Classic Gavin

classic Gavin

Attached: Terry-Richardson-Naked-150.jpg (935x1280, 166K)

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classic Gavin

Understand what they did to the West:

good to see another gavin fan here...

Attached: terry.jpg (883x1280, 139K)

Foreskin master race
Thanks to my genetically Jewish mother for making sure I wasn't cut like my goyish German father
Will show for shekels

I hate this disgusting faggote


Me too

insane man rambles to self in empty room

foreskin is disgusting

t. fembot


You seem upset, rabbi.

Attached: shareblue_JIDF.jpg (1120x1120, 383K)

vaginal lips are disgusting
pls cut them off


Attached: ff.png (970x542, 257K)

How big would that be hard? 8x6?

There isn't even a sergery for that tard. Not like I need it...

thats funny
i also have a jewish mother that refused to let them cut me
fuck jews btw
'cept me mum

Open bob

>jews have their foreskin and not me

Attached: ff.webm (1920x800, 3M)

Yeah dude mom is a saint. We only leaned we were ethnically Jewish when I was 25 and she was 45. It's so unfortunate she was raped by Somalians. Thanks Trudeau. I have a 7.62x54 with your name on it famalam lmao JK would never do anything illegal

Holy fucking shit I cannot unsee that and cannot see Gavin the same. He must be into ballbusting.

Yeah make childbirth deadly and orgasm impossible for a woman. Totally not a false equivalency. I'm against circumcision too but I'm not going to pretend its the same as fgm.

>childbirth deadly
by what mechanism tho

im so sorry goy
id give it back to you if i could

Youre right its not the same its worse. Only one form of fgm removes as much tissue as circumcision and its only done in one percent of the cases.

This is the man Australia says is too dangerous to enter the country.

Attached: gavin beaker.png (620x408, 300K)

flap plastic surgery is a thing

Attached: ready to settler.jpg (498x471, 70K)

conservative is the new counter culture

It's a leak of about 10000000 Terry Richardson photographs that were probably too boring for most people to sift through. Most of them are real. I didn't recognize many of the people in there but maybe you will.

stop lying... fucking peanuthead

Remember a few years ago when Gavin McInnes was a mainstream celebrity, and was buddies with Justin Theroux, David Cross, and Patton Oswalt?

Attached: Justin Theroux Gavin McInnes.jpg (612x612, 83K)
"A new study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that women who have had Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) are significantly more likely to experience difficulties during childbirth and that their babies are more likely to die as a result of the practice."

why does he hate his foreskin so much? jesus christ.

Beware of the Far-Right extremist

Why don't you cut off your clit then?

>This is a conservative in America.


my mum was raised jewish by my full jew grandpa but he hated his family and probably jews in general so mom was pretty much just ethnically jewish
we never went to synagogue or anything
only jewish thing we ever did is celebrate hannukka
so based grandpa and based mom saved my dick
"A new study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that women who have had Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) are significantly more likely to experience difficulties during childbirth and that their babies are more likely to die as a result of the practice."

Not a single lie in that post Ameribro

Women without clits cannot orgasm and suffer more complications during childbirth. Men with foreskin still can orgasm. I am against circumcision but FGM is objectively worse.

Decent and checked
I'm purely ethnic half Jew, since I was raised Christian European, but you're very similar since you weren't raised in Jewish culture (other than hannukah)
Let me ask you bro
What's your take on the JQ? Is it just Israel, is it some jews, is it all jews?


Reminds me of my foreskin.

And what about the males who have botched circumcisions and can never have sex or reproduce? Every time a boy baby is mutilated, you are rolling the dice that he will DIE.

Female babies in america do not have to worry about being killed by a useless fucking proceudre.

Mutiliating a babies genitals is wrong MGM is equally as wrong as FGM.

Go fuck yourself you fucking shill and happy hannukah :)

Mishling, why have you asked this two days in a row?

It's the same thing. Mutilating children should be a criminal offense.

Fucking kek

Severe alcohol addiction?
I'm just biding my time while I make my list until I go out like a fucking road flare
I have nothing to live for. These bastards brought in Somalians that raped my wonderful mother. They need to bleed.

HUUUUUURRRRRR! I can stretch my foreskin way out to make my dick look longer! Almost looks like a nigger now! HUUUUUURRRRRR!

Literally who?

What a goofy mother fucker.

I never gave this faggot 5 mins. Feel bad for the ones that did.