Who else would pass on reincarnation if it existed and you had a choice?

Would you come back to the big shit hole?

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i would, because you never get to appreciate being dead since you never wake up. so i would choose to come back.

And give up the beauty and peace of the infinite void of nonexistence, ha never.

Life is gonna be trillions times better in the New Earth

Suffering is little more than a chemical reaction in the brain. You could theoretically re-engineer your brain to be immune to all suffering and exist in nonstop euphoria, if neuroscience gets advanced enough.

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Anyone smart would pass , the ods are never in your favour.
Problem is they would trick you to get back here , if there is a choice then there has to be a good and bad choice.

They would probably trick you with your first pet or some thing like that to lure you into this prison of entropy.

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What if you came back as a nig nog in the Congo?

Suffering is needed for evolution , without evil stimulous there would be no need to eat , prevent unhealthy actions or anything like that.

This universe is a mistake....

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Even though suffering is the system that evolved to deal with those evolutionary pressures, that doesn't mean that suffering is the best system that can exist. Evolution of often a bad designer. Pic related. Saying that avoiding suffering is impossible because of evolution is like saying wheels are impossible because animals evolved to travel using legs. Read about David Pearce's philosophy of gradients of bliss.


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then when i die if malaria at the age of 1 i'll just hope for better luck on round 3

It does exist.
You do not have a choice.
You've already done it countless times.

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Let´s suppose you eliminate suffering and you have a chronic problem.

How would the body be aware of it if you don´t feel it?
It may even end up killing you.

It’s called he light trap. Don’t go into it. Stop and realize you have free will and can do what you choose. Don’t be manipulated by loved ones voices or images or these guides manipulating you. Trust yourself and find an exit. Go into the void or get sent back here again to learn your lessons and more.

This. If we’re here that means we’ve already reincarnated before. At least once. Probably many more times. Our DNA and other factors block us from remembering.

It's possible we have to experience every type of life and death at some point. An infinite amount of experiences.

that's assuming that we even do reincarnate


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Not a problem if you use transhumanist technology to make your body nearly indestructible, and have something like nanobots in your blood that can detect and eliminate problems.

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If all we know is being alive maybe that's all there is? Logic would say it's a strong possibility.

Your consciousness might just shift to another Everett branch in the event of death.


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Seems risky though. If it is in fact the doorway to heaven and you choose not to enter, then you'll spend the rest of eternity aimlessly wandering the void/hell.

Oh shit. No way. Ive thought of this myself while pondering the mutliple universes idea. Neat to know that someone out there is as smart as I am.

Thanks for sharing user.

but dose life have any value if you just come back. would we have a much more irresponsible society since no one would have to care about there lives or the live of there neighbor.

So the first 65 years of my life will be decent but then once I pass 100 I will keep shifting to timelines where I live eternally as a useless bedridden husk with an endless cycle of nurses who will volunteer to wipe my ass for free?

Fuck no. I'm convinced this is some kind of prison, why would anyone want to "live" in a damn prison?

Dose that mean we have no free will and everything is based on randomness?

It would be interesting

I would only come back if I get to be a bird, or a cat or dog, so long as I'm not in an asian country.

atheist faggot detected

What other shithole would you rather go??

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Adam and Eve thought they wanted to have the knowledge of good and evil, to be like God. How can one know about good and evil, if not to experience both to make the comparison of which is which? That's why we suffer, to learn the difference, but really we just have a series of experiences, of which in reality we have very little choice about, other than possibly how we react to the conditions completely out of our control.

Your question is a good one, and my best knowledgeable guess is that we stop coming to the suffering place once we grow/learn/understand/know enough to not require suffering anymore... That time may be at hand soon, and that's the good news. Once you/we choose to stop indulging in life's temporary temptations then suffering ends.

The real truth here is that we live forever anyways... Dying/reincarnating is more like going to sleep and waking up. Death is as temporary as everything else here, and in the big picture, it actually doesn't matter a whole lot. Once you get rid of the lie that you can die, then death is pretty trivial, like going to bed--children don't like taking naps, as another analogy. We're just kids and don't know a whole lot.

What I don't know is if you can opt out of life--that's may be possible, but if one chose that because of suffering (temporary) then that's pretty short sighted. Some of the "people" here may not be eternal, but I can't tell the difference; whomever these are, they're probably just part of the learning experience.

Oh, and emotions are probably lies too, they're usually, if not always attached to the temporary. Once you know the truth about eternal nature and infinity, the idea of reacting to something in an emotional way seems silly, if not outright alien.

>Come back as an animal
>End up in Africa instead of Asia

That's part of the game. Act like things are important because they seem to be. Also, if you knew the truth (eternity, infinity, etc), but your brothers and sisters who are still basically children don't know the truth, are you going to treat what they think as important as important? We generally take into consideration what children think is important as a means of caring for them, and sometimes we teach them other things... That's probably a big part of this life, helping others grow up as you grow up, in the larger eternal picture.

It's worse than prison... It's actually quite literally hell, since hell is the absence of God. The good thing to know though is a prison is only a prison if you let it imprison you--you're actually a lot more free than you think you are, but the only choices are to know the truth and to stay ignorant. If ignorance is more pleasant for the moment, you can continue to indulge in it for awhile longer until you get tired of it. We've got plenty of time too, a whole eternity really.

Btw, don't get the mark of the beast when that comes.

I would. The better question is who wouldn’t and why?

Reincarnation is bs.
Religion is bs.
Until you can prove that they are 100 per cent real, they will remain bs.

It’s nice to know while I’m searching for the strength to die, others are so inclined to continue,

Atheism, everyone.

A fate worse than death, something few could be deluded into seeking.

I've completely given up on any beliefs and I don't give a shit about anything whatsoever.
All I want is absolute chaos and anarchy, streets flowing with blood and screams of agony all over this wretched planet. Whoever survives wins.
But then again nothing like that will happen and I will happily die of hypothermia soon enough. Suicide it is. Until then a bit of degenerate indulgence with weed and isolation, for the little while that the resources will be available.

>This universe is a mistake....
Hah, you are so close.

Nice opinion you've got there.

Which part of existing is the good or bad choice. Existing just is existing, it isn't bipolar. They probably each have their pros and cons, and those are probably relative to the individual. Some people want to ride roller coasters, some people don't.

Imagine being so retarded you believe in infinite possibilities yet claim without evidence the concrete is what prevents you from moving on or remembering the past.

Not immediately but if it improves noticably at some point maybe then

I've still got a good 80-100 years left before I have to bother about that though. Not counting unforeseen apocalypses or medical science remaining perfectly stagnant

The waning immortality of youth.

God wanted us to know desire knowledge of good and evil to determine if his experiment was successful.

>Learnt, I award you 1 cookie m9.

Why even bother posting here? Are you so dull-witted you can’t entertain a hypothetical?

All that stuff you think you want is actually going to happen. Can you not feel it?

You don't actually like suffering though, and the people here are related to you, even an extension of you. You won't actually like suffering to see them suffer, but if you must suffer that, you will. Nothing of this is a personal judgement, we were all curious, so we had to see to know. Hope you don't suffer too much, truly and sincerely. Much peace to you.

Maybe. I'd assume the spiritual is different than the physical in that there's only some things you can experience in the physical body, like touch, smell, innocence, loving for the first time, overcoming hardships, etc. and I would imagine that I would miss those experiences. Even physical pain in some way may be attractive after awhile.

Maybe I've been born 100 times over though, and I keep coming back for more. Who knows, I'll find out when I'm dead I guess.

Since no one else posted it:

Not my opinion, but obligatory for a thread like this.

It's probably not an experiment if he knew he was making baby gods. We are his children after all, made in the image of God, and so he knew we'd want to know.

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the gnostics thought so too

I've been "feeling it" for a long while, especially whilst really abusing weed like a true degenerate, but now I've sober for over a year and all I feel is endless despair. I'm assuming it won't be the way I described, but rather a slow, continual decline. Not even a whimper in the end, just a quiet grunt.
No amount of prophecies and theories can convince me that something grandeur or "biblical" is going to happen, I've been fed that kind of hype too much, for too long.

Literally 13.5 billion years elapsed before any sentient animals on Earth existed. The universe will eventually starve to death due thermodynamic communism aka heat death. You might be reincarnated 1000 times at most before sentient life is no longer supported by the universe.

been sober*

>when your holy book is someone else’s holy book, but it’s all wrong
Imagine being a gnostic.

>mfw this user sucks at math and doesn’t even realize he mad an argument for creationism.

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I've always wondered if you are told the secrets of the universe when you die and that people who lived close to the truth experience eternal bliss but those who rejected it feel eternal pain due to their infinite guilt about the way they lived.

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Check the digits.. if if if but but but but

Only if I could retain the knowledge of what this Earth really is and how it works.

You can follow digits all you want, it won’t lead you to truth. Let’s roll a 1:10 here. Dogs are cats.

I care very little if I “succeed” or not, but would you believe dogs were cats if I happened to?

Me too buddy, I get what you mean. I wished you peace and I meant it, wherever you can get it.

i can't fathom any religions, they're all so ridiculous, new-age consciousness bullshit included. we're incapable of knowing, anyone who claims to know may as well be claiming their brother has a ford taurus that can do 200MPH

>he hasn't read new death experiences
>he doesn't know that every human has WILLINGLY come to earth to learn a lesson about love
>he doesn't know that all people find their way back to God
>he doesn't know that eternal bliss awaits those who learn to love and give in this life

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Fair enough, but we'll either see if what I said was the truth, or we won't. Thing is, when we see it to be true, no one will want to say I told you so, as it is self evident and trivial, where as not all cats are dogs, even by their definition. And if what I said isn't the truth, no one will care about that either, even less so, as truth will lose all inherent meaning to those who cease existing, just another arbitrary triviality in a sea of echoing nothingness.

I’ve never met an atheist who has ever fathomed a religion. They imagine gods. They do so in such a way that they are ridiculous by any consideration.

The most famous is the FSM. But there is little variance between that and the atheists conception of and other god, be it Zeus or Yahweh; allah or Vishnu.

They are all functionally the same in the mind of the atheist: a being they are disconnected from that has ridiculous qualities.
But no one who believes in these beings has the same definition as you do, that is why your facile arguments fall flat.

I’m not suggesting it is impossible to propose an argument against these or many more gods, it is just that the same argument works for you with all of them because you are imagining slight variations of the same false deity.

But user, when we see it as false no one will want to say I Told you so either.

We will never see it as false, how can we observe if we cease to exist?

In such a case we will never see it as true, truncating your previous argument.

'Sup /lit/, remember those few anons who would choose to remain in their fleshy vessels?
Well we're going to unplug you all. Thanks for the short story about the aliens though, was a good read.

I already see it as true though; waiting for you to catch up.

I would pass. It’s pagan bullshit.

Then I see the opposite, and we are at an impasse.
Wew, Jow Forums debate.

i tend to think there is something, just that we don't know it and likely can't know it. i think of us like cells, a cell in your dick doesn't know it's a dick, it doesn't even know what a dick is or what it's for. that seems to be the pattern nature takes, smaller to bigger- compartmentalized by desire and practicality. you know what humans need to know, nothing more.

>i tend to think there is somethin
Then I risk punishing you by saying anything more than this:
Were there a god, wouldn’t you want to know him?
You are capable of such. You should spend time meditating on the qualities and nature of god.
Presuppose him, if you must, but you shouldn’t need to. He is apparent as the ground beneath your feet and the sky above your head.

You were created. You should wonder why.

What about a hole with something other than shit, or better yet, a shitmound? Pic related is at all shitholes at all times.

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What fucking point would there be?
We already know that nobody has memmories past new ones they make once they are three years old, so even if you were reincarnated you would never know it and none of your past experiences or even personality would exist.
This effectively means you stop existing, so what fucking point would reincarnation have?
Besides, even if the opposite were true it would rob all the fun out of life

Sure why not, if i'm born in a shithole all I have to do is build a child soldier army to take it over

You can not escape the cosmic wheel without sincere efforts in the physical plane.

The work you do here is your rocket fuel for breaking through the plasma or existence back to the Source.

If you don't get enough momentum (good karma, soul achievements) you'll always fall to divine gravity and come splashing back down into a body.

If want to be done with this game you have to overcome the illusions of separateness.

Besides if you're born in a shithole you can kidnap some white girl liberal civic nationalist and make her your slave

To what end?
Lets pretend like children play.
lets pretend there's a god who gives no fucks about us, though he said in his book he loves us.

I can’t stop expressing my surprise at how inexplicably drawn atheists are to reincarnation threads.

This is karma yoga. I believe in it, but I don't understand it at all. Since I'm a hands-on kind of guy, and also quite shy, I ended up going with eight-fold mysticism. I'm almost 1/36th of the way there, but this is hard, and isolating, since I have absolutely no one to talk to about it, and am not sure if I'm forbidden from talking about it.

I dont think I would be satisfied with any world. I'd rather just stay dead.

I can’t tell if this is a bot or a schizo with such a response.

You got the right answer from a terribly wrong reason, how sad.

ahh meditating, it always comes back to that doesn't it, "just think harder user". bro listen- it is beyond the realm of your comprehension, your ability to reason what is or is not is only within the bounds of the experiences of your perception of this 3D reality, you can't comprehend infinity, it's just a word to us. if our purpose for living is ever exposed to us, it's not in this life. which may or may not be the only one we ever get, there's no way to know until you die.

Is your argument truly “don’t think about it”?

And you expect people to even consider your perspective?

the ethical thing to do would be to wipe out every life form on planet earth so reincarnation doesn't happen

nuke the planet earth from space

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I’d be interested in you telling me how such a plain is ethical in any way. Though it does seem efficient.

lol.. you don't get a fucking choice.
you can't defy the laws of nature.

protip: no christian, jew or muslim has ever achieved moksha (liberation from reincarnation)... maybe bc those religions were prolly started by a vengeful indian who wanted to fuck you over by forcing you to inbreed.

i guess he never figured things'd get to this point but ... hey... it's been a while since there's been a dasyus slaughterfest.

I think I would come back just to see if I could have sex next time.

Welcome to the simulation future grandpa shaivo

no, it's that you think you can put out a fucking wildfire with a garden hose, there are way too many variables that you're not capable of considering, and that's just in the universe we can observe. people have their own personal missives, and they usually align with what their religions tell them too, but a few are base like a preference for positivity over negativity, religion is a means to inspire that, there is no solid answer though because the tools required to provide it don't exist to us.

I just wanna keep my past memories. That would be pretty neato.