How do you deal with working 10+hrs a day regularly? I have a really great job but the hours and shift make me want to quit.
How do you deal with working 10+hrs a day regularly...
Your body gets use to after awhile op but if you stick with it then it will make you stronger
bump for interest
am really tired of being a neet but working full time from being a neet makes my anxiety sky rocket
How does it make you stronger? It's wearing me out in my first 2 weeks.
Yes, and working out makes you feel worn out too in the beginning
You don't. Do whatever you can to work less.
Modern wagecuck life are an overkill.
You're just earning money for fat pigs.
enjoy life.
but i need money to eat, move out, care for my pets and bills.
This. Man I miss working 12's and being overwhelmed and busy as fuck. I also miss making over $500/day too.
Like I said your body starts to adapt, what kind of job are you doing ? I worked from sun up till sun down in construction for years it definitely makes a man out of you
He's full of shit
Working longer shifts less often leads to health issues just like working graveyard for too long. Use the job as a platform to find a job that is less gay
Some jobs make you start off at part time anyway. Give it a try, around here even working 20 hours a week for minimum wage is slightly more than what you would get in NEETbux.
>am really tired of being a neet but working full time from being a neet makes my anxiety sky rocket
When you're working full time you will use up energy and adrenaline. You won't have anxiety because you'll have something else occupying your time and attention.
Drink 5 hour energy or something at your lunch break,that way you'll make it through the rest of the day but crash and sleep like a baby when you're at home.
Machine/equipment operator. I'm 100% new to this line of work too, so I'm adjusting to the long shifts and nervousness/stress of learning a crazy amount of things
Well like I said it kills you at first man but coffee and ibuprofen can be your friend. The first couple weeks are always the worst after a month or two you should start noticing a difference I promise you that. Just try to remember even if you don't plan on working there forever you are conditioning yourself for the future and it's always nice when others look at you and say that guy is dependable and hard working
I'm gonna try my best but it's just very overwhelming and all the shift hours suck.
By quitting and getting a better job.
I work 24 hours a week, shit is so cash.
Eat the pets, sell their skulls.
making how much?
No, I love them.b
How about redbull or monster?
Ha you're one of very few lucky people then.