What's the best age for Childbearing?

I think any age under 20 is too young and 30 is too old for your first baby, what you guys think best age for childbearing according to science?

Attached: Childbearing age.jpg (317x386, 25K)

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16. proven.

why is 20 too young? 30 is hella-old for a first kid.

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Too young acually. Try to be a bit serious, bogan.


Between 18-24.
Any earlier you have the possiblity of complications in pregancy, later on the chances of down syndrome and autism start to sky rocket.
You should stop having children after 33, still plenty enough time to have 5-6 kids.

20 is mentally mature for being a mom. Have you seen those 20 years old girls?

The problem with being so young is complications in pregancy and not being emotionally mature enough to properly take care of the child.
A few of my mates came from teen mothers and they were fucked up.

18 as age of maturity is a recent development within the last 80 years. Thousands of years before that it was not uncommon for women to be married off and began child bearing around 12-14. Stop trying to be a history revisionist.

Just because we have retarded society and kids today are "immature" does not change biological al facts. Are we talking biologically or are we throwing in social constructs to justify your misguided point?

I'd say 21 would be good to start and 28 or 32.

Tell me how that worked for them. Half of humanity died at birth. Both moms and the childs. 18 is still young

Ask any muslim, dude.

If the girl has not fully completed puberty (average end of 16-17 in women) there can be problems during pregancy.
There are some girls who are completly able to have children at ages 15 and sometimes under, but they are the exception not the rule.
Furthermore, social constructs exist for a reason, in this case it is the emotional maturity of the girl.
If she is incapable of taking care of herself, how will she handle a child as well?

That's because of how bad medicine was at the time not because if their age, the fact that even has to be said calls into question your credibilty.

I'd says that's pushing the limit at 21.
If you have not found an appropriate mate by then (if you are a woman) you are in for some problems.
Biologically, as stated earlier, by 18 girls are ready to have children.


Anything older is feminist trash mentality

>...girl has not fully completed puberty (average end of 16-17 in women) there can be problems during pregancy.

Define completed puberty and give a citation please. If your citation was written in the previously established time where we changed the definition of adult then your point has already been dusproven.

Their answer is 9 for the first, well at least they'll try to inseminate her. And they're never too old: why bother with increased risks of trisomy when they're consanguineous already?

>Biologically, as stated earlier, by 18 girls are ready to have children.

That's just a biological fact. 15 is also a biological fact that girls can bear babies at that age, but we're talking about best age to be mom both mentally and physically. You seem to focus on the physical part.

No, I'm dude.

Again, anything younger than 20 seems to immature to be a mom. Your focus is the physical ability.

>because raping children happened a lot in history that makes it okay

No, you sick fuck. Kys

At 34 I am about 1/3 through medical school. I don't want to be older than 45 on the last child. I have 3 years of residency, and 3 of fellowship.

I'm trying to repopulate this country with high quality white babies so 3-5 sounds pretty good to me. She can pop one out a year and maybe needs a year rest at some point. I only date chicks in the 23-27 range so its not terribly creepy. Gives me 2 years to have some fun with them and make sure its going to work out before marriage. I want the first kid probably during the fellowship (making 60K, but have large family resources to pull from) and the next ones relatively soon afterwards since I can then support them without problem.

Answer for me is 24-33 for birthing.

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Social immaturity is a recent social construct, why do you keep bringing it up in a discussion about biology?

You are now changing the definition of children. Why are there so many cultures around the world that celebrate manhood at 13? It has only been the last couple hundred years we have changed "adulthood" to 18. Get your facts straight or kys.

>anything younger than 20 seems to immature to be a mom.
women are always immature

why not just use a mentally mature man like historically, and never expect women to mature ever, also like historically? can't fight their DNA it's in their blood to be dumb.

also more male primary schoolteachers so that kids actually learn math.

As stated here puberty averagely happens around age 11, this means that there are still plenty of girls who start puberty age 12-13.
This means that by age 16-17 a vast propotion of the population will not have finished puberty.
Yes there will be those done with puberty by age 15.
As thus one is saying about emotional maturity it is nesseracy but I would say everyone by age 18 is both physically and mentally developed enough.

Sounds reasonable. My non educated in terms of medicine field was that 21-29 or 32 is the best age. That being said, we've outlook in this case.

Maturity or psychological maturity is an important role in one's life. So it's hard to dismiss it.


Romans celebrated manhood at 18.
Greeks celebrated manhood at 17.
These are the two biggest cultural infulences for the west.
This is what I base it off.

Thanks for not reading my post and doing the complete opposite of supporting your arguement. I greatly appreciate you going through the effort and saving me the time to not have to refute your non evidence. Thanks.

Not when you ask a strictly biological question. You should have asked

>I think any age under 20 is too immature by today's standards and 30 is too old for your first baby, what do you guys think best age for childbearing according to today's social contructs?

FTFY, now you use your asinine justifications for your shitty arguement.

Citation please

After that there's no use trying unless you like your progeny to have autism or downs.


Anything after 30 will tear her body apart if its the first child.

my son was conceived to a 19 and nine months female when I was just two weeks into my 21st year. He's very healthy.

22 imo
their minds and bodies should be mature enough to bear children
instead of bar hopping women should be using that late night energy on night time feedings. if it was socially revered to do so we wouldn't be dealing with as much degenerate behavior and immaturity.
that said my wife and I had our first at 30 and 2nd at 34 and they're both healthy and smart compared to their peers. although this is canada so...

wife had our son at 23 in october and we're planning on having our second in january 2020. Kids will be entering university when we're in our 40's so we'll still have 20 years to work and save for retirement once the kids are out of the house

I'll also add that I was conceived to a 43 and 39 year old man and woman respectively and had a tested 167 IQ on the infant scale as a five month old. At 55 now I am still perfectly healthy and am about to set off on a 400 mile round trip for work. So this fear about older parents producing defective offspring is by no means a universal constant.

Find a girl that was homeschooled


Under 20? Why would under 30 be the best age? Everyone knows the prime age for making kids is 40.
Stop telling people to make kids under the age of 50.

These days women are incapable of taking care of themselves de facto until about the age of 65 when they retire.
Now what.