longest life span in the world

> longest life span in the world
> lowest crime rate in the world
> world class food
> world class transport network
> world class electronics
> world class education
> world class whiskey and sake
> world class robotics
> world class automobiles
> world class motorcycles
> word class gaming entertainment
> world class night life
> world class women
> world class wives
> world class shopping
> world class internet network
> third largest economy in the world
> already selling 8k TVs
> everything made in Japan
> invented crypto currency
> no illegal immigrants
> legal sexual services
> zero sjw problems
> free to own firearms
> no mass shootings
> legally own Jow Forums

Does your country even come close?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>dying out as we speak because they have to work so much theres no time for fugging

>free to own firearms

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No , it’s shit (UK), that’s why I moved to Japan.

Have to inhect fat into breasts and post porn to feel good about themselves

You forgot
>sleeps in a coffin sized apartment for easy disposal when worked to death

Insects / Down Syndrome looking people

It's just like with the swords

You can carry a gun if you are in good standing with the local shogun

stop. let us talk about titties and drink beer instead of this drivel.

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you're a vassal state of my country and your people are dying out

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those tiddies are waay too big. prove me wrong: spoirer you cant

>World class women...

Too far user..

best breasts in porn and best stepmom porn

The wife thing is a flat out lie and your dumb working conditions of sixty hours a week is retarded

Stay a monoculture, diversity is a weakness

I want to rub my benis between those boobers my dudes

plus the only religion with a sense of humor: zen

yeah, but tbf only because we used to be part of the japanese empire

I lived in your country 2 years. Let me see

>lowest crime rate in the world
>world class electronics
Its not the 90s anymore user
>world class night life
>world class education
>already selling 8k TVs
8k is a meme
>zero sjw problems
>free to own firearms
Licenses are a pain in the ass and only for a few ones
>world class sake
no kidding
>world class women
>world class wives

I agrre with the rest.
You are not japanese tho

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Japanese are spaze lizzards who try destroy western civilization

KYS already, Glen.

Nope. Please makes us a vassal state.

japs are okay but weaboos must go.

I’d rather my society work itself to death rather than be diversified out of existence.

Those are the Chinese dude.

This. Fuck off OP, go back to your country.

>lowest crime rate in the world
your shitty police dismisses many of the murders as suicides
two nukes weren't enough

Can't fucking compete. Lucky for me you guys passed that new immigration law, so? I'm learning some basic jap rn and coming to BLEACH all this tight asf yerrow pussy. OOGA BOOGA MUH DIKK

says the german.

If it wasnt for the US defending you China would sink the Island of Japan for what yall did in WW2. You know this to be true. They hate you and are waiting like a crouching tiger to strike as soon as the US takes a step back. Better keep praying Trump doesnt leave Japan.

Free to own firearms?

Fucking lol

British law makes it easier to own guns than Japanese law.

Also you have zero presumption of innocence in court.
And legal proceedings are not adversarial like in the US but inquisitorial like in France.

That means that the Jus
She AND the prosecutor work on the same side to find your guilt. And what do you know ow cases that go to trial have a 99% conviction rate. Almost like they convict innocent people.

>Does your country even come close?
Yes, we have Japanese class suicide rates and soon will beat you in killing ourselves.

Keep crying.

amerimutts manage both at the same time,

>You are not japanese tho
also I concur, 8k is a fucking joke. there is barely 4k content out there but nip incels will buy just about anything

Judges and prosecutor.

Not Jus she.

Fucking auto correct

>free to own firearms


>>zero sjw problems
It's true? Japan has SJW

>Dying out
>Reducing population slowly without genocide or crash
Japan is too crowded as it is

Native Gernans have a much much lower birthrate than the Japanese. Stop believing Jew propaganda.

>population stabilization == extinction
Toppest of wews

>Does your country even come close?
Lol no but nice tits

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Don't forget worship whitey and be ugly midgets.


Japanese just prefer high quality and good skills/success. The west can simply earn their respect by proving they are worthy.

> be Japanese
> live depressing materialistic life
> go to work on a cramped train
> work all day
> do unpaid overtime
> get forced to go to karaoke with boss
> get on a cramped train back to tiny apartment
> watch shitty reality TV or gameshow with NPC celeb reactions until finally fall asleep for 5 hours before the cycle starts again

For all the terrible shit happening to Europe, it's better than existing as a bugman. I'd rather have an uncomfortable life with a cause to fight for than to live in the hive.

How do I fool a Japanese girl to come here and marry me?

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they focus on Japan because it’s homogenous and highly developed
They will be homogenous and highly developed long after Germany as we know it is gone.

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>population stabilization

nice euphemism you got there

>Ugly midgets
Tom Cruise had to wear stilts to match Ken Wattanabes height on camera

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so does the krauts

ruined a perfectly good jap with those bobs


as far as objective linear history goes, their bloodlines have rerouted from the nephilim

You are a pedo/faggot/pedofaggot
Case closed, point proven. Don’t @ me

China is the ant colony

Japan is the land of the rising sun

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Jewish woman likes Ethiopian and arab man

>woman are literal pokemons with their high pitch voice
>impossible to find one who'd not leave you for a white guy
>wth even is pic related
>#1 pervert of the globe
>fucking fukushima lmao
>letting in shitskins to breed with your woman

enjoy the ride nip bro


god damn it i'd trade my limbs for a night with anri

honestly the worlds most beautiful woman imo

They both have the insect tendency.

Your a vassal state of an Israeli proxy and my people are dying out


How can a 10yo have such massive milkers?

Love you, Japan. Never change.

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Tom Cruise is also abnormally short and likely a crypto-Jew, what's your point?

Tom cruise is below average height i.e. an outlier. Watanabe is above average height, also an outlier.
We measure mean and median for a reason. Watanabe being tall doesn’t erase all the Asian dwarves in the world. Tom cruise being short doesn’t mitigate the fact that the the Dutch are all 6’+
Are you making a point or do you just like to type?

Asians are bug men, they all look the same.

Those are real friendo
You a homo?

Japan sux dont come here

Like you have any right to criticise Japan retard

80percent of mutt posters are reatrded and dont deserve a response. honestly & unironically wtf are they feeding these freaks

THIS. go to Japan and prove this wrong. spoiler: you cant.
its not hard at all

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kaho is au natural my friend. unless you meant she'd be better flat but in that case you can just kill yourself

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Tell me about schoolgirl alley

Japan could be amazing if they didn't jew in the late 90's.

listen. challenge accepted. happy hanukah

Hell no.
You've got as bad as a divorce race as ours, from what I've heard.
>Illegal immigrants
You do however have ethnic enclaves and similar issues revolved around them.
>No mass shootings
Mass stabbings, however.

Most of that's comparable to literally any euro/anglo nation.

big tits are gross.

>invented crypto currency
nick szabo isn't jap
>world class night life
>world class wives
pick one faggot
other points are valid though, based japan, but you forgot a few points like
>overwork self to buy useless shit
>high suicide rate
>invented neetdom
>only country in the world to be nuked...twice
>literally doing nothing about previous point
>cucks because of previous point
>eat too much s o y, literally s o y boys
>invented anime

you cant kill what is already dead. flat chests ftw

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all the time near golden gai "hey my friend" the ammount of darkies and rod stewarrt motherfuckers is too damn high in ikebukuro tbqh

Guys guys Abe's gov cucked in under jewish shit and decided to allow 400000 additional foreign workers into the country GRAB YOUR CHANCE!

The idea that populations must always be growing is a Jewish meme based on the idea of endless economic growth. There is no need to reproduce above or even at replacement if your country is not threatened by mass migration or muttification.

el goblino

lol assumptions. tldr: happy hanukah

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This is true. You can't criticise a country based on population decline unless in that same country non-natives are growing in number.

Yo wait, hol' up.
When did Asians start having big asses?

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another one? Im gonna get exhausted wishing all you fuckers a happy hanukah.

Ok pedo

There's always outliers.

happy hanukah to you too, what a time! HH

Hello brother

Go back to /lgbt/ you fucking gay ass pedophile

Japanese occasionally have them due to onions and beef consumption.

plastic surgery

*happy hanukah in a distance*

>mfw retired

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happy hanukah quit trying to westernize japs, they hate you worse than we do
