Christcucks shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.
All white mans achievements lay on the back of a strong pagan Europe. Roman Empire, nazi Germany ect.
This would be the average girl if the chritcucks didn’t spread their turn thy check cuckoldry
Christcucks shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.
All white mans achievements lay on the back of a strong pagan Europe. Roman Empire, nazi Germany ect.
This would be the average girl if the chritcucks didn’t spread their turn thy check cuckoldry
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Stop posting these broad faced Mongoloid bitches
Hold up
So u be sayin
Pagans are based n shiet
Doesn’t matter, she is white and christcucks hate that.
White excellence is above anything.
So what if she fucks some nigger in the side, as long as she has white kids
Why do white women flush their genetics down the toilet?
you choose the wrong thot aussie fedora
Pretty sure I shot one of her kin on my last xcom playthrough
She isn’t, retard christcucks
So what if she fucks some nigger, she is still white and has white DNA
Whereas christcucks have mixed race kids...
you're low IQ if you thought it wasn't intentional
My dude