Mugger sucker punches, kicks victim, robs him
Powerful motivation to keep working out. Don’t let the negroes get the best of you, brothers.
wtf i love niggers now
What you brainwashed bigots were unable to see is prior to this “beat down” (white people are of a lesser vigor) was how the obese gentleman attacked this youth for being a person of color. I can’t reveal how I know this but individuals close to me are advising the young man in the video on how to best present these circumstances to the world. I’ll return to this toilet website to update the racists regulars, and show you how justice works in our Democracy.
What the fuck is wrong with wh*the people? Why would he do that to that poor man?
That’s why when these fuckers approach me I cut them off 15 feet from me. I tell the. “Step back I don’t know you”. Works every time
Fuck Off you dirty sadistic african nigger cunt.
He really should have just handed over his reparations and not inconvenienced the black man. Hopefully the black man wasn't late for work as a result of this.
He must have said something deeply offensive to the sensibilities of this young brother.
I reach for my waste whenever a nigger approaches.
Works every time
Who cares if you insult an innocent one? If you are alone at night and one approaches you, you get in your car or go into the nearest business.
People who were on the scene reported they heard the wh*toid calling the young buck the nword and accusing him of littering chicken bones on the sidewalk.
I'd kill that nigger if I saw that.
Niggers really should be sterilized.
Muh guns tho
That would qualify as reasonable fear for the life of another. Too bad New Yorkers are unarmed...
What is getting what you deserved, for reparations Alex.
This. When you're surrouinded by Orcs you need to become proficient at violence.
>t.grew up in Mordor
that's why I carry a weapon
>I can't reveal how I know this
stop lying fucking pussy
is that feral nog wearing a canada goose jacket?