What I.Q. do I need to do a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Princeton?

What I.Q. do I need to do a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Princeton?

Attached: anime_mary.jpg (764x1080, 252K)

IQ needed=yours+15

Any answer you get to this is likely to be a guess; my guess is 130, but that might be too liberal.

At least 115, ideally 120-135

Around 130 would be my guess. You can probably go lower if you are a visual thinker.

Not much, as theoretical physics is not a real science and Princeton isn't a real university.

Modern science has discovered that there are many types of intelligence so it doesn't matter. You can have overall IQ of 70 but you can still be a scientist if you have, for instance, very high emotional intelligence or inclusion intelligence.

Just gotta be jewish

70 is too low for anything. The only way this is evenremotely possible is that the person in question has some kind physical condition that prevents them from fully completing an iq test.

>inclusion intelligence

New Jersey isn't even a real state.


Cute pic.

>Modern science has discovered that there are many types of intelligence
It was actually one guy who came up with it to propagate social justice.

It depends on your race.

Race is ONE factor, not the only one.

No, i mean, it literally depends on the race of the individual to determine the IQ treshold.
If you are white or asian, you'll need a fairly above average IQ. If you are black you can get a Phd with highschool knowledge of physics.

I agree. The result ironically is racism.
I don't take seriously black scientists/mathematicians/scholars anymore because I know that they are not in that position by merit.

Consider the fact that you have to be as big brain as Edward Witten, the big brain himself, to get in as he is on the committee. The only way to impress him and convince him not to instantly veto your application is to have a higher IQ than him, otherwise you are just a lowly peasant in his eyes.

Attached: ed_witten.jpg (400x382, 32K)

W-w-what about black engineers senpai? But I do agree with you unfortunately the west has gotten rid of all meritocracy. However it does allow me to receive extra scholarships for nothing more than my race.

You could probably do it with 110 if you had a strong will and love for the field.

is that pic shopped? i mean head

135+ with a lot of extra-curriculars.