What's the craziest conspiracy theory you believe?

What's the craziest conspiracy theory you believe?

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That anyone but rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

The Mississippi church bombing was an inside job. The Klan was set up.

That jews control my country

Pokémon is predictive programming

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People farms

Like in the matrix?

A race of advanced humans the bible calls the Elohim created us in their image with DNA technology. They're still here watching and want us to get rid of nukes. There's an ancient war going on between good and evil. The cataclysm was caused by an ancient nuclear war. The nephilim are actually neanderthals and the Jews are the neanderthals who were also the Pharaohs in Egypt. They hate humanity because we're not Neanderthals and we can create while they can't. The divine fire was given to us by the Elohim with their DNA experiments. The Earth is also flat. Free energy exists and it's harnessed wirelessly the same way that the sun and moon are powered.

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US Government killed JFK. Not really into conspiracy theories but that one seems pretty plausible.

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I don't reckon any of the completely reasonable theories I believe are crazy, and I don't like being called crazy.

That Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to with the Presidency.

I have no idea how farms look like, but they’re farming people for blood, adenochrome and ritual abuse.

Noah's ark wasn't a ship full of live animals but a ship full of vials of animals' different DNA. Antarctica is the ice wall and there's land beyond the south pole. The National Socialists continued their work there. The Vril. They came in contact with the Elohim who gave them instructions for the advanced saucer technology. The National Socialists were trying to take down the same forces Trump is.

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President Trump is secretly ordering capital punishment for traitors, carries out by a gitmo gas chamber with a Cisco Telepresence MX that allows Trump and the condemned to exchange words

No digits, no truth sorry

Trump is in a secret society called Plus Ultra and so is Elon Musk and Kanye West. They have worked in secret to usurp the current NWO at the very last moment so that humanity's destiny is back in their own hands.

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Capitalism isn't at all voluntary and was forced on the people. We should be at a higher state of society by now but capitalists hold us down. We could be working 2 days a week but capitalists need more profits.

CIA use to have an egregore

Time travel

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OP ISNT an enormous faggot

That the universe is a rap battle between God and the devil and this is why history rhymes


I'm Truman, from the Truman Show. There are far too many coincidences that happen in my life for me to think that someone isn't planning this and watching it. All of this...all of you, you're all just a programme intended to make me think that life is real...when it's obviously not.

I can't wake up from this, and I can't escape...but at the same time I don't want to because it's too comfy. Still...

>I'm scared...

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The government killed Tesla

cutfags being so insecure they make a thread ever month to harbor confidence

That this pikachu meme was created by excecutives as a form of viral marketing for the upcoming detective pikachu movie

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There is a small collection of human entities on earth who have been accumulating knowledge and wisdom for thousands of generations. The more out-in-left-field followers of this conspiracy believe that everything is a supernatural war relying on constant rebirth to climb to spiritual ladder. Others believe that conceiving of the world as a grand spiritual struggle between good and evil; virtue and vice; knowledge and ignorance; discipline and hedonism; compassion and greed; unity and individualism; clarity and distortion; truth and lies.

If you follow the latter, literally every issue existing in western society makes perfect sense and instead of making one feel hopeless and lost, it is empowering and inspiring.

Everyone is Truman.


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That Jews are actually importing diversity for our own good. It will awaken whites from our complacency and drive us to fulfill our racial destiny.
Some day we will wish we had thanked them for what they're doing right now

That’s the craziest? You’re a weak unimaginative, uncreative and miserably boring insufferable faggot.

The fact you even exist is a burden.

That Jow Forums is made up of intelligent people only larping as retards.

Academia is so filled with leftists because leftists are naturally more well read and intelligent

and not actually retards themselves

Based Palestinian

Did you believe this after taking shrooms or lsd? I had the same belief for a long time but I realized that there are either reasonable explanations for said coincidences or that I was fixating on them and ignoring evidence to tbe contrary.

I don't personally believe in, but the craziest conspiracy I've heard was "Kek isn't real".

Youre fucking stupid

Dutroux and elite pedophile rings.

Academics are fuckin nerds and they dont like to stir the pot because they know theyll get their ass kicked in a fight

You mean braaap farms?

Don’t be silly. They’re just interdimensional shapeshifting reptilians.

Hollywood (((elites))) and other technocrats are using baby foreskins harvested from circumcisions in anti-aging beauty products and fringe medical treatments.
oh wait that isn't a conspiracy anymore

also did not mean to reply

The Shemsu Hor

the first part is true tho. 15th century england had laws agaisnt men who wanted to stay on their farms or be vagabonds. The elites wanted workers for capitalism so people who disagreed were whipped or executed.

jews arent neanderthals dumbass lmao

My conspiracy is that there is no global conspiracy and everyone is actually just out for themselves individually in a chaotic fuckfest of underhanded backstabbing.

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WW2 was Jewish funded from both sides so when it was time to take/defend Israel then they would have a core of ex Jewish combat experienced veterans from the various belligerants to help enable that.

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9/11, the true Jews are Negroes.

T. Known Boss

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The Illuminati is using British Freemasonry to take over the world. They use American public institutions to groom the population into worshiping them as an aristocrats, and monarchs.

^1:10 onward is really telling, but you should watch it all.
"You'll be wanting to put the all seeing eye on our banknotes next!"

Their programming is littered throughout mainstream media to normalize thier presence. Some media even instructs on how to help them take over, pic related.


Scar, from the Lion King, was a British Freemason instructing the spic hyenas on how to take over Simba's kingdom(America).

"A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer(Scar)

And where do we feature?(spic hyenas)

Just listen to teacher(Scar)
I know it sounds sordid but you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues!
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!"

"Just listen to teacher" is instructing the spics to go along with the K-12 racemixing brainwashing, and they will get their place in this shinning(Illuminati) new era. Scar is showing the spics how to take over America in order to help the British Freemason/Illuminati. There's many other examples of subversive Freemason/Illuminati shit in American media.

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The elect can communicate tune into a stream of thoughts from god but can equally interfere and reflect thoughts back into the spectrum affecting other elects' minds

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Russians hacked the 2016 election and undermined democracy and trump told them to.


Indeed. Anyone who thinks actual retards can produce quality retard content consistently at this pace is retarded.

>well read
Unironically stating that a learned behavior is innate.
You dont understand what naturally means

Abortion is a massive santanic child blood sacrifice ritual.
Circumcision is a massive santanic child gential mutilation blood sacrifice ritual.

Elite gender inversion. Trannies everywhere. Every major conflict was triggered by false flag events and artificially prolonged to cause the maximum amount of death and misery.

Kitty History

"Serial killers" were patsys and fall guys for satanic ritual murder groups

I'd buy it.

Goyim, I...

I want to believe, but it's fun to fuck around with none the less.


Oy vey!

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Ron Unz blames the Israelis based on one source, but I think LBJ was the prime mover.

Ron Unz

Evidence of Revision

Jim Garrison: The New Orleans cell

Mark Lane

L. Fletcher Prouty

no one asked you Jew

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Didn’t go so well for Scar and the hyenas.

I unironically think aliens or some more intelligent being helped us as a species. It’s pretty hard for me to believe that only thousands of years ago we hardly knew anything about the world and now we have amazing technology and have made so much progress.



German poet Goethe once said about The Magic Flute, “If the multitude find pleasure only in what is actually visible, the initiated will not fail to perceive the higher meaning.” Those “initiated” are none other than the Freemasons.

Mozart became a Mason in December 1784 and was an active member until his death seven years later. Freemasonry in Mozart’s time was driven by a desire to spread the ideals of the Enlightenment – reason, tolerance, and humanism. Mozart found solace in these principles as he dealt with the passing of his father, troubles in his marriage, and his debt. It is no surprise then that his later works became saturated with Masonic themes. The Magic Flute is certainly no exception.

Written at a time when Freemasonry was condemned and discredited, The Magic Flute has been called an “Enlightenment allegory, veiled in masonic ritual.”

Mozart didn’t limit his Masonic nods to just the abstract allegorical level. Freemason rituals and symbolism are scattered throughout the opera.

>Take the number three, for example. This numeral, an important figure to the Masons, occurs again and again: the main character Tamino is rescued by three ladies and guided along his journey by three boys; he must endure three trials to join the brotherhood; the snake representing ignorance is cut into three pieces. Mozart even goes so far as to write the work in a key signature with three flats.

The Magic Flute, meant to epitomize the meaning of Freemasonry, was Mozart’s last completed composition. He fell ill two days after its premiere. In the delirium of that fatal sickness, Wolfgang would run through the opera in his head, experiencing the power of his own music. He died after the show’s 67th performance. One hypothesis regarding Mozart’s death is that Masons poisoned him for revealing their secrets.

Attached: Zelda = The Magic Flute = Freemason, Illuminati, Zionist propaganda in media, Sega, Niantic, Wolfgan (6000x6000, 3.93M)

Homo capensis.

youtube.com/watch?v=kv4btLi8gLA&list=PL16417F5158E0741E Secret Destiny of America

youtube.com/watch?v=ELwmUVc7ReA Manly P. Hall - "The Magic Flute" - the Return of Masonic Initiation to the Modern World (Ancient Initiation Education)

youtube.com/watch?v=364cxeR5EAg What You're Not Supposed to Know About America's Founding

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> scientists misrepresent the predictive power of climate modeling and gratuitously misrepresent the certainty of CO2 pushing up temperature since the industrial revolution.("97% study", IPCC, West Anglia climategate, hockey stick fraud). most are unknowingly pursuing grant money and operating comfortably in their echo chambers, but they are useful fools to an international effort to establish a global super-government capable of redistributing resources as they see fit-- in the name of controlling the Earth's surface temperature

> the United States Justice Dept. covered up their own crimes several times, including Loretta Lynch and Obama using the IRS to target conservatives, Comey and "gross negligence", giving Paul Combetta and others unconditional immunity for "lying his ass off", the Strzok/Page messages, Lynch/Bill meeting on "grandkids & golf", Android burner phones being used to subvert federal records requirements, destruction of evidence under congressional subpoena, "unmasking"

> Perkins-Coie, Fusion GPS, DNC establishment created the "insurance plan" of percieved Russian collusion to invalidate Trump's presidency in public opinion, the Crowdstrike "cyrilic encoded characters" thing was bullshit, the DNC server that got hacked went missing and could never be examined by the FBI

> US State Dept orchestrated Arab Spring, Libyan revolt and execution of Gaddafi

> Saudi Arabia has always been giving clandestine support to ISIS and the State Dept knew about it but still signed off on $100Billion+ weapons contracts, just like they did now under Trump even though they dismember journalists (drop in the pond to the blood they have spilled)

> chemical company G.D. Searle withheld animal studies of the sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet), and it's CEO Donald Rumsfeld (yes, the very same) deceived the FDA and thousands of metric tonnes of known toxins were put on grocery shelves, which depress cognitive ability when consumed regularly, leading to MS-like symptoms

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The Japanese media is controlled by America, and promotes Illuminati/Freemason shit constantly. Most dismiss it as a kooky Japanese imitation of western symbolism.


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Reality is a hologram. It's real but it's also illusory. Our feeble mind can never truly understand it
being 3 Dimensional beings in a multidimensional existence

That second vid is mislabeled. It's actually Barry Chamish dropping redpills on the Sabbateans and the Illuminati. The first vid i posted was Manly P Hall breaking down the Illuminati, and Freemason goal of bringing back ancient initiation education.

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Most likely theory I heard was that a Secret Service agent slipped when he heard Oswald firing with his finger on the trigger and accidentally shot Kennedy in the head.


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Donald Trump is being played by Don Imus. Presidents aren't elected, they're selected. Do you really think the ruling class would let regular people pick who gets to run the richest country in the world every four years? Everyone is getting played. Between Hollywood makeup, Photoshop, and digital masking, we should no longer blindly believe anything we see in the media.

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that chinese people drive slow to decrease our gdp


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Nobody killed JFK. It was a realistic dummy that was triggered to explode.

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> Obama knowingly or unknowingly authorized the deceptive FISA operation which allowed his administration to use the surveillance state apparatus against his political opponents in a way that makes Watergate look like a college prank

> the field of psychiatry has an interest in deceiving people that HRT (hormone therapy) and SRS ("sexual reassignment surgery") is not the "only recognized life-saving therapy" for gender dysphoria, the patient outcomes are abhorrent, but that diagnostic/procedural mechanism keeps it covered by insurance

> MIT's Jonathan Gruber and the architects of the Affordable Care Act knew very well it was a timebomb meant to destroy the private insurance industry and create a pathway for single-payer healthcare 10-15 years down the road, inflating the cost of care and forcing private insurers to compete with subsidized government plans

> the CIA built a practice of running guns, drugs, and aiding human traffickers in central and south america as a way of destabilizing governments

> FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force worked hard to convince a young man (Varnell) with schizophrenia to aid them in a fake bombing plot in 2017, then celebrated their victory in stopping domestic terrorists

i could go on all day

Please do

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Mike drop

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> Oct 1. vegas shooting was a botched conflict between international elements including weapons dealers who previously worked on US HUMINT, on U.S. soil, and was not the independent work of a deranged lone gunman

> Elisa Lam got a cool job providing information to foreign intelligence assets and accidentally learned too much and tried to go AWOL

> Israeli corporate software engineers and SIEMENS collaborated on the most sophisticated exploit of all time (STUXNET)

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By Alexandra Jaffe, CNN

Updated 6:03 AM ET, Tue March 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton's coziness with Wall Street, her family's foundation's ties to banks that have been under investigation for everything from interest rate manipulation scandals to breaking Iran sanctions

Companies That Paid Hillary for Speeches Also Poured Millions Into Clinton Foundation.

six Deutsche bank branches, including the headquarters, Thursday and apprehended two bank employees in connection to a money laundering investigation linked to the Panama Papers

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Walt Disney was an occult practicing CIA asset. His movies are littered with mind control programming. Now the jews run his empire and use it for their means.





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Thousands of deeps state elite Russian agents dressed up as fat ameritards and voted for Trump

> Oct 1. vegas shooting was a botched conflict between international elements including weapons dealers who previously worked on US HUMINT, on U.S. soil, and was not the independent work of a deranged lone gunman

I read the official report and it's an obvious cover-up. Why would an arms deal gone wrong become the largest massacre in US history?

I'll post my review of the official reports below.

Attached: Las Vegas Shooter in the Crowd.webm (640x360, 1.44M)

The craziest conspiracy theory is that there are no conspiracies.


These reports were never really intended to be read. In the preliminary report Rodriguez is misspelled with a q; that spelling error is never fixed. Numerous other spelling errors and vague language fill the document. The corrections just clarify questionable parts of the story. In the preliminary report Engineer Schuck locked the elevator. In the final report the elevator was locked at police request. The preliminary report note over an hour between the last shots and the SWAT breach, in the final report that is explained as the shift from active shooter to barricaded subject protocols.

The final report addresses the questions of conspiracy and motive. A broader conspiracy is dismissed out of hand. Motive is never explicitly stated, but the statements of Paddock’s family imply a standard lone nut motive.

Stephen Paddock seemed prepared to host a meeting. He prepared an artificial flower display. He had a second refrigerator sent to the primary room. He also had booked an adjacent room. 13 minutes passed between the first shots and no detectable heat signature in the main room. During this time Paddock fired over 1,000 rounds from multiple rifles, in multiple rooms, at at least 3 separate targets (concert, fuel tanks, and hall), drilled holes, and subsequently lie dead for an hour before SWAT entered the scene.

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Campos and Schuck are both odd characters. Security Officer Campos is the first one shot, but with such a superficial wound that he suspects an air rifle. No air rifle is ever found. Campos reported the exact floor and room where the shooter was, but despite that SWAT checked several other floors first. Campos left the country immediately after the shooting to attend a preplanned vacation to Mexico with his father. Law enforcement authorized this vacation.

Engineer Schuck was dispatched to remove the “L” bracket which blocked the stairway access to the 32nd floor from below. Upon arriving Schuck took fire and sought cover in an alcove. Schuck remained on the floor through the explosive breaches and assists with the evacuation of guests. Shuck stated he could have left earlier, but wanted to help.

SWAT Officer Sean O’Donnell was in a lot of places making a lot of decisions. He is the only named officer who approached the 32nd floor from above. The main SWAT element moved from the 29th floor up slowly clearing every room on their way up. He took a service elevator from the top floor to the 32nd floor where he met the rest of the strike team. He decided to change procedure from active shooter to barricaded subject. He saw the camera on the food cart and decided on the explosive breach. He was the first to see Paddock’s body. He was also negligently discharged his weapon in the stack to breach the second room. Prior to his negligent discharge he placed his weapon on burst mode so it fired 3 rounds.

There are inconsistent reports regarding the approach to Paddock’s room. Notably armed casino security officers responded almost immediately to the 32nd floor to assist Campos. 2 LVMPD officers also arrived during the shooting. Neither of these groups attempted to enter the room or stop the shooting in progress. They were instead tasked with evacuating the rest of the floor, which may have continued or commenced after the explosive breach.

Attached: Las Vegas Dead Outside Venue.png (802x754, 944K)

Disney hated jews and died before anything subversive happened with his company..

There are several key omissions in the report.

1. A witness reported seeing Paddock with an unnamed Asian female prior to the shooting. She was described as between 4’11” and 5’2” with no description of her age or height. When pressed for details the witness shrugged and said she looked Asian. No photos of her were mentioned despite pervasive CCTV.

2. Paddock had 4 cell phones and a note to “unplug phones”. 3 of those phones warranted paragraphs about how many contacts they had etc. 1 phone, (310) 357-3358, received zero elaboration. Also the note to “unplug phones” is never shown. Comparing handwriting to his bullet drop notepad could be interesting.

3. Upper floors. It never occurs to SWAT breaching the “L” bracket from below that they could enter the floor from above. The possibility of any additional persons escaping to higher floors is never considered. 1 hour passed between the end of a heat signature and SWAT’s breach.

4. Heat detection. At 2218 there were no more heat signatures detected in 32-135. There is no mention of any heat signatures in 32-134.

5. 7 bodies were “placed” outside of the venue. Who placed them? 31 people died at the venue itself, most in a cluster easily observed from 32-135. 4 of those 31 died at a medical tent. 20 more died in area hospitals. 7 were found dead in adjacent areas which the reports note as being placed.

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What is the still classified CIA family jewel?


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While these reports were obviously part of a coverup there is useful information buried inside. Paddock was clearly prepared to host a meeting. There was plenty of time to escape upward. Campos, Schuck, and O’Donnell were key figures in the action considering they all made key decisions, witnessed important actions, and provided plausible answers to weird issues.

I strongly suspect Stephen Paddock was set up. The bullet drop math on the notepad is never compared to the “unplug phones” note. His google searches are basically “how do I do a big shooting” which seem a little convenient. Also the contents of his laptop and 4th phone are completely ignored, but we’re given a juicy tidbit about his illegal pornography collection. Paddock had few friends, strong opinions, and shunned publicity. His family all provided that he was probably insane, with Eric Paddock providing the most animated testimony.

As with many official coverups the official report doesn’t even stand up against itself.

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