
Why don't westerns have kids? How have we got to this point?

I get that education and all gives insight into the true cost about raising children and people either refrain or only have one kid

My question is have we already peaked in terms of population? Is the negative birth yield (nr of births - nr of deaths) in many regions just the leveling out of the population to natural values? If so what originated the peak in growth that generated a populace that big?
Or is this a direct consequence of (((feminism))) and (((sexual empowerment)))?

It fucks me up that every country is dependant on immigration to ensure minimal replacement rates

pic related, is the birt yield (always negative) and the migratory yield for a region in my country

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One word.
Three letters.

When conditions are poor for breeding, smart people stop breeding.

Conditions in cities are extremely poor for breeding - lack of access to resources, high rates of crime and infidelity, difficult and complex power structure.

No, smart people stopped breeding thousands of years ago.

Life works better when there's real struggle
We have it too easy

Women and children are irritating expensive and limit your freedom

If as a man you want to guarantee you do nothing with your life and die in poverty getting married and especially having kids is a great first step

It's really not that hard.
Secure jobs? Prob not.
Full time job? Prob not.
real inflation > wages
Own a home? prob not or you've overpaid cause chinks

It removes a lot of agency from people just to pin it down to you know who
Sure it has influence but is it really enough to justify that?
Like everything's going peachy and then BAM feminism and rates fall to negative values?

Clearly its because europeans are so smart XD but no it's because europeans are committing suicide because they dumb and emotional

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Whites won't have kids until conditions are perfect: doting homemaker wife, middle class house with huge yard and white picket fence, and funds for private school

Doesn't account for poor people breeding like rabbits

Poor people are short sighted and emotional

>Why don't westerns have kids?
they have sequels

Education & rising living standards, individualism, consumerism...

An why is that?
Have we become that demanding or are those just excuses to justify postponing something that may even come naturally, due to fear or cmthg?

why would you ruin your one existence by burdening yourself with children?

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Smart people can also realize that conditions weren't exactly ideal when they were born and that just means that life is a struggle
Isn't it overly simplistic?
I get that argument, I've talked o my girlfriend about is it even worth bringing up kids today
But that just seems a bit basic
Few people are born in ideal conitions but we make do

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And rich people are deviants who think too much of themselves who still make up excuses even if they have everything listed above secure

Would like to know how many of those are after having kids

because westerners are jews, isnt it obvious
what do you want from life?
your iphone with internet
your flatscreen
your fast food
your car, you cant even walk anywhere, mass transportation? eww
your traveling, to far away lands to fuck local prostitutes and eat the same shit then post it on facebook
to look at your bankaccount
to buy buy buy buy and fill the void of human interaction

and on top of that you spoiled your women, to the point they except all of this, on a higher level, without even giving birth

>le let me provide for muh girl face
no fuck that, a family unit will provide for eachother

so yea, you fucked it up yourself, you became too greedy and in the process other ppl only have one fun thing left, making babies

Many animals do not breed in captivity

t. poorfag

Clearly slavs have reached social perfection and nirvana-like pesronal dynamics and none of us realized it, thx man
Oh wait

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kek. Literally Worst Korea-tier birthrates

If my life is a struggle then it seems like a waste to bring a new struggling life into the world.

let the rich breed, punish the poor through taxes.

Israel is having enough kids. Did a thesis about it. Nationalistic, militaristic culture. They still have feminism but their life struggle to work together to survive is above all and inside all. Secular jews got 2016 >3.0 fertility rate. West has 1.4

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>having children will ruin your life
Imagine being such a bugman faggot that you actually believe this

Because they're intelligent due to brain cult. Intelligent people make shit life choices because they're dumb as bricks.

no, our society is the poor mans version of yours
die american fuckface, die in cancer, ÁTOK

Better just end it all?
Would your life be perfect if you had everything you wanted in a moment's notice?
Is your life a waste? Who is to blame? Yourself? Or the world?
How do you conclude that you know better than previous generations, or even your peers, and decide unilaterally that having children is just not worth it?

But you just said that poor people are the ones making babies

White people have lost the war against jews and will be forever slaves , even if they somehow propel up their birthrates.

These days only the poor AND stupid are breeding. Just being poor isn’t enough because people know about Trojans and, barring that, abortions.

Also it may be taboo to say this but as humane as Westerners like to think they are, most blacks ignorant savages though they may seem/are would never willingly kill their own offspring born or unborn (they might neglect them resulting in their death later but that’s another story, the point is they always sire have babies because they don’t just have a strong instinct for fucking but for impregnating/being impregnated and giving birth, too).

The South African government in the 1980s half-heartedly tried to get blacks to consider controlling their birth rate, but the blacks just weren’t having it. Not only is fertility a big part of their culture in general, but they understandably suspected an at least partially racial motive behind the campaign (much as it was presumably motivated by genuine social considerations regarding poverty, the government’s limited ability to provide social services and so on).

Low birth rates isn't really a problem on its own, since most western countries are overpopulated to some extent and automation will allow for a smaller workforce anyway. What turns it into a huge problem is a a) the obsolete social security system and b) using it as an excuse for mass immigration of subhumans.

Jews have below replacement birthrates too.

We simply do not need the large families we had of old (e.g. most large families were had to help work on farmsteads, etc). Also, there is a critical labor problem now as food production has increased (thus reinforcing my first statement) and is largely automated. Most "first world" industry is largely service based or highly technical (and therefore specialized). So, in this regard, having children is no longer an "immediate" priority. However, that being said, it is still an important factor that is simply not being promoted in most of the West. In Poland we have some laws rewarding parents for having children (500 PLN per child), however, this is not really that feasible either because ultimately it is just being exploited by impoverished people as a form of welfare solution.

However these birth rates in Africa, India, China, etc are far worse because they are simply not sustainable. European, Japanese, etc birth rates are not that "Extreme" as the media is pointing them out to be (they are obviously just promoting this to create a new form of underclass, mutt our societies [and therefore make us easier to control]). So, the situation is rather tense now but we must all do our part to at least have 2 children and stop all immigration from Africa, India, and China and I think if we can accomplish this goal there won't be any serious issues that I can think of. Demographics in terms of population are shifting tides and there are always periods of highs and lows - so anyone shilling that we "NEED" immigrants to sustain our societies is simply a traitor and has a serious lack of knowledge about history (or is simply malicious and has their own agenda at demographic change).

This is my perspective on the issue.

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Good answer man, thx

there are different levels of poor, if you look at global situation you will see europe is the rich part, take a look at africa, compared to that portugal is very very rich, eventhough you wouldnt call yourself that

Yes, I always argue with my peers that it is basically a "Niggers Lebensraum" for a new underclass that destroys the community of the host nation and thus makes it easier to control via mass materialism for large multinational corporations.

you dont understand pensions and learned nothing from industrialisation
luddites went mad because their jobs were gone, yet now we need more workers than ever before

The fact that low birthrates are a "problem" says more about how the elites fear high wages and deflation than anything

Based pole, thx


Because population replacement or the shrinking of a nation's population is irrelevant?
You'll just end up with a desirtified country with exception of the service hubs, capitals and whatnot. and without social structure

reminder that the portuguese are untermensch that need to be removed from the peninsula


High rent.
High taxes.
Shit salaries.
Getting an education doesn't fix these.
Bad fertility from hormones in the food.
Women are literally thots.
Guys became passive and bitchy.