How to stop be afraid of males? Everytime when I see something about girls online male simmediately start write something awful like "whore", "all women are useless", even in games if you dare say anything some guys would be rude and trying to offend. I saw MGTOW reddit, all thing they write and just start crying. I can't believe that males really hate women so much. What we did? How we deserve such hate all around? I tried to be friends with a guys but they wanted only to fuck me. Now I just can't communicate with males because think treat me only like a hole or just "another stupid woman". What do
How to stop be afraid of males...
Go outside and talk to actually nice people
We, we, we, we.
Stop being an idiot and internalizing other people's retardation.
Stop visiting Jow Forums for a start. I don't think I've ever met anybody in real life who is as angry, bitter and derogatory towards women as the vast majority of posters who come here.
If you surround yourself with hatred and the hive mind of misogyny that is Jow Forums, you will end up assuming that this is just what men/people are like. It isn't. Take a break, go outside and speak to normal people.
Of course there will be horrible and potentially dangerous people in real life as well, but you should see a variation at least.
Why are you on Jow Forums if you can't deal with misogyny? That shit's everywhere here along with a bunch of other degeneracy
It's not only Jow Forums. Basically it's everywhere online
Honestly I’m a girl and I go on Jow Forums and ignore it. guys that are misogynistic racist intel’s— they’re an extreme. I also use tumblr and you can see the same kind of stuff from girls who’ve sworn off men because they hate them. Political lesbians saying it’s better to just separate from men then work through their issues. It’s just bitter sad people on both ends, go outside and meet nice people. Most humans are not bad despite it feeling that way sometimes!
feminism happened.
When men see women partake in their their hobbies, they assume it's for inauthentic reasons. They think you are there to seek attention and validation by being the only female. Some are frustrated by the inevitable drama that will ensue when half of them try to get in your pants.
>most humans are not bad
Pick up a history book
LOL, you're really trying hard to believe in what you saying
Yes, online its bad but at least you hear the truth of what they believe and they don't know where you are. IRL most hide their evil, they still only think you are a hole and a thing to be used and discarded but they have to hide it from everyone. Heaven help you if you catch on and try to get away because they will stalk you down and rape and/or kill you.
Since we must go out always make sure you are in a group of other females.
Great advice.
Oh god the english.
>countless generations of nameless farmers and craftsmen living peaceful lives until they die making up the vast majority of the population
I'm shocked.
>"What we did?"
>very emotional and play the victim
>behave like princesses almost all the time
>in ever yfirst or even second world country the state is giving you everything on a silver platter
>men kill themselves multiple times more often than women (in my country - Poland - men kill themselves over 8 times more)
>you live longer than men
>you are on retirement longer than men because of the above
>you get special treatment in media and in corporations, everything is made to cater to you
>education is designed for women
>everyone can shit on men, even in public, and nothing is done againt that person, but say one negative thing about women and you are sexist and can have your career ruined
>you have no interests, if men have their own spaces, it is now ruined because of the feminism, men aren't allowed to have anything for themselves
>but women-only events and spaces are more than fine
>wage gap doesn't exist
>you can solve everything by spreading your legs
>you play innocent pure virgins but cheat left and right and whore yourself out
>man has to work hard to be able to even get a 6/10 girlfriend if he is not born as a Gigachad that gets 100 matches on Tinder while you can get most men you want by just being above average
All of the above and yet you still bitch and complain how bad you have.
And you wonder why men don't like women?
Sure, it's not nice that you are treated that way, but you need to also understand that it's not like people out there are to get you. Also most people in real life won't say such things, it's only on the internet because of users being anonymous.
You forgot almost automatic custody of children, preferential treatment in courts and lesser sentences for the same crime.
Fuck I love being female.
Calm down Jenny Holzer turn the caps off
y-you do realize that we live in the most peaceful era of human history, right?
People got burnt at the stake for mouthing off nobles a few hundred years ago.
I read a study that showed almost 70% of the Internet name calling women experience actually comes from other women.
I'm calling bullshit.
SURELY you have to know that the boys on Jow Forums and in gaming rooms are NOT typical of the male population. Most have never even spoken to a real live girl, and for that reason they hate all girls just for not being available. So the same nerdy teenager who can't talk to a girl in real life hides behind the anonymity of the web to vent insults he wouldn't dare say if he had to sign his name.
The converse is therefore likely. The kinds of guys you are likely to meet and be friendly with in real life are the sort who ARE capable of normal interaction with girls and therefore don't need that cowardly resentment
Not that hard to believe. Women are catty like that.
Well then please link me the study.
I hear after your third rape, you just become numb to it and can just go on about your business after.
>People got burnt at the stake for mouthing off nobles a few hundred years ago
and teenage girls get raped and burnt alive almost weekly and nobody is willing to stop it
stop positing this shitty bait
I don’t understand why you creeps want to talk about this every day. You realize you’re all going to die, right? And some of you will have spent over a year of your lives taking disability checks, going on Jow Forums, and arguing about the dangers of promiscuity in women who aren’t even interested in you.
I don't think men sudden started acting this way because of feminism. I'm older than you probably and had to deal with "scary" men in my youth. Which was way before modern feminism.
dumb ud have to be a senior to be older than feminism
please stop posting in this thread it’s not advice related.
So you are blaming feminism from the 70's on men in their 20's actions?
get the fuck out. This thread very important for some people
not materially, thats for sure
Violence has been trending down pretty much every decade though.
>y-you do realize that we live in the most peaceful era of human history
Except islamic countries
Its usually the privileged women that act this way, like the women who grew up upper middle class or upper class.
There is a heightened risk of associating with women; whether that be intercourse, dating, marriage or even friendship.
Here are a few of the biggest reasons why;
>The judicial system is stacked against men and can easily ruin your life
>Third wave feminism; I don't believe there is anything I can say about this that hasn't been said before
>Various movements that can be considered separate from Feminism or loosely related, such as "#MeToo" encouraging women to report "sexual assault"; "sexual assault" being a range of actions from winking and nodding to grabbing someone's tits and cunt.
>The modern woman's personality and behavior is grotesque; it's extremely appalling that countless women behave like children (I've seen multiple women go to the lengths of sporting crocodile tears), if not worse. This one may sound personal, but it is not, I have no interest in loathing women (if anything I feel pity for what most have become).
Personally, I find the average modern woman to be a heinous and manipulative creature.
Personally, I find the average modern woman to be a heinous and manipulative creature.
stop bumping the troll thread
How is that troll thread?
Women suck, that's why
its bait. dont you know bait?
there’s about 1000 people like you guys on Jow Forums at a time. some are so obsessed and autistic, and I know this is really sorry to believe, that they actually set up troll threads so they can spark conversations about how muslims are bad and women are bad.
I’ve seen this OP three times now.
The same faggot that complains about "classism"
Stop posting this shitty bait and being retarded in general.
As I said many times before, receiving welfare checks doesn't increase your social standing so maybe pick up a book and work harder .
>I saw MGTOW reddit, all thing they write and just start crying.
Most of them don't. Infact you deliberately went to a place for guys who are not only sick of women but emotional enough to engage in a community about it instead of just letting go. At that point it's a given that there's going to be harsh shit floating around.
In general, though, people aren't all that hateful, just crass for the sake of getting rid of overly sensitive people.
turn off the caps lock tumblrfag
>Jow Forums
>ree why are they calling me whore
Well, men have a harder time than women socially by a margin. Your social life heavily affects your thoughts, emotions and feelings.
On the internet you are free to express your feelings especially because you can be anonymous while doing so.
Does it make sense now?
maybe you should stop being a whore lol
no Einstein.
all of you, please stop bumping this stupid bait. I've seen this thread three times.
these kinds of comments are probably samefagging to bump the thread
It could even be a bot
>only Jow Forums is sexist
>I tried to be friends with a guys but they wanted only to fuck me
And? It's not like women make fun friends anyway compared to guys If we aren't getting sex from you why would we want to be your friend?
stop talking and make me a sandwich while sucking my cock you whore
Go R9k and honestly ask. I did. Tons and tons and tons and tons of replies from fembots with devilish posting saying they do it.
People on the internet are shit dude.
>Go R9k and honestly ask.
>I read a study
Kill social media, stop watching the news, and never return to Jow Forums.
Lots of great guys out there, you just need to stop being jaded to attract one, and that will never happen here.
The most attractive women ive ever met worked in remote places with no access to media.
>I went to an internet site for assholes, and all I could find were assholes, Why is everyone on the internet an asshole?!?
You can train yourself to detect misogyny in men, just pay attention and you can avoid bitter, hateful people.
>why do women act like princesses all the time?
>if a women acts like anything orher than my idealized virgin princess she's a whore
You don't get to have it both ways Tanto.
I have used Jow Forums since 2007. This place has always been a place where bitter and unsuccessful men who hate the female race congregate. The difference is, back then, there are almost no women who posted here. Those that did were only remembered of they posted tits.
Today I see more women than ever before. It's pretty common on certain boards including soc, fit, fa, and of course adv.
But if you women want to be part of anonymous society, you have to learn how to handle the bantz. This is how people really talk and feel when the mask of identity is peeled away and they are given anonymity to express their darkest and most toxic feelings. You have to learn to see it and not get upset, not exactly pity the people but learn to treat them with scorn and disinterest because they really just crave attention and can't hurt you.
Because nothing bad ever happens to women in places without major feminist movements or ever happened before feminism.
Why revive this thread
This × 1000
men die violently and otherwise more often than women, everywhere
but muh raep. Fug your feefees boi nobodu cares you got trapped in a mineshaft because a shady guy I invited home forced himself on me :'((
Because the tripfag is posting again. He will spam this thread as well for sure.
Yeah because of other men. That's like saying poor niggers because they can't stop chimping out and killing each other.
>because of other men
suicide and heart failure for the most part. Workplace and traffic accidents next.
You kill yourselves because talking about feefees is not masculine, you eat like pigs because that is masculine, you work dangerous shit because it's what men are supposed to do and drive like retards. Duh.
That's a little inefficient don't you think? Would require you to be in the kitchen. Just let her make it then suck you off later.
I didn't touch this thread, this one was on you.
but not at the hands of an angry woman
>started crying from what I read on plebit
If I was to cry from what women say to my face without even prompting a conversation it'd be a flood, PRINCESS
If this is real, realize they hate themselves not you. They just want to blame someone else for their problems. Don't let them affect you and their bitterness will hust consume them anyway.
There are nice men out there and plenty of shitty women too. Just don't engage with these kinds of people. And don't read it.
Not the case, you really need to take a long hard look at yourself and your kind.
The time it took you to write this you could have made any sort of effort to not hate yourself but nah, cowards take the easy way out.
Aka trolololo along~
I do hate myself, which is the kind of insight you and most other women will never have because you live on excuses from the day you are born. Always someone elses fault or that thing that happened way back that traumatizes you's fault whenever you are criticized or fuck up. I've been with a fair share of women, this hate isn't because of ignorance, its because of experience.
>It's bait because I disagree with it
Nice. Have a bump.
>you live on excuses
>always someone else fault
>I've been with women
>its because of experience.
oh god try harder. it's not even making me feel pity for you, just annoyed that you cannot even put effort into your whining. if you are so broken get therapy, something plenty of men and women have gotten because they wanted ro better themselves.
for someone who thinks they are so superior you like to make a lot of assumptions to justify it, which is a sign you need to work on yourself.
I didn't contradict myself. I don't hate myself because of women, atleast I didn't say it. Keep your pity for someone else, I don't need that either.
Also men don't get therapy from some other faulty human. We off ourselves if broken enough. Look at the suicide vs gender statistics in your country. Should shine a light on the stupidity of this whole thread
here's the extent of my misogyny
girls aren't as funny as guys, girls have inflated value esp if theyre into niche shit where theres a skewed male to female ratio, and dating for young women or finding a partner to be intimate with is way easier for them
like these are my most misogynistic beliefs. r8?
Women suck but men need them for sex and kids. Of course most of us are going to hide our feelings. I don't think men "hate" women (though some do), but the majority realize the low worth of women and what they are actually good for. For most western women there really isn't anything they are good for besides sex though, hence why you might think it's "hate" - but even the most redpill-type guys don't have any hate, at most they have disdain, but most of them love women.
Women are the devil. Hurr hurr
Bait and you're morons for replying, but God bless ya for doing the work
Hate is a pretty strong word for a general, vague dislike based on experiences that accumulate over the years.
Most women I have met and fucked showed strong signs of irrational behavior and a vicious "I definitely know better" mentality. They would always say A and do B, thus after some trial and error I never "tried" to reason with them about anything again. Win an argument and you're an enemy or get verbally abused when facts are missing to finalize the point they're trying to get across. This behavior seemed not to change based upon the woman's intelligence or education but often seemed to be exaerbated by former qualities due to an additonal "certified superiority".
A notable exception were older women who had a strong background(loving parents) and family based values.
What I found most annoying and "cruel" was how many used a non-optimal companion as a long term partner to be able to wield power successfully(most often channeled via the "sex/reward trap"). This was intensified by the general weakness of many (modern) males who had zero guidance by their fathers and grew up in a women-friendly environment. Total semi-cowards who kneel to the fishy cave that sometimes enthralls them. Additional negative impact seems to be added by todays job market which castrates some males finacially resulting in being never able to provide "what is expected".
Welp - what a hateful, pseudo intellectual para-graph.
why'd you have to end it off like that
like you were saying something cool and then you were like "yeh. what a shitty paragraph" and it fucks up the effect of it