
>no private meetings
>no windowless rooms
>no sitting close on flights
>no private communications
>witnesses required for all interaction
>avoid women if at all possible

#metoo amirite , finally women get what they want, total alienation from men at the highest levels of power.

Other urls found in this thread:


Unironically, do this regardless of your financial status.

>the Chad rapist vs the Virgin avoider

Just avoid women at all costs. Pick one, once in a while for fucking purposes, although I would highly recommend a hooker.

>work in an office
>befriend a manager
>get invited to join manager (and other managers) in a in-house bowling league
>i get promoted to management
>girl subordinate
>gets invited into managers league
>complains and is a cunt during bowling league
>never promoted to manager

It's nice how things like this naturally work themselves out.

Women are enforcing White Sharia without even knowing it
The fuck is this timeline ?

They can't help it

I have one I see from time to time. Makes life easy and she’s actually really cool to talk to.
>Pro Tip
Don’t go cheap.

You guys must be weak to not know how to train women. You need to play better games.

finally, the world understand the dangers of the roasties.

> Finally, he landed on the solution: “Just try not to be an asshole.”
or what? get a life ruining FALSE accusation for being an asshat? you should get the reputation, and eventually get fired
> That’s pretty much the bottom line, said Ron Biscardi, chief executive officer of Context Capital Partners. “It’s really not that hard.”
yes, it is, you cunt, because you have no control over what they'll invent

Not gonna make a poo joke but India is literally Cuckistan at this point. You're in no position to offer advice.

> Men have to step up, she said, and “not let fear be a barrier.”
sure, the day woman protest against whores and false accusations

Dude, just don't rape women.

#BelieveHer #YesAllMen

>don’t rape women
Digits confirm.

the nerve of these cunts
> a mere verbal, unsubstantiated statement from me can get you fired, unemployable, and in a lengthy and costly judicial process
> why don't you want me near you, bigot

lmao to them the only good woman is getting fucked, the rest can fuck off

how predictable, but understandable no less

>call men assholes and rapists
>men who aren't assholes and rapists take measures to avoid being mistaken for one
>demand men take measures to increase the chances of being mistaken for an asshole and rapist
>men don't
Like clockwork.

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the fuck you talking about they literally patrol their thots in utero

You got those mixed up.

>The virgin sexual predator
Has to spend money on roasties.
Humiliates himself to get female attention.
Has to break the law in order to get laid.
Even if he isn't a rapist he is still called a rapist.
Terrible KD ratio.
>The chad avoider.
Clear and powerful thoughts, free from the maddening effects of women.
Enhanced with celibacy magic.
Incredible physique attainable only through self focus and self romance.
Amazing education from nights not spent being ruined by women.
Excellent KD ratio.
Calls the police when women attempt to rape HIM.
Saves civilisation.

>>no windowless rooms
Whats the rationale with this decision? Is she going to jump if you grab her butt?


Only glass rooms allowed so others can see that you aren't raping her behind closed doors.

>poo in loo
>can't help but bring up trains
You people are a menace

I believe it’s windows to see into the office from the hall or other offices.

windows facing inside, moron


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>Whats the rationale with this decision?

Anyone can see inside the room, this way she can't say you did anything

Attached: HTB1EOWAPFXXXXctXFXX760XFXXX8.png (848x573, 535K)

>wear a body cam at work

GG roasties

avoid them at all costs, women are the devil


>not know how to train
Show bob vagene ok? I

Attached: _87211432_trainmathurreuters.jpg (624x383, 59K)

I already do. It's a pen camera with 64gigs of memory. I upload it all to a cloud server every day.

Attached: 1511349776062.jpg (544x725, 60K)

Are women self aware?
Do they realize that they are being massive cunts and are simply taking advantage of the weak men or is just pure instinct?

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As an attorney this is going to effect the amount of sexual harassment lawsuits I deal with, guess I can go back to defending school shooters that don't kill themselves.

Based Brokers

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>Ron Biscardi, chief executive officer of Context Capital Partners
lol right beside the TGIFridays and across the street from the Target

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-05 09-58-19.png (446x317, 117K)

This is the best approach and we all know it.

oh, this makes more sense lol
Glass walls sound more explanatory imo but its semantics.

Not sure if paranoid or sensible.

just don't hire women

stay strong trains is hard job

I haven't had to use it yet but I feel more confident having it running.

> Men have to step up, she said, and “not let fear be a barrier.”
Fucking typical. "Men must fix this unnecessary, avoidable problem created by women."

>b...but muh gender discrimination

Bitch, I don't assume genders during the interview process.

I hope that dude has a woman falsely accuse him and he loses his job.

Do women think about anything beyond the front of their faces at any given moment? No.
It used to be appealing, their naievite. Now it is just willfully ignorant and getting old. Just means when the pendulum swings the other way, gen z is going to be filled with based traditional minded individuals. It's like pottery.

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Show Pusy sexy thaat how train

Top kek, criminally underrated

I didn't even have to ask. Thank you user.

Every single indian dude I've ever met has been the epitome of a beta male.
You are nothing but a nation of socially awkward 8 year olds.

someone repost the pic

Feminism is macro-level nagging, henpecking, ball-busting, gaslighting, and manipulation. It is the feminine imperative writ large - of accruing as much utility as possible to oneself and one's offspring from men through the least amount of viable effort. But whereas the essential, natural relationship between men and women was, since the dawn of man, transactional - an exchange of sex/procreation for provison and protection - the new male-female relation is basically theft, with benefit and utility going one way, for nothing.

Societies are built on essentially transactional behaviors. Feminism defeats the most basic and foundational transactional behavior by which societies are prolonged. Hence, declining birthrates, failed marriages, and aborted fetuses, etc. This is how giving women political freedom kills a civilization.

>"He asked to meet me after everyone went home. It was in the windowless meeting room, he liked the risk of maybe getting caught by the janitor. I think he was having an affair with one of them, he was always saying 'Fuck Jannies', that was his slang term for the cleaning lady because she was called Janice."

>Now, more than a year into the #MeToo movement — with its devastating revelations of harassment and abuse in Hollywood, Silicon Valley and beyond

So basically the two most liberal pro-feminist "industries" are full of rapists but don't worry... the candidates Hollywood and Silicon Valley supported are totally pro-women!

the pic in the OP I mean, someone repost it pl0x, it got removed somehow


What if you’re virgin? asking for friend.

What model? I need to protect myself also.

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>reposting drawn cp for his Jow Forums bros
gentleman and scholar

Hilarious, because of it less and less women will be hired as they pose a liability to the companies that otherwise would hire them. Pottery.

You will not have to use it for possibly years but the fucking second you do EVERY woman you work with will get pissed at you for daring to film all your meetings and will entirely forget that you were falsely accused of rape. They won't say it to your face but they'll all resent that you were so paranoid.

Know now that giving a fuck what they think is the weakest thing you can do.

Also make sure that you get the exact date, time and location of the harassment before you come forwards with the video/audio when you need it. Don't say "I have most of my meetings on tape, which one was it?" because they'll insist it was somewhere that you wouldn't have filmed(a bar, a park etc), get a time, date, location locked down otherwise they'll cry and turn it on you.
Stay Strong, bitches be crazy.

Paranoia is underrated in these dark times.

you gave me a good kek, thanks

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Aren’t there laws about recording conversations regarding consent. I think some states have single party consent but I’m not so sure if it applies to video recording. I’m thinking of recording myself at work too, but I want to make sure not to get a lawsuit because of it. Perhaps it’s a lesser of two evils type of thing.

white women are destroying black communities.....


Post notice that meetings are recorded. If outside of workplace, make sure it is a public location (bar, restaurant, etc.). That's all.

Indeed. This is also why any system governed by women is doomed to failure. It's only a matter of time before they completely fuck themselves.

“No man should call a woman a horse face”

It’s almost like they’re their own worst enemies and shouldn’t be listened to so much.

Fuck open plan offices. Idc how much money you make you suck if you work in an open plan office.

Women are property and should be treated as such.

Don’t your women form gangs with brooms to beat your sexual predators (aka all your men since y’all a bunch of betas)

It's not white women it's (((white women)))

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Fuck off pajeet

>Finally, he landed on the solution: “Just try not to be an asshole.”



Fear is a reaction to an unpredictable event.

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Unironically this. Fucking this.

Yeah and in this care, it is a very rational thing for a man to be afraid about. Really not surprising they would resort to manipulation through shaming language.

>Our misandry have consequences. Who could have foreseen this?
>Should we eliminate this anti-male culture that permeates not just the workplace, but all society?
>No. Let's double down on what caused this to begin with

This is not going to end well, for anyone.

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>This is not going to end well, for anyone.
Just sit back and enjoy the collapse, brother.

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I fucking hate this one. Can't wait for christianity to come tame their asses.

just like the jew gassing himself everytime

>Are women self aware?
Lol no. Why do you think they are so susceptible to Jewish propaganda? They are only aware of their feelings (and of the feelings of their children if they reoroduce).

At least our women are toilet trained.

>open office
That's like that faggot that's always in meetings and calling for meetings saying he works hard.

>This is how giving women political freedom kills a civilization.
Good point user. Good point.
It's not political power I think, the problem is "pretending" that men and woman are equal. If everybody would accept what everybody knows, that women are like that, they prefer work with people and not things, most of them are petty, like gossip and freeze in critical situations, then everybody would be ok with the transactions and there will be no problem.
Segregated workspaces would be natural, or we can come back a few decades when nobody cares and office romance was a-OK, Transactions.

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My favorite argument against the concept of equality is that it doesn't even exist in math. To say that 2 and 2 equal 4 is really more succintly put as 4 is 4.

And anyone who argues by anecdote, saying that they know some smart lady who's a lawyer or whatever is ignorant of the reality of bell-curves and statistical distributions - policy has to be made on the averages, in the aggregate, ex ante.