pretend to be more moral and sympathetic to the plight of the common man.
When they get older they get wiser and will see through the deceit, and either go rightwing or get killed by communists.
That's why you generally don't see older leftist high IQ people unless they are part of the tribe or sold their soul.
This is also why there is a trend to subvert politics with introductions of 35 year old politicians.

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Why are you lying?

My IQ is 138 and I'm right wing.
I disagree that the higher the IQ, the more likely you are to be left wing, political ideology is more revealed by personality than it is intelligence.

Western universities currently are left wing though, I'll agree with that. But that's been done on purpose, do you really think that 100, or 200 years ago they were what we currently call "left wing"?
Hell no, they studied the classics. They weren't stupid.

Education standards have been falling for decades, if not more than a century.

>overly educated
>in debt till death
at least Trump's University taught you trade skills to make money.

Did you skip English grammar and punctuation in school? Run on sentences and punctuation errors. I thought you had a 138 IQ?

>why do high iq people tend to be left wing?

average IQ of university graduates is just 1SD form the mean, that's about 115

so most of the high educated people are not really that intelligent

>you're suppose to remember arbitrary rules you get taught once for 50+ years
>from the most convoluted language on the planet

They think everyone is generally as smart as they are and are genuinely surprised when people do retarded short term shit like sell drugs rather than working

Who is this?

This math checks out.

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They chiefly associate with other high iq people, who are themselves usually good people.

They never need to wade in the cesspool of the rest of humanity.

Because the truth is that the left is not the bad guy, capitalism and globalism are

>shit writing
>My IQ is 138
[X] doubt

`comies infested universitys, so most above averages get their brain washed, by emotional shit arguments to surpass intellect that's why it works better on women than on men

Celebrity /=/ Intelligent
I have a IQ of 150 and nobody knows who I am.

High IQ are susceptible to their ego being stroked by being recognized for their brilliance.

Option #1 : use your intelligence to see through the bullshit and fight against tptb while they fight back and crush you

Option #2: get paid lots of money and be told you're brilliant by a bunch of people whose only real requirement of you is that you support leftism

It's easy to see why many intelligent people would give into that

Besides for college educated white and Asian men other college students tend to be low income after graduation and underperform everywhere but not in “life or social sciences”.

high iq people in China are right wing as fuck

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I want to kiss her so badly, even if it means a spanking from mommy
I'm sorry for getting hard in my chastity mommy

>high iq
>can't even meme
sagehideignore slide threads

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so jews infected now the gop more than the dems

The picture we observe is skewed.
Because high IQ right-wing people realize well the situation we're in right now and know that they should not just openly advertise their political affiliation or they risk to be prosecuted.

Because it's 100% horseshit, regardless of where you get the source. I finished a physics PhD at a very liberal school in Texas, and the entire department was full of die hard Trump supporting christian post docs. Some of these fuckers are known internationally, written leading literature, and have been on television, though you would never know their political/religious views if you hadn't spent 14 hours a day locked up with them in a lab. It's all a mask.

No way. I don’t even think 1% of republican voters are Jewish. They just tend to articulate their opinions better

>The Leaf