What to do in a relationship where I’m constantly being accused (explicitly or subtlety) of cheating or talking to other girls? i haven’t even come close to considering doing it, and still constant accusations or passive aggressiveness. I have cheated before (realized how terrible it can be, promised myself I’d never do it again because everyone ends up hurt) and even when she found out and took me back things weren’t this hard/frustrating.
What to do in a relationship where I’m constantly being accused (explicitly or subtlety) of cheating or talking to...
End it you fucking retard. She doesn't trust you and keeps testing you, pussy ain't worth mental anguish
You will never, ever get her trust back. You probably don't deserve it. Better off to restart your life somewhere nobody knows your gf.
there’s no way to just make her trust me?
Why would you assume I don’t deserve it? I just said I’ve never even come close to anything she’s accusing me of.
It's over. Move on.
There's probably some amount of effort you will, you have to weigh if you are willing to put that much effort into maintaining the relationship
No, desu you probably ruined her wife potential entirely because she won't trust anyone for a couple years
>Why would you assume I don't deserve it?
Because you cheated you silly rascal
I thought sperging this much about emojis was only a thing autists like me did, but it seems normies are exactly the same
...in a past relationship.
Reading comprehension?
Sorry, I thought the OP was pretty clear but I guess not.
I didn’t cheat on my gf, she just thinks I am or will, when the reality could not be further.
OP here, I guess when I rewrote the post I left out some info.
I meant to say “Even in a PREVIOUS relationship where I did cheat once, and she took me back, it wasn’t this hard”.
You fucking TELL her to trust you, and to quit this retarded bullshit. Never show your pathetic recent emojis to her. >She don't get to command you like this, because it will turn your sorry ass into a pitiful mushy doormat, and she won't stand being with you at the end of it.
Holy shit. This just made me realize how lucky I am not to have a batshit insane cunt for a gf. Thanks OP
i dont even use emojis
Just ask her why is she acting like this duh. She's probably been cheated on before & doesn't want it to happen again or some shit. If you don't like her alot in the first place just move on
What did you think would happen after you cheated? Oh right, I forgot, men don't think
Men are actually mature enough to be clear about their relations. Boys cheat. Boys don't think.
Literally dump that crazy girl, OP
I had a girlfriend like this user and it was a fucking terrible curse. You won't ever get her to trust you and she will annoy the shit out of forever. I ended up giving her all my time, letting her have access to all my private correspondence and she STILL accused me of shit. It was ridiculous and insulting because she ate up all my time and still had the nuts to accuse me.
I have two suggestions:
>cheat on her. you'll be treated like you have whether you did or not and when you finally break up with her (or kill her) you'll wish you had. suck up as many benefits as you can from this girl, why does she deserve your loyalty if she can't even put effort into having a positive opinion of you?
>break up with her. she sucks and you can't sit around hoping she'll change, you'll just hate yourself for wasting your time
Honestly though she seems like your average gril. She was probably cheating on you so what you SHOULD do is take her for a ride. Act like a hurt kitten, have her make it up to you in MATERIAL (not just sex) and then kick her ass to the curb no questions asked. You might love her now, but you won't soon. Trust me.
And just count yourself lucky that she didn't give you herpes like mine did.
That girl is grade A insane. Feel blessed that you didnt marry and reproduce with that monster.
Get out is the only answer
Pray do tell the image isn't your girl. That bitch would find her shit neatly packed on the front step. And you need to get the fuck out yesterday nigga
If it's just similar I'd still get out. Sounds like borderline personality disorder-- constant victim, blame-pushing etc.
Don't reply to shitty incel gaslighters, they're migrating here because they're getting blown the fuck out all over the world and the internet
I had a girlfriend a few years back who was constantly accusing me of cheating. Turns out she was getting rattled by every guy who looked at her twice. If you're not cheating and she is accusing you anyway, you may as well cheat, you have nothing to lose. Just get out of the relationship user, girls like that never change, and her low self esteem and insecurity issues are not your problem to deal with. Everyday you spend with her is a day wasted
Just break up and be a free bird
She sounds fucking crazy. Run. You will feel so much better with someone who trusts you.
If you want to still try to make this relationship work, stand up for yourself and tell her she needs to trust you or you're done. Don't give into her demands for "proof" or any of that shit ever. But the problem is she seems crazy enough that she'll invade your privacy when you aren't there. Do you really want to be in a relationship like that?
I couldn't be in an intimate relationship with someone who constantly attacks my character like that.