Yes Germany! 3 million Pakistanis for you

>Germany Is Offering 3 Million Jobs to Pakistanis

German foreign ministry has written a letter to Pakistan asking to develop a plan to provide skilled labor for the country.

As per details, a German news agency Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA) has reported citing Spegiel Online that the German foreign office’s Europe Wing has written a letter to the Pakistani foreign mission requesting it for the provision of skilled labor.

The letter specifically mentions the fields for which they expect labor for.

The report claims that the European country has demanded 3 million skilled workers from Pakistan, including IT experts and engineers.

According to KNA, the letter was sent on October 26 this year, and it mentioned that all the workers would be facilitated to enter Germany via proper legal work.

It is worth mentioning here that the largest European economy is facing a shortage of young people who are willing to commit to on-the-job training for up 3 or more years. This has become a concern for managers in Europe’s largest economy.

To cope with the problem, The German cabinet has decided to ease down the laws to let skilled labor from outside Europe to come into Germany and help alleviate the chronic labor shortage.

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the breaking point is fast approaching

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>the European country has demanded 3 million skilled workers from Pakistan

Haha yes, Merkel also asked for 5 million intelligent Somalis.

>3 million

Are there not German people who could these jobs?
They are accelerating their bullshit at an alarming pace.

Now the rapists are getting paid!

they dont want it, just like you

Holy shit anyone noticed all that accelerationism in 2018

Thank you Germany, Pakistanis are some of the most hardworking people in world, you won’t regret this, look how much Britain has benefited

i could come to work in germany, and i can speak english. and few german words. Whats the point here?

I give up

I'm rooting for globohomo at this point, the G*rmanic countries have reached the end of their natural evolution and are now beyond help


the worst muslim shit you can import from asia

enjoy your pakis bengalis and rohingjas

just shows to prove how diseased our current system is.

>Raise entry standards to such a high level no one can even get trained let alone an entry level job in a chosen career.
>Get people from countries with lower training and entry standards to come and fill those positions

This is fucking genius.

Jesus Fuck Germs, however bad it is now once you go Paki you never go Baki

This is absolutely the worst. Pakistanis are the worst exploiters of young girls.

People talk about the rapes of Rotherham, but they're active throughout Europe, including Germany. Here they are already #1 in sexual assaults against children.

That the government is inviting them in, in large numbers like this tells us that they're very eager to genocide us in a hurry.

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Same thing is happening here.
Only the West could kill itself with such obsession with foreigners and such hate of itself and its own people.
Fuck the West.

Its not like germans arent willing to do these jobs, its that companies can hire pakis much cheaper.

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Burn down every shop that is hiring pakistanis. The reason they don't find workers is that noone needs their business here. Those managers in need of skilled labor can go to pakistan and open a shop there.

You could but the question is why would you? I mean it's starting to turn more and more into a shithole.

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How come krauts are not chimping out yet like the frogs?

Even better blow up/burn down the mosque in cologne.

Finally German girls will get all the muslim dick they wanted so badly. Also, keep in mind this is for skilled workers only so no children and muslim women don't work. Germany will fiinally become muslim with the wombs of German women. We won the west without firing a single bullet.

70% Paki unemployment rate in the UK

as if i would ever work and pay a single cent of tax money to this fucking asshole of a state so they can keep financing my destruction

i will finish my uni and leave this shithole for good
i will return when this garbage dump of a society collapsed, it wont take too long
i will plunder, pillage and genocide everything on my way until im at my home again

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I'm sure the German government would agree to take 3m Pakis in a heartbeat, but I can't find a German source on this and that website looks dubious to say the least.

>Go work to Germany
>Get treated like a subhuman (cuz slav)
>Saw this

Fuck you Germany

What did they do to you to make you think you were being treated like a subhuman? I thought Germans were the most tolerant whites alive today.

you are allowed to do everything if your skin is dark enough
be white and you are a subhuman who has no rights and has to pay for everything
its Hitler germany inverted

there is a reason why 300.000 people leave each year this shithole
i will be one of them soon

>shitskins "working" for my gibs

USA is in the list. kek

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they really want to push for the most terrible mudslims.

niggeres werent raping and killing enough.

>fucking german women is so undesirable they had to import foreign workers to do it

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Found this.

Kek good one kike.

i will be using gibs as long as possible and then, i dont know.

the only countries that allow easy migration are becoming shitholes so migrating, idk. t. german loser cuck. :(

>there is a reason why 300.000 people leave each year this shithole
>turks going back to turkey is bad

Why wasn't this offered to Aussies? I probably would have liked to have to gone for abit.

>they really want to push for the most terrible mudslims.

the globalists and open borders people like to think that they are just helping underprivileged victims, when the reality is that they are providing capitalists with employees who will work for slave wages. If Germany (and every other rich nation) offered great pay for any job there would be a line of people at the door. But then the BMW would cost more and the investors would cry.

Wtf? I'm an ancap now?

based and pakistanipilled. Pakistani people are fairly white thanks to heavy aryan admixture and should be easy to racially integrate. Not to mention that the might fix this cesspool of christcuckery that made the deutsche volk so weak and effeminate

Why would poops send their skilled labor? Skiller labot is highly valuable, countries only want to get rid of retards who can only do shit like pick up trash

If they want pakis that much they can take ours

Despite mass immigration to the country the population is set to decline in time due to ethnic Germans leaving.

The Kraut fears the Bruce. That's why.

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t. underage codemonkey

*tips minaret

it is
chad countries > beta countries

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They don't want to do it for a slave wage.

I am sorry brainlet, but that is just the way it is.

And yes, i will take fries with that.

Dear God somone fucking stop Merkle yellow fellowz where are you???? This is her final blow before being stripped of power this one is her death blow

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hans I don’t speak arbeitmachtfrei you gotta provide a translation


>wanting to import people from a country where they put a women on death row for rumors of blasphemy against islam

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You know what to do German anons.

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Burn it down you fucking cuck. We won't let you leave be a fucking man we will be germans who flee in our countries like cowards if you do

Is this how the average jew is born?

Will beat** I did just rage there. If you fucking flee and don't beat a single fucking paki by God I just don't know man how would you even live with yourself?


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stop being a fucking retard
see here i wont raise my kids in this shithole
i wont pay taxes to this shit state
let these new germans suffer
i will return and kill everything on my way back home when this shit society broke down

Im coming with you. All these bastards talking about thier culture, thier beliefs, their religions and their "way of life". Well I think its long past time we started practicing ours: Rape, Pillage and Burn ... total unrelenting scorched earth warfare ... thats my culture.

Seig Heil.

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>It is worth mentioning here that the largest European economy is facing a shortage of young people who are willing to commit to on-the-job training for up 3 or more years. This has become a concern for managers in Europe’s largest economy.

"Skilled Pakistani" is the biggest oxymoron I've ever seen

How did he get out?

>German foreign ministry

WHO in the German foreign ministry.

What are their names? In which Provence do they live? What do they look like?

>implying anyone can get out

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>young europeans don't want to work 3 years for pennies

He died, it was all over the news for a week or so.

Link? Why did he go in?

He went over there to torture a helpless family of sandniggers.

Shoo shoo dirty gypsy.

>It is worth mentioning here that the largest European economy is facing a shortage of young people who are willing to commit to on-the-job training for up 3 or more years.
Can’t all those new Germans you already let in do those jobs?

Migrants Welcome!

When big business and socialists want the same thing you had better start to worry.

Instinct alone should tell you something really shitty is about to happen.

There are 70,000 Pakistanis in Germany, more than 16 times smaller than the 1.2 million Pakistanis living in the UK. 90% of Pakistanis haven’t heard that Germany even exists, contrary to 20% not knowing that the UK exists. Basic German is spoken by less than 0.2% of Pakistanis, mostly people who studied it at university for trade purposes.

The inflow of Pakistanis to Germany under skilled labor visas and student visas has been between 1,000 and 2,000 per year on average for over a decade (and way less before). Contrast this to the 50,000 Pakistani workers and students who have moved to the UK last year. That is despite LOWER immigration hurdles in Germany.

The idea that any sizable number of skilled Pakistani doctors, engineers or workers with German skills show up in Germany any time soon is ludicrous. We could offer them 30 million or 300 million jobs, the fact remains, we aren’t on any Pakistanis shortlist - even Pakistani “refugees” don’t like Germany... they prefer the UK and Italy.

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>He went over there to torture a helpless family of gypsies.
There fixed it for you.

Fake, it's about everyone not only paki. Wait for us.

You already know this
Two words, it starts with W and ends with enocide.

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Umm, you should know that Chileans get that type of promos all the time from Canada, the US and Australia. The adds pop up all the time in social media and they are annoying as hell

>B8 Thread
>Nobody asking for a source
fucking nupol

They are literally your paki cousins you filthy shitskin
Sounds even better famalam.

Socialists just have all been bought by the big business and are used both as cover and as megaphone.
Remember when socialists were the enemies of big business? Me neither.

Its not offered to any EU countries with high youth unemployment either.
They just want more niggers here

I realised this years ago. They have to figure it out.

They're really afraid. Shit like this and the UN migration pact are clear examples. Before the goyim slaves can break free they need to be destroyed/replaced.

Why can't those motherfuckers import German Brazilian workers of the south? Why do they have to import workers from the worst kind of people from the worst countries in the world? LAst time they imported fucking Turks, now Pakis, what's next? Nigerians?

All Brazilians with European descent should be protesting this decision.

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i want to get off this ride now

>Romanian calling anyone a shitskin
I bet I am whiter than you faggot.

>European calling sandnigger a shitskin
I don't see where the mistake is at you worthless shitskin

Pakis are the ultimate untermentsch. They aren't even human.

Yeah we are not white do you got a problem? Want me to enrich your whore of a mother?

>gypsy in denial
Top kek.

And? This news placed on paki site. Germany didn't said about country which they want to invite, they just need 3m workers.