How’s their sex life?
How’s their sex life?
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2 minutes tops
is that for Donald or Melania?
I reckon she rides the Don, while he lays back and enjoys the view. I also think they love to use their official Presidential titles in bed in kinky ways. Perhaps when they are feeling really perverted, they enact Bill and Monica's special moment.
"Oh wow Mr President Bill Clinton, You're SO big"
"Tha's right Monica, you're gonna need to put some ice on that hole of yours after I'm done with you, though I should say that I probably shouldn't have fucked Hillary when she was pregnant, me damn daughter looks like someone smacked her in the face with a big cock"
"Oh I love you Ken!"
Better than Bill and Hillary's apparently
Melania is satisfied. VERY satisfied. Trust me.
Should ask their daughter
Something like this
Trump watches Melania fuck niggers.
That's what it looked like when I fucked a half white half morrocan girl. Her meat flaps swallowed my cock.
Why even bother have sex when you're 72 desu?
They dont even live together. I better Melania has different men in her bed every night and when they are together they dont sleep in the same bed but instead have little separate cuck beds
Lucky bastard, did u suck on them?
His is poor.
Her's is great.
Don't worry, Obama takes care of her needs. You think that fat sack of shit can satisfy a woman like that?
>satisfying a pornstar
They're so worn out and desensitized down there that's it's literally impossible for them to achieve orgasm
He ravages her bunghole nightly
It's not like he's married to Michelle Obama or Hillary.
Oh hai Mark.
lol Obama is unironically a faggot, thats why he gets along with women so well, he has something in common with them
Better than yours
Great actually. Both are fucking around and only maintaining this charade till the presidency is over
While you zogposters try to distract the masses with stupid bullshit that doesn't matter,
Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was missing $2.3 trillion the day before 9/11. The financial offices at the Pentagon were destroyed the next day.
Here is the video of Rumsfeld:
And see:
Her pussy looks like the Mariana Trench cause Trumps cock is the size of a submarine.
Pff, thats nothing.
I can do it under 1.
God i just pictured trump having sex and im about to fucking puke
They havent had sex in ages
hi donny.
This. You can tell she's disgusted at the thought of seeing him naked
women who marry for money aren't disgusted by anything
Epic, and private.
nonexistent since Trump self mutilated in order to become fully and completely celibate
Hers is great.
Sex is for procreation, next 6 years are for maga, put that slav pussy on ice baby
non existent. people as old as them can't have sex with risking popping a hip or breaking a bone.
Trump takes Finasteride so he probably couldn't get a boner even to save his presidency.
That's kinda hot.
better than yours
i guess he has other women to have sex with
Non existent
money... every nite
Melania's boyfriend works at Tiffany's Trump Tower, this is a fact people, believe me, tremendous amount of coverage about it
That's fucking disgusting
“I never talked to Mr. Giuliani,” Melania Trump responds simply.
Llamas asks her why Giuliani would have made that claim. That one was too easy: “I don’t know; you have to ask him,” the First Lady replies.
This round of Being Melania is a walk-over for the First Lady.
Llamas is reduced to asking if she loves her husband.
“Yes, we are fine. It is what media speculates…it is gossip. It’s not always correct stuff.”
is this summertime saga?
She's gotta deliver in under 30 minutes, or it's free.
The best that money can buy.
Considering he’s a cuck on immigration, I’m saying he lets his wife fuck other men while he watches.
Would definitely bang young hillary.
She looks like so many dull, idealistic roastie whores I know today.
i wouldnt fuck that autistic faced subhuman slav bitch either
must be those small hands at work.
She has sex with Barron.
she looks like female elliot rogers
>How’s their sex life?
In the family...
hers is fine
Not bad, I last like four strokes.