Redpill me on alcohol.
Redpill me on alcohol
Don't start drinking, it'll ruin you
Start drinking, it'll ruin you
a sin
Start ruining, it will drink you
It can dehydrate your body in unpredictable ways, leading to increased muscle strains for a few days afterward.
It will ruin you.
drink ruining, it'll start you
Start drink stinky pink
Remember, that up until very recently, beer, wine, cider, mead etc, where not considered alcohol. It was only rebranded for taxation. Distilled spirits should be thought of as either medicine or fuel and used in moderation.
Plink dripping Roon u
3 days sober starting to feel ready to drink again.
It starts out okay and then people who have no idea that dopamine addiction is a thing, get trapped in the cycle of drinking. My grandfather drank since he was 15, he remained that age roughly until he died at 78. Drank 9-10 beers a day with whiskey shots in between, and he didn't die due to the alcohol but from terminal cancer. So there's some misconception about it being outright horrible for your liver, some will die early, some will live to expectancy. The worst part is your behavior, with it killing your inhibition it allows you to be okay with making an absolute jackass out of yourself. I know a 35 year old who fucking thought it was a good idea to message his high school bully, who has a family of his own now while he is alone and drunk. Jackass.
Potato water is best water
It's delicious and makes the pain go away for a while.
its healthy
1 glass of dark wine with dark chocolate a day, enables insane levels of computing power for your brain.
It's nearly as bad as onions when it comes to estrogenification
It's degenerate
Only beer.
Keep thinking that you proto female
Based and redpilled
Yup due to the gluten. It's why heavy beer drinkers get a nice pair of titties to go with their belly.
keeps the nightmares away
No it's not. Jesus and his disciples drank wine. Getting drunk and abusing it is a sin. But drinking it socially and knowing how to handle your whisky is chad as fuck.
I forgot to mention. It is also the preferred fuel (first utilized) of the body. Most people forget that alcohol is a fuel source (calories) along with fat, carbs, protein etc.
just woke up from a 2 week bender. alcohol has destroyed any and every positive aspect of myself. I have destroyed my mind, body, and soul. alcohol is literally the devil and I would not wish its blight upon my worst enemy. It has made me impotent, degenerate and shameless. it has made me beyond suicidal. fuck alcohol and the horse it rode in on.
Oh look it's another alcohol thread.
This isn't obvious data mining to see how many of us are alcoholics, or anything.
Irony that they censored s-o-y changing it into "onions" since they actually help with testosterone.
Whiskey has zero estrogen
>damages connections between neurons
>damages liver
>damages gut bacteria ecosystem resulting in reduced serotonin production
Don't drink more than 1 drink per day.
You have done that yourself.
But user you only live life once u kno
It's literally the second oldest recipe we know of (beer).
It is human culture.
Alcohol is a facilitator of degenerate behaviour.
>mcdonalds made me fat
Old beer weren't high in alcohol contents
I am well aware.
You gotta quit friend. I've been down the addict road and I understand that feeling, pain pills and alcohol are similar in that they both make you bleed out of your ass, but that was enough for me to go cold turkey. When they compare alcohol withdrawal to xanax as two substances that can kill you in withdrawal I just dont get how people continue to abuse the shit. But i guess until you're actually sick and tired nothing will change
3 shots of bourbon and I'm rock hard and ready to pound...
Responsibility and will power. Two things dearly missing in the world today.
Keep away from it I wish I did
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
I must have rye whiskey or I'll surely die
You know full well that people with IQs below 120 have a difficult time assuming their own personality. The majority gets drawn in the degenerate behaviour by others, facilitated by alcohol. Do we allow 4 years olds to handle live handguns?
>Beer contains hops which makes male estrogen levels rise
>same with dark liquor
>never mix with soda
>only drink white liquor and if you must mix only do it with natural juices because it’s better on the liver
It was still alcoholic, and definitely alcoholic enough to get one drunk (as it was used in religious ceremonies for that exact purpose).
I like benzos and opiates.
>tastes like shit
>destroys your body
>makes you act like a nigger
give me one reason why alcohol should not be banned
>inb4 b-but it's fun
Degenerate shit. Some people know their limits but it's only a few lucky ones. It's a trap. Don't buy it.
t.been drinking since 12 and quit at 23
thanks for the kind words pal. i've been in it big time but never like this. the way I see it is that its abstaining or death. I'm glad most people can have a healthy relationship with alcohol but I can not.
Been there, was prescribed pain pills after back surgery and benzos after killing someone. Horrible time, gotta eat so much fiber on pain pills just to have a semi decent shit it will drive most people mad. Then eventually the nightmares come from the xanax and you start saying/doing stupid shit and are almost belligerent in convincing yourself you're completely fine. Mix em together and you have a very degenerate time.
Name me one country where alcohol is banned that isn't a giant shithole
yeah I'm sure the reason they are shitholes is because they aren't drunk 24/7
But why? Dark vs light?
Depends which alcohol. In Croatia and other Balkan countries men used to drink a couple of shots of rakija each and every day and they lived a healthy life of 80-85 years old. I guess the catch is you should do it in moderation and only get wasted maybe once every 3 weeks-month.
I hear you, being able to acknowledge your weakness is really the first move into the right direction. The real problems occur with the people that think they actually have their addiction under control and are completely fine. No buzz feels as good as sober living with proper practice of self control. Make an honest person out of yourself and you will be able to look into the mirror without guilt
Many bad things have come about because of alcohol, but more good than bad. If you can drink, do so.
Lol Paki
please do not do it user. we are better than this.
Alcohol is an integral part of social cohesion. It's part of the reason why Muslim men are always chimping out.
I'm sorry to hear that brother. Seek the Lord and pray for His strength in casting out the Devil's stronghold in your heart.
The Liquid Jew.
No but in all seriousness alcohol consumption has been part and parcel of European life. In my opinion its absolutely necessary for any successful festivity. It's a good social lubricant.
But alone and habitually it is a poison to be shunned. I enjoy a stiff drink every now and then. It can be a good release valve.
Cliché but still: always in moderation.
Flag checks out
t. nigger
everyone who drinks should be shot
Don't drink cheap alcohol. Good wine, good liquor, and good beer in moderation make life better. Cheap shit you drink for the effect will ruin you.
Go back to Saudi Arabia Mohammhad
I started smoking weed to help quit my alcohol addcition, and it worked
but now Im addicted to weed
so dont be like me
>muh acting like a nigger is essential for social cohesion
They have oxygen in a can for sale now. When someone falls asleep drunk and you have to wake them up to ask them to move the oxygen helps them to sober up faster.
post vola link
Good for you, now just gotta take the adult approach to weed and only smoke at night before bed after you've earned it. Feels a lot better that way, used to smoke everyday morning noon and night and it was truly an addiction. Nothing better than making an oz last months and months now
Yet the most niggerish culture on Earth aside from actual niggers strictly forbids alcohol. Really made me think.
Is that an ugly woman or a tranny, I can't tell anymore
>I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
the worst part is that I have been facing this alone. drinking on the job, drinking before work, after I come home, hiding it from my fiance who can not help but to notice my increasingly erratic behavior. sober living sounds like a true dream and something I now aspire for wholeheartedly. I just dont wanna be a fuckup anymore.
thanks man, I need a higher power because when left to my own devices I tend towards desolation and ruin.
I am going to sleep now, I just wanted to let people here know how destructive alcohol can be to you. if you are a healthy and sober minded individual then by all means drink sometimes. but if you have an addictive personality stay away from that shit like the plague.
I didn't know alcohol was banned in america
was he white?
I don’t know about other bongs in here but after seeing this country turn to an authoritarian police state where naughty opinions are punishable by gulag but kiddie fuckers are allowed to roam free the drink turns into a coping mechanism. It takes the edge off when I’m not working. Christ, I can’t get out of here soon enough.
she's an incest fetish pornstar that's done videos while pregnant
both of my parents died because of alcohol so you probably should not start.
it is super degenerate and the most negative impact on society of any drug ever made.
it is responsible for the majority of abusive degenerate relationships that produce neglected children and single parent homes
it has a massive impact of healthcare costs and health problems of consumers
it is extremely addictive and destructive for a large amount of users
it keeps the plebs in check while they work their shit jobs for shit wages and drink themselves to sleep every night
it shrinks your penis
I had a similar problem. Start hitting a gym like crazy for 6 months you will forget about everything and your health will benefit from it
alcohol was spread to Europe in the bronze age by sandniggers meanwhile the ancient aryans were living in central Eurasia smoking weed. real aryans are tetotalers if you wander into a jigaboo neighborhood you'll notice everyone is drinking constantly
it's disgusting, unhealthy, degenerate and will give you tits
the only people that drink are losers that can't own up to the fact that they're losers.
alcohol is just another drug for faggots. stay away from it if you're smart
Alcohol is an actual neuro-toxin.
Ever seen alcoholics who can't walk straight? that's not the alcohol, they're probably highly functioning at that point. It's the damage the alcohol has done to your brain. And that damage can't be repaired.
Enough red pill?
You can always tell the losers with no friends by their stance on alcohol consumption.
No man past the age of 21 would feel this way unless they had absolutely no friends to enjoy a martini or old fashioned with. It's sad, really. You have no social obligations to go out to a jazz lounge or cocktail lounge because you lack friends and are likely socially awkward.
Having a nice old fashioned out with the guys listening to music is patrician. If you disagree you're a cuck antisocial loser.
jesus christ how new are you?
people in the old days drank wine because it was cleaner than water
>pretending like alcohol doesn't inhibit brain activity
fucking moron
will i turn into a szlachta capable of wielding a zweihander with one hand?
Unfortunately yes. Aryan genes too.
people only like alcohol to forget about their lives and to try to have sex
sex is degenerate and your life will be fulfilled and entertaining enough if you have real hobbies and get to know jesus
∴ alcohol is verboten
take the schlop pill
Some people have said you now have the power to try converting that addiction into something like weightlifting or playing an instrument.
Classic /b/
why would I be on Jow Forums if I had friends? go drink gasoline with your nigger friends
White Americans aren't niggerish