In to the not so far away future...

In to the not so far away future, Poland will become so diverse so fast that it will take less time to go from 100%white to 0%white faster than France

Attached: image-20161005-14243-eh55w6.jpg (926x618, 146K)

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sage goes in all fields

You're a faggot memeflag poster, but this is somewhat true because the polish gov't is importing lots of workers from the philippines, and that's a bad sign when the gates are no longer close. They hate less immigrants with christian upbrringings, preferably catholic, even if they're shitskins

Where should we run? Will Hungary stay white?

Hungary has a huge gypsy probem. Europeans aren't having children no more so govt's need to imports shitskins because of muh economy
I was partialy memeing btw, is the situation really that bad with the imported workers? Do polish cae that they're brown?

This is true. Pic related.

Attached: IMG-20181026-WA0005.jpg (778x1600, 114K)

Op here as of right now its not at all a problem but this will change for sure i mean event if its just 2 nigs per bus on a city level, i think the people would get mad as fuck and i know i would move out and im afraid of the fact this will eventually happen

That's the weak minded thinking that got us into this mess in the first place. Stay and fight. Look at my flag; I live in the most memed nation on earth. Our PM just pledged $50m tax dollars to shitskins so some late night joke men would say nice things about him: you can look it up. But I'm not going anywhere. I refuse to leave because this is my home, and if I can't even stand up for my home I can't stand up for anything. We need to start choosing the most sustainable long term solutions instead of the easiest ones. If you run, eventually you'll run out of places to run to.

Attached: aa6a481ff53029235335076cec8029fb.jpg (723x944, 90K)

i don't get it, why would niggers want to live in Pooland? i mean it's a shit tier country why would someone choose it instead of Germany, Sweden Bongland or even France

The kikes have planned this for a long time. I am uploading the highly suppressed video of them planning it.

(((and thats a good thing)))

Soon they will reach similar shit level economy to us
I think the blackpill hit me too hard lads

Fuck ive seen it and wanted to think it was fake, but" people" there looked kinda convincing.
What's the fuck do they wants from us? Why are they trying to destroy Polish goyim?

>Why are they trying to destroy Polish goyim?
you just answered your own question, it's because you're a goyim you are destined to be slave for your kike masters as it was foretold in the Talmud

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

see, I can't upload it anywhere else without insta shoah.

Poland was the backup plan, but you pissed them off.

Part 3 was muted on upload oddly

>Fuck ive seen it and wanted to think it was fake, but" people" there looked kinda convincing.
What better way to quench your hubris than to discuss your plans in an open setting so every goy can see, but is disregarded as fake or "an art piece" because of the utterly nefarious subject matter?

It's kinda like how women like being fucked in public where they are likely to be seen by strangers; they find it exhilarating because it's so risky.

wait a second 3.3 million kike moving to Poland? how's that possible are they coming from Israel?

They want to muttify the entire planet

the US.