Have wagecuck job at a brewery as production manager on canning line

>Have wagecuck job at a brewery as production manager on canning line
>Only get paid $11/hr
>Ask for raise and get told no
>Start looking for higher paying job
>Need to take two days off for jury duty and helping family move
>Get bitched at for causing an inconvenience
>If I'm so valuable then pay me more?
>Boss finds out I'm job hunting and does all but fire me
>Won't fire me because then they have to pay unemployment
>Sends me home early every day/makes me do everything while everyone else stands around berating me
How is this even possible, I see how the radical commies take hold. I'm smarter than that but still disheartened at the lack of business empathy.
How would pol change or handle this?
Pic unrelated,

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Quit. Freeze your forklift keys in a block of ice before you go.

Good advice, I think I might seam it in a can of beer and leave it somewhere in the cooler

Go Postal. Or if you like living and not doing things to illegal. Go postal in the sense that you start calling everyone names and cussing them out.

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No, chip of a piece of the key so it doesn't work. But make it look like nothing is wrong. Don't forget to call the people there faggots.

It's a brewery, we already call each other names cuss out each other. My boss is a psychopath with PTSD from Afghanistan, not sjw PTSD but sniper shooting children.

>>Sends me home early every day/makes me do everything while everyone else stands around berating me
you already fucked up
you should have broken the face of the first person who talked shit to you.

KYS faggot. Working for some filthy fucking Afghani? You're a fucking loser.

Go on a rant about how the Russians deserved Afghanistan and how American soldiers are cunts and should have all died there. And if he's a marine, say how much better the army is. I've pissed off so many soldiers this way.
And I mean cuss them out, dig at their personalities, and make sure to say things they fear to think.

you stupid fuck. obviously he done served

War vet most likely you dumb shit.

He's a white guy with PTSD from the war in Afghanistan to clarify

Some vets are the worst people on earth. And some are the best bros. No real in between from what I've seen.

You are correct in my opinion, Ive been recommended to read the book snakes in suits about reading people and understanding the mental state of manipulating psychopaths.

Very true. I'm a vet from an SF unit and you either get complete faggots or ultimate bros. I've caught many in fucking lies, much to the amusement of my friends, and usually the cool ones don't talk much about their service unless asked.

Advice for OP, don't do anything stupid because it could follow you around to other jobs if you list your current one on your resume or job applications. Just keep looking for a better job than give them your two weeks and flip them the deuce as you leave.

Do you live in Ohio?

Shut up, don't complain.
Record it. Literally record it on tape. Keep a small taping device. Leave the building for lunch to change tapes.

Keep a journal and write in it when you get home, record the names of the people who used the bosses approval to make your life harder. Record the time and the circumstances of the events in the recordings.
I would talk to your unemployment office, anonymously about harassment and what you can do about it if it's making a danger for you.

In any event, Keep good records.
Save your money, don't spend it on anything. There's a good chance they're looking for a reason to cut you loose, so you'll need the money. And you need to get out of there anyway.
If he fires you, get a lawyer immediately.

Psychopaths are not the smart evildoers the movies make them out to be. They are usually dumb as bricks retards. Pretty fun to piss them off.

You are a shit worthless employee. Quit or shut the fuck up.

Also, while you still remember, write up a history of the events as you remember them.
Dates, times, what was exchanged generally, or specifically where you remember.

I know how you feel brother

You are just as dumb as the employee. It's easier just to DO YOUR FUCKING JOB over all this shit you recommend. Holy shit grow the fuck up.

So...keep looking for a fucking new job ya fucking dink, look into decent 'skilled' trades' ...I make over $30/hr as a tradie, and so can you if you put your mind to it...

sing the horst wessel lied at the top of your lungs to show they cant break your spirit

My nuts are on your tongue, you can't spit them out. Enjoy.

My man, good level headed advice. I plan on leaving on a good note.
Nope east coast is as close as I can say
I've been early every day for over a year and never missed a single day, also I've fixed the million dollar canning line I work on. I'm smart and dedicated if a business owner can see that and let it go it's his own fault.

Document everything, OP. Lawyers exist for this reason. They do free consultation in California so I assume they do so in your state.

I feel you brother

Obviously you are an idiot and undoubtedly under 18.

That's what I've mostly seen as well. I gave up on pleasing those people long ago. Unless they are stupid enough to fight me or something. I'll call them out on their faggotry.

Quit the job dumbass

What has the employer done that's illegal?

Obviously you are boss related and rightfully terrified that you're going to be fired and end up pumping gas.
Lick my asshole while you're at it.

Fuck off Boomer faggot.

Exactly, "illegal."
You, walking turd.
OP, poor bastard trying to make a living, probably working 100x harder than you.

just record the shit he saying to you. get a lawyer. live happily ever after

Waste of digits.

If you are so special then why are you so replaceable? Something isnt adding up senpai

Air, organized DNA, to start the chain...

You fell for the "fuck college white-man meme" and you are getting all you deserve. The fact that white men can't handle 1-2 SJW classes at college, keep their heads down, graduate, and become founders and titans of industry just means that the Jews will win.

NO ONE is going to save the white race making $80-300k a year in some shitty trades-meme jobs. Stay fucking mad blue collar shitheels, I don't fucking care. If there were white nationalist billionaires we wouldn't be in this fucking mess...we could literally fund everything we need and wage the same war the Jews and non-whites have waged against us.

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Yea, the number of cells in your grey matter over 1.
Doesn't add up, they ain't there, drooly.

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Digits confirm OP is the problem.

On production or employment? We falsely advertise beer as stuff it is not and relable cans. We produce beer without a printed expiration date. There is no logging of employee hours an no overtime is paid, ethically the owner pays his employees so low that we had a homeless employee sleeping in his car in the parking lot.

Find out what triggers his PTSD and play recordings of the call the prayer and gunfire and shit. Also, document everything, get them to fire you without racking up 3 infractions and find a new job, wagie.

constructive dismissal / toxic work environment = unemployment benefits

People like you are.

Go full Fight Club or American Beauty on your boss.

The number of digits you've stuck up your ass on your left and right hand confirm that you still miss the short-bus driver, Mrs. Jenkins. She even gave you candy for Christmas, remember, Drooly?

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Fired for what you idiot? Treating an employee like he isn't important... That's not illegal buddy

You are nobody's buddy.
You burn words like your lips mean something more than an ass-cleaning tool.

KYS faggot.

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16 year olds out by me make 11/hr to start at McDonalds. Most are high at work.

you sound mexican

Im never drinking another corona

Ok zoomer. If you had half decent parents you could be capable of learning a thing or two from your elders.

I'm not, they are scrambling to fill orders and going to lose profit over my leaving however their pride and greed is keeping them from keeping me and their profits

>paid $11/hr
stop read right there
kys now

>How would pol change or handle this?
Get a different job.

fuck that brewery and their stingy ass

you could spread lies, like the ingredients aren't handled safely etc... but don't do it around the time that you quit

Just find another job and push through the BS in the mean time. Leave on a good note, sacrifice your pride and be smart

The salvation army (hires felons/water heads/pot heads) by me has a big sign in the window, 10.70/hr

White of Dutch heritage, hard working from a legal immigrant family.

Deliberately creating adverse work conditions to try to force an employee to quit is the kind of shit the Department of Labor gets its dick hard over, given that it's textbook retaliation.

Dumb people in positions of power making low wages leads to this environment

Millennial I suppose. I remember 9/11 and MS-DOS.
And I did learn from my elders you faggot, My grandfather redpilled me from a young age. But he was part of the silent generation. Never learned anything useful from a boomer, they don't have anything useful to teach.

most jobs paid 14-15 per hr it you breathe...

Well written. You sound extremely employable.

Not everyone lives in a ZOG city, where inflation eats the $1000/week paycheck at 75%. Some of us live in places ZOG flies over, where rents may still be 75%, but the total is only $800.
If OP is telling the truth, good for him for having the wherewithal to work to make something.with his skills.

I'm afraid I could be sued for causing a loss of profit, but the false advertising of ingredients which are actually flavor extracts/additives really disappoint and infuriate me

If they fire you, file a complaint about the u paid OT. They will have to repay it. Take photos of time cards and such, so you can prove it.

My state hires at $7.32 I believe. And nobody wants to give full time. Just part time. Fags the lot of them.

then you could correct their advertising and be truthful

Are you still here? I figured your cheap drug habit would have finally knocked you out for the night.
Let nobody say you can't huff paint like a pro. Better than you suck dick, and they say you've got them lined up at the alley.


Time to destroy a company.

Record the abuse on a tape recorder then sue

Yea, don't ever fuck shit up, that will just get you criminal charges.
And fuck up your chances at other jobs.

>I'm afraid I could be sued for causing a loss of profit
Nigga, what? Are you in an at will employment state? You can't get sued unless you have a strict employment contract AND they weren't treating you poorly.

So what you are saying is, if people are willing to work at the factory for wages so low they can't afford a place to stay, then the rest of you are being criminally overpaid?

Why is your boss wasting so much money on you when there are people willing to work for less?

Have to lol at this, the owner of the company offered a college educated fermentation science specialist $8.50/hr. I'm surprised how no one is amazed at the greed of men being the main cause of most small business strife

Meh, they ain't payin you enough. Get that can into a production run.

>False advertising
Who doesn't do this
>No expiration date
Is this illegal? If so call the agency that regulates it.
>No logging hours or overtime
Are you in the US? If you are this is also illegal. Call your local department of labor.
>Ethical pay rate
The fact that someone is homeless is not on the business owner. It's on that bum who can't manage his finances. He accepted the wage, he can get a room mate and not spend money on frivolous shit like he is clearly doing.

How so? Cause I can work with people and make the best out of a situation vs complaining about it on a message board?

I didn't mean an ethical pay rate is illegal I merely mentioned it as a reflection to illegal being (possibly)bad and ethically deplorable even worse.

Digits confirm this in Canada.
May not be relevant where OP lives.

Couldn't he be charged for Defamation?

Yer god damn Zoomers dont know what it means to work hard these days.

Ahh, a defeatist cuck.

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You have a case for unemployment anyway. The boss changed the nature of your job and changed your hours. You can make the case that this drove you to quit and get unemployment. Especially if you know that your boss found out you were job hunting.

The fuck are you talking about?

>There is no logging of employee hours an no overtime is paid,

Start clocking your own hours and report them, this is highly illegal

The owner if the business also.owns apartments and laughs out loud at his employees trying to rent one literally saying that they don't make enough to rent one, this logic fails me especially for a small operation of 5 people doing the job of about 20. Bosses words not mine.

This wealth inequality shit really is a problem now that the ZOG niggers have managed to import third world labor into every western country.

Lovely words you've strung together there. I'm sure your step dad would be proud.


Look this guy bought the "college degree will automatically get me a good job" meme

>Bad days make it ok to treat people like shit
The Movie

I don't think you know what defeatist means, he'd be a defeatist if he WAS complaining about it online

you boomers are going back to work soon

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Too bad beating the shit out of him is illegal and would ruin your chances in the future. He's a prime candidate for a beating.

Yeah, if he spreads lies he can. It wouldn't be a good idea from a future employment thing either. I dealt with a similar situation but quit gracefully and it paid off down the line. You can't get sued for loss of production for quitting. You could get sued for fucking off and lying on your timecards. You can't get sued for reporting actual infractions to the correct regulatory boards. You won't get sued for defamation if it is true.

I suppose you could be sued for literally anything, Maddox sued Dick Masterson for calling him a cuck, but if you fight it you will win as long as you don't do anything illegal.