Pro-brexit London March: Calling all brit anons

Sunday the 9th of December the day before the parliamentary vote.

Starting at 11:45am in Hyde Park. Marching to parliament with speakers. Normal brexit rally so no white nationalist signs or emblems.

We're also debuting yellow jackets, so pick up several (99p each) and hand them out. We'll have a whole crowd in solidarity with the French.

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Stop marching and start rioting pussy.

Attached: 9E61CF32-246B-43F5-AF23-D900BC3355D0.gif (540x300, 1.64M)

It's going to be huge and for those living in London it's continuing until the vote itself happens.

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CIA pls

That only works in uncivilized countries like France

Bump for good idea

Why arent you doing anything then? Oh wait you're all too obese

It may happen when (inevitably) the parliament votes to ignore the referendum. However it's vitally important this is peaceful, it's a general boomer event for one and more importantly violence would give them an excuse to the public for why they couldn't deliver hard brexit. Instead it will show we have been peaceful and done everything right, yet still politicians lied and ignored us, redpilling a lot of the public. The jackets will remind them of the civil anger in france and also help secure the image away from communists trying to riot.

I... user... I’m not fat. Take it back!

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Anyone with a twitter, no matter what country, should message tommy, ukip groups, and any other affiliated persons to wear the yellow jackets.

It's vitally important we have more than the counterprotestors who will try the same.