Why do you wannabe libertarians not give south park the credit it deserves for pissing of libs?

Literally, if south park hadn't existed for the past 22 years people would be getting thrown in jail for saying nigger or faggot. Are you edgelords seriously stupid enough to not recognize this? Trey parker died for your sins you noob faggots

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south park pc now bruh

They made fun of Jews when there was censorship or repression happening in the media. Let’s see them do it now. It’s the perfect time for relevant satire and where are they? Nowhere. They’re either too old or too out of touch, either way, fuck South Park. Also the Book of Mormon should’ve been about Jews.

((((SOUTH PARK))))

Wasn’t censorship

Got proof? Recently trey parker has been making fun of black panther and school shootings and women pmsing.
Pls kill yourself immediately you trailer trash hick faggot

Kys you idiot... Kill your self...

why is your self worth tied up in a cartoon. Woah making fun of black panther so risque. kys

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South Park sucks ass now. Season 1-8 were legit. Seriously fuck this show now

School shooting jokes are making fun of gun owners you idiot, same with the PMS making fun of how people react to people concerned about shootings not women.
They're clearly holding back because they have too much at risk now. Book Of Mormon getting shut down across the country, leaving loads of people without jobs is too risky for them to say anything too edgy

South Park is based AF.

>The truth is in the diggys
They cashed out

>south park pc now bruh
nigga the most recent episode is about the PC babies. You're actually too stupid to see a wall right in front of your face. Must go through a lot of drywall.

female cartman is actually going to revive the show

I watch South Park, bought the vidya gaems too.
stfu OP

That episode was pretty great.
The ending was totally unexpected.

fuck you. I have anxiety.

>original troll
>ineffectual fat delusional crybaby
South Park successfully plays to both sides on a regular basis, that's why it's lasted so long

I don't get how these edgelords are dumb enough to believe their 'south park is pc now' bullshit.
It's embarrassing to be a member sharing this place with all you little jew edge flowers.


>South park

you have to go back

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protip - anyone using the term PC unironically, can be dismissed

South park literally murders the jew the nig the whore and the library hippy 100 times for every one time it makes a little bit of fun of conservatives or libertarians.
Get real faggit

>South park literally murders the jew the nig the whore and the library hippy 100 times for every one time it makes a little bit of fun of conservatives or libertarians.
>Get real faggit
True they're cracking on PC shit more than anything. As someone who doesn't buy into any political bullshit party, I see something recently. Anyone who makes fun of left AND right gets a thread full of right wing cry babies that are so butthurt that they're getting made fun of along with the lefty snowflakes. Like seriously butthurt. They can't process that shit. Like what the fuck?

When did the right wingers get an EVEN THINNER skin than the lefties? What alternate reality are we now living in? Because I'm pretty sure that most my life it was the opposite, but not now!


Last weeks episode showed how PC people are so uptight and mentally exhausted from being PC thus creating "anxiety" over keeping up that charade. At the end of the episode PC principal and strong woman realized no one was paying attention to them so they became normies for a moment and looked legitimately happy with their family.

>they became relaxed for a moment and they were happy
Fixed this for you; normies were the 99% of people wearing their custom buddha boxes™.

These Zoomer faggots dont know that saying nigger or kike was career+social suicide between the 1960s and when South Park came around.

They literally believe that paper Washington Post wasnt "censored" the shit out of it until the rise of Tumblr SJWs a few years ago.

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I mean look at how parker
And stone are literally murdering the left with the scenes where the pc babies are crying about un pc comments

Literally you little boys will one day understand trey parker did more for your white asses than your loser parents did.

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If you think right wingers get as angry as the left youre clueless.
Right wingers dont get mad, they do like pewdiepie, and get even, dumping sand into the alt leftists vaginas.

>If you think right wingers get as angry as the left youre clueless.
>Right wingers dont get mad, they do like pewdiepie, and get even, dumping sand into the alt leftists vaginas.
See you've proven my point. Every time someone talks shit about both sides anymore, someone like YOU takes issue with it. You've somehow become a bigger crybaby about it than the lefties. They never say shit when I mock both sides.

This isn't how things where in the past. They have plenty of sand remaining in their man-ginas. But I see you getting triggered at a far greater rate, and your very post only proves my point. Where is the lefty triggered here?

Back to the subject - South Park - which is constantly mocking the left (and damn well deserved too). Yet I only see people like you crying about South Park. Why?

I think it is time to wash your own man-gina. You've become more of a snowflake than they are. Buck up. Stiff upper lip. THE WAY YOU USED TO BE even not long ago!

greatest cartoon ever. still relevant.

>holy shit, the jew writers put a lot of jokes about jews in the shows
>they are so tolerant and funny

You only need to put in the "offended" place to understand all that jokes are just targeted to the opposite.
Leftist propaganda 101

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Their PC satire is bland, unprovocative and Shit. Essentially it's episode after episode of people being cucked by sjw's. Oh wow, so very... useless.
>Oooo pc babies big satire, babies are cry
Who gives a fuckin' fuck, that episode blew ass. 2015 called and it wants it's youtuber social commentary back.

The Mr. Hanky episode spells it out perfectly. Those little pussies aren't going to be hardcore anymore, they're going to self-censor themselves and cuck out to keep being viacom's bitch. They're scare libertardians terrified they're going to get cancelled. Which desu they should, the show's lived too long.

Nothing they create motivates anyone to Do anything. The overton window's moved past smug libertarian weenie baby bullshit. They aren't edgy anymore. They're weak.

they should have cartmen red pill the others

Adolph hitler, your hero, was more jewish than tray and matt

to be fair they made a whole generation of kids call one another jews

Look i love south park ive probably seen each episode 5+ times it was really good. Hell i liked the satire with pc principle and memberberries i even liked the start of garrison as trump. Last season just really wasnt that funny or memorable. Eric got banned from social media so he got a girlfriend who became fat and garrison bombed canada. It was a pretty weak season.

I dont watch tv

What brand of crack are you smoking sir?
Im ranting about the young boys on Jow Forums who dont even have hair in their crotch yet who call southpark not edgy or based enough for them. It disgusts me that people dont appreciate that we would look like soviet russia by now if southpark wasnt redpilling clueless americans by the millions every week.
For South park to get badmouthed on pol is like the scene in “LOOK WHOS BACK” where the faggot neo nazis beat up hitler because they are so clueless about who they should be grateful for.
You cant ignore a political statement when its Packaged in hilarious parody of leftist absurdity. Slowly and surely south park is convincing people that the pc principles of the world dont deserve to have any control of society.

This thread is cringe, that's why only reddit still use cuckchan

South Park was the spearhead against white conservative values. The creators are jews, who made south park to appeal to kids and teenagers, while filling the content with desentisizing adult content (this is trauma to prefrontal cortex)

The aryan white spirit values the sanctity of life. But the South Park jews pisses, shits, spits and mocks the sanctity of life, and God. South Park and Eminem is the equivelent of bleaching part of young peoples brains. The content is filth and should be avoided.

Also, avoid scatalogical "humor" as its typical jewish.

If you like South Park you are not redpilled. Also, Matt & Trey parker completly bended for the leftist progressive agenda, they portrayed "refugee children" as actual children when they easily could have made them adults, as that would be very humourous. They didnt take any real shots at hillary which shows their cowardice. And Cartman was designed to be unlikeable, so whenever a kid tries to redpill others about jews, they end up calling him Cartman.

They did the same thing with "uncle ruckus" in boondocks, who were redpilled about niggers.

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Cartman isn't a troll. He fucking means everything he says and does.

Cartman is a cuck now and uninteresting boring character for 5 seasons while he was wild as fuck, funny nd edgy back then, also they are pushing these new episodes and seasons as a story which is boring unfunny shit especially the trump and garrison parts

See, i thought the opposite two year back and converted to the right. Honestly feel like you're a larper.

You know people like you who either dont have a sense of humor or dont appreciate genius highlighting of hypocracy are categorically inferior?
God probably tunes in to what trey and matt are doing every day, but He literally doesnt know losers like you even exist.
Youre inferior my friend. God will only be your friend if you kill everyone related to you then kill yourself.

Is that edgy enough for ya?
You shit raping loser?

yea but republicans are monsters too

After 22 years there will be ups and downs. But the original pc principle episodes were funny as shit, and that was 20 years after season 1
Which was
Also funny as shit.
No tv show has ever lasted nearly that long at such a high level.
Inferior people cant recognize genius, which is why alot of the inferior little girls in this thread need to recognize their greatest acheivement in life would be to kill themselves.

>But the original pc principle episodes were funny as shit

How much are they paying you to promote this shitty tvshow?

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boomer larpers, they may as well call it south Q.

You are like off the scales inferior sir.
Have you ever taken an iq test? Trey is not jewish, and he rips on jews harder than any other televised media since the 3rd reich.
I would estimate your iq at about 80. Your dunning kruger distorted analysis of what you think is true is literally sub human tier. You should pray to be reincarnated as an abo nigger as it would be an iq improvement.
Get back to fucking your downs syndrome sister in the back of your bed bug infested trailer you redneck piece of shit

because they are jews

Again, lack of sense of humor is a hallmark of inferiority.
Germans love southpark, as an anecdote.

You have the parties backwards, the left are the screaming children who can’t take a joke.

Bullshit. That would be the authoritarian social conservatives of the right. Also PC bullshit isn't "left". Everyone hates those retards.

South Park zombified early, but was for a while very effective in concealing the zombie effect. In its youth, the series used to be all about the act of artistic transgression. Every episode was put together specifically to infringe norms. And while it was awesome, it made long-haul investment in the series impossible, so it got defused. I don't know the series well enough, but fans out there know where to point the finger at exactly, I'm sure. Had South Park been invented today, with the same spirit of transgression (which doesn't really exist anymore), it would be too risque to be greenlighted and its creators would get shitcanned. It can never be what it was.

>PC bullshit isnt left
Thats like drug use isnt drug users.
The lefts only hope to win the battle of opinion is to silence anytging they consider hatespeech or politically incorrect.
For example, as time goes on more and more people
Are going to realize that niggers have iqs
Way below white people
And that is the reason they are poor in every country they live.
If everybody knows this then the whole idea that the left promotes about the reason black ppl are poor being because of discrimination and racism will fall on deaf ears. Nobody will believe this leftist propaganda if they know its false. And then, nobody will trust the left anymore.
And then we will move towards the closest thing we
Can ever get to utopia; austrian economic libertarianism.

You know being a whining little bitch that sucks on libertarian degenerate nuts like an aids ridden faggot is frowned upon by nonfaggots? I made you mad I don't like your worthless idiots, didn't I?

Maybe you and them can go get fucked in the ass by some mexicans. I hear the little idiots are open border supporters anyway. They can give you spic aids. Best kind of aids for you.

>p r o g r a m m i n g

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Classic sub 80 iq post right here.
Maybe go watch some southpark to get some fresh ideas inferiorboy

trey parker was a very good goy

They killed off satan and mr hankey because they didn’t belong or some shit.

user please. The creators were Jews, thez never get shitcanned. The show was all about making fun of the dumb Goyim, and nothing else. Just think about it: the successful people in the show were all Jews.

You just went in. #hero

I haven't watched since the Membererries season
Up to then Cartman stopped acknowledging Kyle's ethnicity