Do yellow jackets identify as left-wing or right-wing?

Do yellow jackets identify as left-wing or right-wing?

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Neither. The "left vs. right" paradigm is a Jewish trick to divide the goyim. The only struggle that matters is nationalism vs. globalism.

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those are green jackets dumbass



Given that it’s entirely men and they aren’t holding up signs with stupid puns, I’m going to guess right wing


They must be right wingers if they are against socialist taxes.


They identify as one, united


fucking latin


This what they took from us:

No, it's the proletariat vs the bourgeoisie. Here, it just happens to overlap with the nationalism/globalism dichotomy framed by the right, which is why bipartisan protests are happening. It's wonderful.

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Take a guess. According to (((French medias))) they're evil xenophobic antisemitic Whitemen.

First there are lot of women
In the yellow vests, there's some who voted Marine le pen, other for commie melenchon, other for cuckservative.

It's not really a political ing, just french being fed up with govt bullshit.
And the fuel tax was the last straw.

They identify as people who had enough.

Pretty much. We missed our chance at a class war in 1917-18. We're about to get it now. With an extra layer of shit called the migrant "crisis" with its newest hellspawn in the form of the UN migrant pact


>nationalism vs globalism

>im tiered of licking boots, i want to lick marie le pen's high heels

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this is beyond left vs. right. this is the working middle class waking up to the elites continually fucking them over and saying enough is enough.

They identify as Frogs aka smelly wine stained gays

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marxist workers unions are usually AGGRESSIVELY left wing.
these cunts were literally chanting 'KILL TRUMP'.


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Now it is us vs them. We unite under the symbol of the yellow jacket!

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> No, it's the proletariat vs the bourgeoisie
This assumes that proles and bourgeoisie cannot have a mutually beneficial cooperation which is just wrong.

based and milkpilled

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Quick answer

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Whatever but Owen Jones dies.

huh. that's right around this time period

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can the wolfs and the sheep, the fly and the spider. the raper and the raped have a "beneficial cooperation"?

you are deluded

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Am I color blind or are those jackets green?


They are anti neoliberalism. For the Americans, neoliberalism or globalism means both liberals (what you people call the left) and the neocons (what you people call the right). Or what this board calls (((them))).

ANTIFA has won nothing, those tranny, drug addict’s are a fucking joke.

From what I gather it's mainly right wing with some leftists participating, along with some leftist faggots trying to false flag.
That's why you see antifa in america and other countries coming out against it. They call the protesters privileged people who don't want to give up their cars. They tread carefully around the fact that the people protesting ARE THE WORKERS, since the workers are supposed to be on antifa's side in their eyes.

So is the guy in the pick.


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you made me count, lol.


Why would they hate Trump?

mostly gay-coward wing. they're french nigger-loving surrender-monkeys, remember

There's footage of some of them doing clenched fist salutes.

was meant for

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the entire population of France are nothing but ANTIFA now. we are all plebs, scum, ghetto dwelling black people. we are all rabble, black bloc anarchists.

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It's the populist right and populist left coming together to smash the elites. Which is the only way it's happening.

Fuck off Kike. You’re not going divide this movement.

>"wahhhh, we don't wanna pay tax"
>"wahhhh free health care now!"
>"wahhhh, more pensions now!"
>"wahhhh, 30 hour work week now!"
>"wahhh, what do you mean we need to pay for it and we can't without taxes! Fuck you, I'm going to smash private businesses, deface Napoleonic monuments, and light random people's cars on fire because I DEMAND MORE BENEFITS AND LESS TAXES."

Left or right, they're acting like parasitic children. I hope Macron authorizes live ammunition next "protest"

Stop falling for the kike dichotomy

They are also the White nationalist. But keep trying to divide people so the movement starts fighting each other like the good goy you are.

Dumb shill

> can the wolfs and the sheep
In reality capitalist and proles are is more like the leader of the wolf pack and an average wolf.

Jew detected.

>not the type of communism that works
>some type of communism works

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>"wahhhh, we don't wanna pay tax"
>"wahhhh free health care now!"
>"wahhhh, more pensions now!"
>"wahhhh, 30 hour work week now!"
>"wahhh, what do you mean we need to pay for it and we can't without taxes! Fuck you, I'm going to smash private businesses, deface Napoleonic monuments, and light random people's cars on fire because I DEMAND MORE BENEFITS AND LESS TAXES."

Left or right, they're acting like parasitic children. I hope Macron authorizes live ammunition next "protest"

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when you say that the movement is open only to white people you are the one that dividing the people, you are the one excluding a whole category of people - not me.
>President Emmanuel Macron is once again finding that the French do not respond well to reform.
>The demonstrations started earlier this month and have morphed into a wider rebuke of Macron’s presidency and his attempts at economic reform.
>“The white middle class, the forgotten middle class in France,” said Famke Krumbmüller, an expert in French politics at OpenCitiz political consultancy firm in Paris.
If kike news is using their usual tricks by making the YJs out to be "white people" who are resistant to (((reform))), then I would assume that it is a more right-leaning protest.

More importantly, however; is that it is most likely a mixture of the two. They are simply common people who are fed up with being squeezed of their dollars by the socially elite left. Honestly I think we are pussies for not doing the same in our countries.

All they want is less taxes. They want nothing with benefits.

What do lefties, or whatever, even mean by bourgeoisie? Explain to a brainlet, I have a connotation in mind.

> waaahh I have no idea what I'm saying so I'm spreading ignorant bullshit

Holy shit, imagine the alt right and the lgbt community came together to protest against the establishment

the native americans lived under communism. that good enough for me. we gonna destroy this whole civilization if need be.

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People wealthy enough to live by purchasing labor from others as opposed to proletariat who live by selling their labor.

You're the one with a country going bankrupt because you demand massive government services, but don't want to work even 30 hours a week and want to retire at 50.

Get fucked, France is shitting the bed, this is just the start. But yeah, go light your neighbors car on fire and loot some shops, I'm sure that will help retard.

That's at the tribe level though, I bet your parents didn't raise you denocratically.
Looks like these mad lads are rising up in Brussels too. Looks like Europe is finally starting to get their shit together.

you're a fuckin' retard, mate

Untrue, the organizers have also decried benefit cuts.

Not to mention that France can't sustain the benefits it has now, so it needs to raise taxes. Or... lazy faggots could work 40-50 hours a week like every other nation. IDK.

They can also start paying for their own defense, but seeing as how migrants rape 11 yearolds there and get off, I suppose they'll just accept African conquest and be done with it. Working is too much work lol.

>I hope white people get massacred

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well we really don't have it as bad as the French middle class, but I understand exactly what you are getting at

we as Americans ought to be doing our part to spread the yellow jacket operation to other Eurozone countries because those people deserve an uprising as well, subvert the paradigm until it topples into the Atlantic right after Atlantis

They are rioting like niggers. How is lighting private cars and shops on fire a legitimate response to tax hikes?


You haven't said one factual thing. Idiot.

People who own means of production like factories, farms, offices, mines.
Fuck off with your labour value theory nonsense.

>people who never got to metalworking were communists (wrong, by the way)
>we should all strive to be like that
>why does no one take me seriously?
pic related; it's an average commie poster, ready to give up everything to live in his stone age communist utopia.

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>torch cars instead of voting when they don't like a tax
>use it as an excuse to loot shops
>"white people"

They're nogs.

my parents didn't raise me at all. they left me in the woods becouse they didn't have money to feed me in this economy. i was supposed to die but a she-wolf found me and pitied me, she let me suckle milk together with her cubs

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The D&C begins

Yellow Vest = Nazi

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>define term
>fug off gommie
Settle down, Samir. That's what it means.

fake and debunked

Left of course. There are no right wingers left in France. They're communist agitators.

communism already exist in France in a place called ZAD

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I cringe every time leftist uses the term "labour"

yellow jackets? more like the yellowish color of pasta!


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S


I mean this is the peak right wing in France
> muh powerful women

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Just think: some random Jew in Israel was paid with IDF money to focus his developmental disorder into writing this.

And what would you propose they do? Try voting themselves out of it, like with BREXIT? How's that working out? Fuck off faggot, if you can't take a smidgen of violence then you certainly aren't ready for a revolution or massive change of any sort. You're pacified entirely. I suppose you think the 2nd Amendment is up for debate as well?

Retarded niggers such as yourself are why voting restrictions ought to be in place.

that's great, give up your computer and go join them; i wish you the best.

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It’s just some false flagging leftist shitter

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Read their list of demands, it's left wing as shit. They even ask Macron to bring in the (((UN))) so that they can build camps for the migrants.

Communism might work on a family to village scale, but it's completely unsustainable on a nation/state scale. The more people you have involved in the system, then the harder enforcement of that system becomes. Communism is particularly tricky in that it needs heavy compliance to continue to function and most people would rather do their own thing. It also holds back it's hardest workers by chaining them to the success of those much less capable.

Nah it was an old school dude making a legit Roman salute and saying "ave Macron". Macron's cronies cut out the audio and reposted it everywhere screaming "LOOK WE TOLD YOU IT'S A FAR RIGHT MOVEMENT" but they got debunked and nobody gave a shit, didn't have any impact on popular support

It's neither. It's the middle class! All the neglected peoples are now raising their voices! It's time to rise up! Time to take what is rightfully ours!

Well the corporatist billionaires and the drug addicted anacrhists have made quite the pair in the past few years, so why not?

its all in french, fucko

>Being this colorblind