General Flynn's sister is Q-Posting right now, according to NBC reporter Ben Collins

What in the actual fuck is this all about?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit. Potential happening

Quick rundown?

Post link to the tweet so I can shove it up normie asses on normiebook

post yfw the boomers somehow end up right after all


ok this is epic

why do brits care?

take care of that shithole garbage dump of an island you call a country

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It's happening.

Collins twitter:


what a fucking pathetic meme username he has

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How odd ...

It doesn't seem like anyone outside of the US cares for their own countries anymore, with the exception of the incredibly based French.


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Bump. Kind of interesting desu

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I don't know wtf is going on

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The movement is worldwide, user.

Hahaha is this real? Is the help he’s provided actually not about the russia probe?

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the Q memes were real?

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WWG1WGA is a saying that Q uses a lot


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What does it mean?

yeah it's real. it seems he's assisted with the russia probe but also with another "mysterious" investigation no one knew about


i've had conversations with flynn jr in the early days of gab, the guy had a ton of implied edginess in everything he said. this was before flynn got booted, and i thought at the time flynn jr would say something that would get him booted. it seemed like he thought they were about to start hanging people, almost crazily set on draining the swamp. i think flynn sr is about the wokest goy ever to set foot in the white house. if i were establishment folk i would be worried right now, but i find it hard to believe the FBI isn't 100% compromised.

where we go one, we go all

WWG1WGA = where we go 1 we go all

>people still dont believe Q
>people still think Trump colluded with Russia

Now the pain begins

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I swear to god if q is real I’ll suck my own dick

lets pray that it does user, ready for our country not to be full of corrupt sacks of shit anymore

What if Q is a whitehat psyop and the reason it annoys us so much here is because we notice these unnatural things on the internet too easily?

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No fucking way.

I though it was
wigga wigga got one wigga gigga ass

>post yfw Q is mattis and he executes every member of the deep state with a single bullet to the back of the head live on national TV tomorrow

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Boomer cold reading strikes again

Q predicted dis

I got off the Q train after the AF1 pic snafu, now it's fucking real? WTF

I don't quite buy the q meme but that’s pretty interesting. Looking forward to the happenings if there are any.

Shame that Jow Forums hasn't caught on until now. We've become outsiders on our own board, but no longer.

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Q unironically posted one year ago today that “Flynn knows where the bodies are buried.”

Hell if I know, your guess is as good as mine at this point

Spit my drink out my nose. Well done.

You all will need to suck each others dicks. REPENT

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This is AWESOME!

When do we get to die for Israhell in a war with Iran as Qjoo demands?

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Brit intel services are the ones that worked for Fusion GPS (started by McCains chief of staff, republic opposition research against trump in the primaries, who later sold their works to Hilary after the primaries).

When you look at the intel services that handled the Trump stuff is was non-ironically private israeli intel firms.

Do you think the Generals will be personally torture (((them))) to death in Guatanamo? or will it just be the staff there?

I can imagine Flynn going complete psycho on them while the top brass watches behind the glass.

the jokers do seem pretty redpilled though desu

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Out of curiosity, why play numbers games a year out like that? I can accept there may be people working towards actually draining the swamp but i find it improbable they coordinate their actions a year in advance. Idk doesn’t make sense to me.

well fuck. i honestly cannot find reason to doubt this is real at this point.

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This is the biggest Q proof there has ever been if real. There have been so many failed predictions the last six months I have been hammering the boomers on the 8 about how fucking gay they are (they are still fags). But what the fuck. Flynn's fucking sister?! Today?! What the fuck.

quads of truth

flynn's soundtrack when

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nice divide and conquer jew

Well he was in the Obama Admin for a long while, I think it might be connected.

I swear to God, if the conspiracy theorists were right all along and the Mueller Probe was just a magic-lantern show being projected on the curtain to dissuade anyone from looking behind it at the real, secret investigation to take down the Deep State, I will shit bricks.

explain this plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Does free Iran really mean nuke Israhell and with the indictment there going through against bibi that is the regime change?

I dont know whose jooing who anymore.

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>incredibly based French.
you realize they are rioting over fuel prices
not you know, becoming unironically African Muslims

Dems are still going with muh Russia for the 100000th time and Qtards think they're somehow still relevant.


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Me too

Man holy shit what is happening I am freaking out

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Flynn at least should get first dibs if he wants them desu

I'll try as hard as possible. used to be able to do it, doubt I still have the flexibility.

At this point, I don't even care if the people behind all of this are massacred in the most horrific ways possible. They've certainly earned it.

you seriously can't plan your life a year in advance?
big boys can see many moves deep on the chess board

Do you know how slow the private sector moves when its a big corp. The government and courts are 20x slower. Everyone who has the info knows the outcome, but it takes forever to get there.

Yea this one actually kinda got me chills. I was on board with q until early this year then i went full anti-larp all over pol and now i question everything…

one year ago tomorrow Q posted
>Who knows where the bodies are buried?
>FLYNN is safe.
>We protect our Patriots.

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Mueller investigating shit that has nothing to do with Russia.
Either hes really is Trumps guy or he needs to be executed for treason

let them have their faggy protest happening, the real shit is about to go down

Very close, but the text is just a bit too clean.

Holy crap! It is almost as if that was put there intentionally to make obvious shills seem obvious.

Why so upset about stupid Q shit anyway? If you think it isn't going to happen and Q is LARP...then there is nothing to worry about...right?

trust sessions
we'll win the midterms
etc. etc.


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walls is going to be made out of shit bricks if this is the case.

You can check her twitter it's legitimately right there. Few days after the Pence thing makes this extra spooky.

Trust the plan. Trust Sessions.

Ok TF I've been off the Jow Forums for ab a week and I'm back anyone care to explain I'm fuken lost

flynn jr is q.
it was all so obvious.

I don't get it

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I'm putting $5 on the latter.

I used to talk to Jr. I thought he was just schizo. I dunno. He told me some wild shit. I dunno what to believe anymore.

someone give me a QRD on the whole Qanon thing, i literally know nothing about it.

see my other post user...

Flynn has testified in 3 separate investigations:

1.A criminal investigation into [redacted]
2.The Mueller investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election, and

so what will they be? deep state coming down or further investigations of republican activity?

so fucking close but so far away from finding out what the future holds for our entire civilization

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the retardation of the Q LARP knows no bounds

> This comic is now canon.

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C'mon… what if there were hiccups in the investigation? New evidence that needed extreme vetting, lots of shit goes wrong. I’m not denying its impossible but I’m hesitant to believe the dates are interconnected.

What are you doing, bong?


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we were right. all of you millennials and zoomers are shit for brains. why do you suppose we boomers are so wealthy? the internet rotted your brains.

q is real all you have to do is walk right up to him, look him in the eye, and give him a firm handshake.