HAPPENING NOW: BLM protesters take over Hoover, AL WalMart

Threatening to get violent and march to mayor's house.

FB: ndebuono/videos/10105893068430688/

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give us a good link you goon

They've moved on to Buffalo Wild Wings now.

no one cares about niggers chimping out Mueller just got BTFO and Dems are shitting themselves

Walmart was the worst company I ever worked for. BLM is doing a good thing here


every time I see one of these it proves the NPC thing is real

Viva La Negro!

Learn how to copy and paste, you mongoloid. It's a Fagbook link.

Jow Forums thinks it's spam.

This has potential.

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I don't do facebook.

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>If we don't get it
Get what? Beer and wings?

you know what, I don't even fucking care

hopefully Walmart gets fucked up by these protesters for being disgusting parasitic overlords who treat their employees like shit universally

I am still blown that homeboy worked 10 years at Walmart and got a bullshit congratulations card instead of a raise - I may even be angry for him at this point

if BLM starts bothering the normal white neighborhoods let me know and we can make moves

> tfw i open link and they were chanting "SHUT IT DOWN"

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Based and redpilled

Niggers at a chicken place. Boring.

Why are they chanting? Are they doing a ritual?

Just stupid faggot niggers with their phones out trying to feel important
>look what I did today :) like comment and subscribe

Story time?

is this a white gril?

Working at Walmart for 10 years was his first mistake. You can move up in pay by changing jobs frequently even with retard jobs.

Chek'd und Kek'd

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yes a (((fellow white person))) im sure

Hahahahaha stupid ass bitch failing to start a chant.



About time they turned against the toppery. as always based white woman coming in

>its a crime to be walking down the street and be black
god damn niggers are so stupid


k why? Don't take from the shit in France pls

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What a fucking roaste "Hiii~ I'm Nicole"

Which Mayor and where is this taking place?

So what did George Soros tell those niggers to want this time?

Oh good, a field organizer for Planned Parenthood is failing at leading chants...

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White people are so hillariously awkward around black.
>Awkwardly deliviers joke
Hi my names nicole.

i thought their funding dried up after the obama administration ended

Hoover, Alabama. Just outside of Birmingham. Police shot a black guy with a gun three times in the back after a shooting on Black Friday at a local mall.

>"im the whitest person ever"
i vote to exile her from our race
do i have a second?


I, user, hereby second your vote

They are literally yelling at concrete in 40 degree weather.

she stopped streaming?

hopefully a nigger stole her phone and ran off

digits confirm niggers actually believe this.

Niggers don't know what yellow jackets are. NPC news doesn't cover that.

I thought you guys said that this #BLM shit didn't happen in the south because of muh guns. But we've seem chimpouts in Charlotte, Baton Rouge (3 dead) and (of course) the biggest chimpout thus far in Dallas (which left 5 dead and a dozen more wounded). And now Alabama? Uncuck yourselves, southerners.

Bitch better hurry up and go live again.

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That's a beautiful nose she has there.

No no no fucking Americans, can't you get anything right.


New feed.



this shit had me fucked up ngl eating some creamed spinach n' the bitch made me wanna vomit like goddamn how the fuck you claim to represent these ppl and you can't even interact with em normally like the fuck

Why the fuck is the Bureau of Land Management protesting?

Talking about going to mall and looting now.

Macaroni is delicious, fuck you maple nigger


>hehe haha

They seem so mad and demanding.

Facebook? Seriously?
Fuck off.
Give us an actual link.

>Be from hoover

I mean it's nothing but I so wished I could be over there to do something. Over at UA now. It's just 100 niggers going around and yelling in various places around town

not live, but she does say she will go back live when they get to their next spot at the very end of the video

I mean it really is just 100 niggers, maybe less

I drove by it, nothing really to do other than liberate Buffalo Wild Wings and go to Logan's afterwards.

I've been hoping for some looting or violence or something other than yelling but so far nothing.

I guess that will come when they clear the officer of wrongdoing (which from the info I've seen seems like it's 100% going to be the case).

They've already been to walmart. Last place they could go is the libeary and annoy the 2-3 seniors in the building.

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What? Why? What could they possibly want for in this land of plenty?

Shit, they just ransacked the KFC!

Nog got shot for allegedly brandishing a firearm at the mall after getting booted from the military.

how so

Imagine your first name literally being “shirt” in Spanish, albeit stylized. Imagine the lack of a thought process in selecting that name.

Down in Alabama they just call that Tuesday.

I fucking wish

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The horror

Someone lock the exits and torch it to the ground.

>Be gaggle of nigs
>saunter through mufuggin walmart cause police racis
>holla about dat racis mayor
>"gib me dose tapes!"
>saunter out of walmart
>accomplish nothing
Godspeed you retarded ape-people

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