Is leaving the toilet seat up patriarchical male micro aggression tha supports rape culture?

Is leaving the toilet seat up patriarchical male micro aggression tha supports rape culture?

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only because it makes you bend over facing the toilet and I can come behind and rape you in the arse


its more alpha to leave it down and piss on the seat

If I have to put it up why can't she put it down?
Lazy cunt

I am the only female in my family household, and I would much rather not nag about the seat being up, and having to put it down before sitting....rather than sit in someone's piss on the seat from them not lifting it.


It's manspreading that you can leave lying around like a timebomb. "this is a male space, I control the area around your vagina when you enter the bathroom" and it IS rape. How the fuck can people be so hostile and rapey and feign ignorance?

>Is leaving the toilet seat up patriarchical male micro aggression tha supports rape culture?
No, just look at India they have no toilets and yet they are the capital of rape in the world

India does have toilets, they're considered holy.

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No, it’s just impolite

>not pissing in the sink
fucking faggots.

this guy gets it

Just piss in the sink. Problem solved!

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>they're considered holy.
are toilets now the new Vishnu Avatar incarnation in Hinduism?

Toilets have a lid for a reason.
Close that shit up

Leaving the seat up is literally rape

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Women always assume the seat is down for them and they often fall into the toilet when they take a seat while the seat is up. This has happened to all my female relatives and other girls I know. Especially common when the girl is drinking.

t. obese NEET larping as a woman

Western women are so spoiled and coddled that they think a man leaving the toilet seat up is "agression" and oppression. Think about that shit.

What kind of savage doesn't put down the seat AND the cover before they flush. Do you want to breath in shit and piss? When you flush, part of whatever is in the bowl gets aerosolized.

Yes and that's why I make a point of doing it

post saggy flapjacks

>men having to lift the seat is their duty
>women having to put the seat down is patriarchal oppression

Actually you are suppose to put the seat and the seat cover down after use to block the smell of waste and the spread of germs.

Putting the seat cover down also turns the toilet into a fully functioning chair!

I did this in a "gender neutral" bathroom just to stick it to 'em. If they want this kind of world, deal with the consequences.


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I've had my dick dip into the toilet water, along with my balls many times. They act like their pussy is going to somehow touch the water I don't get it bros

No, I just leave the seat up to irate beta-bitch boys like you for my amusement.

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I lived with a guy who would close the lid and we had an energy saver bulb in the toilet that took about 2 seconds to come on
so invariably late at night i would end up pissing on a closed lid
So one night i did, i ripped it off and threw the piss covered lid at him

God I sure hope so.

Sure. Why not? Everything else is.

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Proper non patriarchal toilet positioning
don't forget it

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Yeah because in clownworld anything innocuous that makes a women do one thing for a whole extra second (at most) is a "patriarchal male micro aggression".

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New troll, let's get all the non feminazi women of pol to go around to all the RR they use, and leave all the seats up.
Should be worth a chuckle.

You are correct.

problem solved, and as a bonus the urinal lines up with her nose when she is sitting to enjoy your scent.

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ur a fucking abo arent you?

>not lifting the seat after flushing and leaving it up

This make me qeq

My question is, who doesn't look down before they sit? What if it has shit on it or something? Women really just sit without looking?

>not peeing outside to save water and cleanup

lmao at your life

>Kyle Hyde
nice taste Burger

I’m a dude and I have a automatic night light in my bathroom because I don’t want to piss all over the floor for me to clean up. There’s no excuse for peeing blind in this day and age.
