why do citizens from 3rd world countries throw garbage and shit everywhere that is polluting their rivers and land? you would think that if they don't have very much wealth that they would treat their homeland with respect. they are worse than animals. even cats bury their own feces.
Shithole countries
You'd be surprised at how stupid the average person on this planet is, OP
>hurr my trash just goes out to the curb and poof, it's gone!
This is why I hate posting with an american flag.
t. grew up in third world
Because they can barely beat monkeys on IQ tests. They have no sense of cleanliness or order like NE Asians and Europeans
you have to go back
yep, america just ships all their garbage to third world countries to specifically throw it in local lakes and rivers that people drink out of
>we don't all understand modern sanitation and contribute to the labor that it requires
excuse us for having established a civilization and infrastructure to help deal with the inevitable consequences of our own actions
they not only pay for the privilege but if it wasn't for sifting garbage their children would all starve
You couldn't pay me to go back to Zimbabwe
Old Bob through all of us out and that's his problem now
See this map? More or less only white countries are nice. The more of your kind there is in white countries the more third worldish they will be. You have to go back.
Toilets are pretty confusing too, right?
That wasn't my point - the first world has actual systems in place for removing trash whereas the third world does not.
If you didn't have a truck coming around every day to collect your garbage, it'd be in your yard.
When i went to asia i saw there were bins everywhere yet the niggers would still litter, even right next to a bin. Then you go to the rural areas which still have bins guess what, they would throw the rubbish on the ground and just sweep it away like its gonna disappear like magic
>the more of your kind
I'm literally part swedish my friend
How does Australia have such an incredibly high HDI when most of it is uninhabited wasteland?
There's a whole world of people out there who, when they have garbage, just throw it on the ground without a second thought. Third world countries (and bad neighborhoods) are full of those kinds of people.
3rd world countries do have trash removal services, and where does trash ever get picked up daily? these people go out of their way to dump garbage where it doesn't belong.
Because we're full, fuck off
>shithole countries
Russia is the shittiest by far
Because there's nobody in the fucking wasteland, so it doesn't matter. You think Russia would be blue too if that mattered?
not it would certainly not be in my yard, I would go out of my way to make sure it was dealt with properly, Id find a solution, because i'm white. You're telling me that out of the billions of people living in the third world, not one of them has come up with a solution? Garbage disposal is one of the most basic things about being human. to fuck it up is just nonsensical
dude Uncle Ahmed is Swedish now too it doesn't mean shit anymore lel
HDI will be in the red thanks to sudanese niggers
My mate doesn't have a truck come to him because of where he lives, so he drives his trash to the tip. Many, many people do this.
The Greeks made the first sewage waste removal systems in 18BC and third world shitholes cant even catch up
>You'd be surprised at how stupid the average person on this planet is, OP
Not if you live in Canada.
Idk if america had anything to do with it, but yeah seemed relevant lol.
because private property rights creates prosperous societies an even better indicator than free markets indices.
interesting. I remember reading up on that and thats where a lot of african scammers get pcs for scamming westerners
>You have to go back
He won't go back voluntarily
None of them will
They'll only go back under threat or by use of force
It's really about time this planet gets purged, any suggestions?
What's the problem? I never said I was black
Well, 99.9% of the time when someone says they're a 3rd worlder it means they're a spic, gook, or nigger.
There aren't too many rhodies in America. White 3rd worlders are always welcome to this great Republic.