If Mueller actually got Trump impeached and sent to prison how big would the shitstorm on Jow Forums be?

If Mueller actually got Trump impeached and sent to prison how big would the shitstorm on Jow Forums be?

Attached: 2a69hj.jpg (715x480, 34K)

The shitstorm would be a Civil war.

Not a meme.

You mean irl? Huge.

they would all immediately claim that they never had any interest in trump anyway, and start talking up cruz as his replacement (pence would be in jail too)

Attached: Terry-Richardson-Naked-150.jpg (935x1280, 166K)

Impeachment means nothing though. Clinton was impeached. Nothing came of it.

This. Violence unlike any we've seen since the Bowling Green Massacre

not as big as it will be when we find out Mueller is working for his freedom and is facing charges re: U1 and will most likely end up in jail

It wouldn't be on Jow Forums

If the asshole Trump is put in jail (I soo wish this).. white trash in our country would totally chimp out and the cops would have to start shooting them dead.

it wouldnt be pol, it would be civil war