Well ballers go get your money
This is pretty damning evidence against globe theory.
how do flat earthers explain satelites?
Flat earth retards aren't actually as stupid as they look. They don't actually believe the Earth is flat. The job is to make it appear that people believe the Earth is flat. In doing so, they create a shroud that masks real conspiracies.
For example, if you try to talk about an actual conspiracy like the recent UFO citings or even more acceptable ones like 9/11 being done by Mossad, you get branded a conspiracy theorist. And what is the face of conspiracy theorists? Well it's Flat Earth morons.
>"Oh you believe 9/11 was done by Israelis? You're just like those Flat Earthers."
>"UFO sightings? Let me guess you're a Flat Earth wacko aren't you."
It's impossible to discuss conspirary theories when the moment you mention one you get lumped in with Flat Earth retardation. It's really a brilliant way to destroy any conspiracy theory talk and make you look like a wackjob. The Flart Earthers have done excellent in that regard.
Assuming that thing is actually completely leveled and this isn't blatant bullshit
There's absolutely no way for someone to make a supporting column taller
I just can't imagine any way to do that
STAR TRAILS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME (obviously with a different perspective and angle) all over the world. Whether it be in the so-called "northern hemisphere" or the southern one. FOR ThOUSANDS OF YEARS OF RECORDED HISTORY ITS BEEN THE SAME. It's always been the same. We're not moving.
we dont got them - 99% of all data transmitted through world goes by land cables and undersea cables and cell towers. also the rest 1% is radio.
It’s almost like the earth isn’t a perfect sphere